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How to Paint Everything – Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marines

In our How to Paint Everything Series we cover how to paint well, everything, with a look at different methods and techniques from different painters and with an eye for different skill levels. In this article, we’re covering how to paint the Thousand Sons, the most sorcerously inclined legion of Chaos Space Marines.

Although first mentioned during the Rogue Trader era in the Lost and the Damned book, the Thousand Sons really rose to prominence in Warhammer 40k’s second edition Codex: Chaos, receiving an expanded backstory and unique units to represent that the bulk of their faction had been transformed into animated suits of power armor known as Rubric Marines. It wasn’t until late in 7th edition that they’d truly come into their own, however – the faction received some massive support in the form of custom models. This included Magnus the Red, the first plastic primarch model to be released for 40k.

Since that time the Thousand Sons have become their own standalone faction, with a number of unique models and rules that mark them apart from their less-psychic cousins. The army now features a number of unique characters and units, such as the twisted Tzaangors and the Mutalith Vortex Beast. There’s a lot of variety in the army beyond just the animated suits of armor known as rubric marines.

Paintwise, the Thousand Sons have some of the most detailed power armor in the game, with lots of thin trim, striped patterns, and magical flame effects. These details can make painting the faction a daunting process for newer players, and can make painting Thousand Sons models a time-consuming process.

Covered in this Article

  • The basic elements of Thousand Sons models and how to paint them – from gold trim to arcane fire
  • Different schemes for the Thousand Sons, with different techniques for painting them
  • Special units for the faction, such as Tzaangors and Magnus the Red

Gold Trim Header

Gold Trim - Click to Expand

Gemstones Header

Gemstones - Click to Expand

Lighting Effects Header

Lighting Effects - Click to Expand

Cloaks and Tabards Header

Cloaks and Tabards - Click to Expand

Desert Bases Header

Desert Bases - Click to Expand

The Schemes Header

The Schemes - Click to Expand

Special Units Header

Special Units - Click to Expand

Where to Find More

The Thousand Sons are a complicated faction with an interesting history. They have a lot going on visually, and they’ve changed quite a bit from their original concepts in the Rogue Trader days. If you’re looking for more schemes and inspiration, consider digging into resources on ancient Egyptian clothing, which was both more colorful and varied than you’d expect – there’s more to it than striped headwear styled off Tutankhamun’s golden funerary mask. Codex: Thousand Sons is also full of inspirational ideas, with a look at the different cabals that make up the splintered warbands of the Thousand Sons.

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