How to Paint Everything: Spider-Foes Affiliation Box

With the recent addition of the characters Electro, Shocker, Vulture, and Sandman to Marvel: Crisis Protocol, the Spider-Foes affiliation has grown into a rather large and robust affiliation for players to choose from, and has become even more popular with the release of these same models.  Atomic Mass Games has made it easier than ever to start your journey with this affiliation by boxing up Lizard, Green Goblin, Kraven the Hunter, and Doctor Octopus together in the Spider-Foes Affiliation Pack.  This box gives you four affiliated characters and one leader model (Green Goblin). Here is how I completed these four models in my usual sketchy comic-book style. I don’t mention it, but I paint all of my MCP bases with Vallejo Game Color Glacier Blue.


  1. I painted Lizard’s skin with Games Workshop Death Korps Drab and then highlighted it with GW Elysian Green.
  2. For Lizard’s pants, I used Vallejo Game Color Hexed Lichen highlighted with Vallejo Model Color Blue Violet.
  3. Lizard’s lab coat was a challenge, like anything that is supposed to be white is.  I gave it a foundation of GW Celestra Grey and then really punched up the color with Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White.
  4. I needed a bold color that would really pop off the model for his ripped shirt, so I decided to paint it red. I started with GW Wazdakka Red and then highlighted with PA Bold Pyrolle Red.
  5. I finally painted his tongue with GW Emperor’s Children, his eyes with GW Yriel Yellow, and his teeth with PA Bold Titanium White. 
  6. For his base, I painted the metal parts with PA Brown Grey, PA Bright Warm Grey, and PA Bold Titanium White. I painted the water with VGC Glacier Blue first to make the water color even brighter, and then finished it off with PA Sky Blue. The rest of the base I covered in Glacier Blue before using black ink to line off the entire base and model.

Green Goblin

  1. For the iconic skin tone of the Green Goblin, i basecoated all of it in Games Workshop Warpstone Glow and then sketched in highlights with GW Moot Green.
  2. For his cloth, I painted it exactly like Lizard’s pants: Vallejo Game Color Hexed Lichen and then Vallejo Model Color Blue Violet.
  3. I painted his hoverboard with my usual comic-style combination of Pro Acryl Brown Grey, Pro Acryl Bright Warm Grey, and then spot highlights of Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White.  
  4. I chose not to highlight his pumpkin bag, and just left it after painting it with GW Kantor Blue. 
  5. For his pumpkin bombs and exhaust from his hoverboard, i based them all with Vallejo Game Color Glacier White because I knew I was going to use fluorescent colors, and those really benefit from a light basecoat.  I then used PA Fluorescent Orange and PA Fluorescent Yellow over that light basecoat.  
  6. Finally, I painted his base with Glacier Blue and used black ink to line off the model and the base to finish it up.

Photo Credit: Beezer

Doctor Octopus

  1. I started out by painting the largest area of the model: the green parts of his costume. I based this in GW Warboss Green and then highlighted these areas with GW Moot Green.
  2. Next, I painted the yellow areas of his costume, and I really wanted these areas to be bright.  I used GW Yriel Yellow to set the color tone, and then highlighted it with Vallejo Model Color Ice Yellow.  Ice Yellow is also a really good color to mix into flesh tones when you need another highlight.
  3. The signature Octupus arms and goggles needed to look like metal without actually using metallic paint.  I based them in GW Eshin Grey and then gave them a line highlight with GW Stormvermin Fur. I finished them off with dot highlights of Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White.
  4. I kept his skin and hair simple and just used GW Pallid Wych Flesh and GW Gorthor Brown.
  5. Finally, I painted the purple area in the center of his belt with Vallejo Game Color Royal Purple and then gave it a small highlight of Vallejo Game Color Warlord Purple. After this, i finished the model by lining it off with black ink.

Photo Credit: Beezer

Kraven the Hunter

  1. I painted the areas of his skin with GW Bugman’s Glow and GW Kislev Flesh. I painted his hair and goatee with Vallejo Model Color Black and then highlighted it with Pro Acryl Bright Warm Grey.
  2. For his spear and kukri, I painted their handles with GW Bloodreaver Flesh, the metal blades with Pro Acryl Brown Grey, Pro Acryl Bright Warm Grey, and Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White. I painted the decorations on his spear with Pro Acryl Pyrrole Red and GW Lothern Blue.
  3. I painted the mane of hair on his back with Vallejo Model Color Green Ochre, and then his vest and loin cloths with Vallejo Model Color Parasite Brown. I used VMC Black and VMC Green Ochre for the spots on his loin cloths.
  4. Lastly, I painted his pants with GW Thondia Brown and then highlighted them with Warcolours Nostalgia Serpentbite Leather. I finished the model by painting his boots with VMC Black and highlighting them with PA Brown Grey, and then I lined the model off with black ink.

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