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How to Paint Everything – Red Corsairs Chaos Space Marines

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint, well, everything, with a look at different approaches and techniques, and some of the lore behind the schemes. In this article we’re looking at the most famous of the renegade chapters, the Red Corsairs.

The Red Corsairs were first introduced in the 2nd edition Codex: Chaos, primarily as an example of a more “modern” Chaos Space Marine force, showing us that even in the 41st millennium, space marines could fall to Chaos. Led by the warlord Huron Blackheart, the Red Corsairs were made of both the remnants of the Astral Claws chapter and renegades and traitors from other chapters across the galaxy. Rather than spending time in the Eye of Terror, the Red Corsairs make their home in the Maelstrom, a naturally occurring warp storm at the galaxy’s core.

The story of the Red Corsairs starts with the Astral Claws, a loyal chapter of Space Marines tasked with defending the Eastern Fringes of the Imperium from threats coming from the Maelstrom. They built a powerful fortress on their homeworld of Badab and were considered staunch adherents to the Codex Astartes, save for one key element – under chapter master Lufgt Huron they ignored the restriction on the size of their fighting force, growing to well beyond a thousand battle brothers. Huron aspired to lead a force with the power of the legions of old, and hungered for more and more power.

This became clear when, after ending a rebellion on the Hive World Badab Primaris, Huron stepped in and took over as planetary ruler, naming himself “The Tyrant of Badab.” Annexing the other planets in their system, Huron continued to expand, asking for more resources from the Imperium to bolster his forces. His requests were declined. When Huron decided not to send the Imperial tithe in protest, it set into motion the seeds which would blossom into a deadly war of insurrection known as the Badab War.

The Badab War saw space marine infighting on a scale not seen since the Heresy and when it was over the Astral Claws had been defeated and forced to flee into the Maelstrom. Their Chapter Master, Lugft Huron, managed to survive the ordeal (though not unscathed), and they would rename themselves the Red Corsairs. Under Huron’s command, the Red corsairs have become pirates and raiders, attacking the Imperium and ransacking their supplies. They’ve become a haven for traitors and renegades from across the Imperium, and Huron commands power second only to Abaddon among mortal Chaos Lords.

Covered in This Article:

  • How to paint Red Corsairs Chaos Space Marines.
  • Notes on the heraldry of the Red Corsairs.
  • Thoughts on converting a model for Huron Blackheart.

Red Corsairs Heraldry - Click to Expand

TheChirurgeon's Method - Click to Expand

Huron Blackheart - Click to Expand

Final Thoughts

The Red Corsairs seem like a standard red-and-gold chaos marines army at first glance but they have a lot going on with them and offer a ton of opportunities to do cool conversions and use more modern space marine kits. Whatever scheme you end up choosing, we’ve hopefully provided you some instruction and inspiration for how to paint it.

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