Hey everybody, in today’s How to Paint Everything I am going to go over how I painted Maverick for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. This special agent turned Weapon X test subject and Team X teammate of Logan and Sabertooth sports a predominately yellow costume, which we will be painting starting with a yellow spray primer. I’ll go over some simple non-metallic metal effects and show you how I painted his base as well.
Below you’ll find a handy chart showing which colors were used across this model. Let’s get to it!
Painting the Yellow Armor
To make coverage as easy as I can, I started with Daemonic Yellow spray primer from Army Painter. I then painted the shadows with a mix of Flash Gitz Yellow and Genestealer Purple. From there I highlighted it up with various mixes of Flash Gitz Yellow and White.
- Basecoat: Army Painter Daemonic Yellow Spray Primer
- Shadow: Citadel Flash Gitz Yellow: Citadel Genestealer Purple
- Layer: Citadel Flash Gitz Yellow
- Highlight: Citadel Flash Gitz Yellow: Vallejo Model Color White
- Highlight: Vallejo Model Color White
Painting the NMM Silver
The non-metallic metal silver areas were painted with a basecoat of Luftwaffe Uniform WWII. I then added a layer of Luftwaffee Uniform WWII mixed with Ulthuan Grey before giving the entire area a wash with Nuln Oil. Once the wash was dry, I highlighted it with Ulthuan Grey and White before painting the recesses with Black to add some contrast.
- Basecoat: Vallejo Model Color Luftwaffe Uniform WWII
- Layer: Vallejo Model Color Luftwaffe Uniform WWII: Citadel Ulthuan Grey
- Wash: Citadel Nuln Oil
- Highlight: Citadel Ulthuan Grey
- Highlight: Vallejo Model Color White
- Darklining: Vallejo Model Color Black
Painting the Black Areas
The black areas started with a basecoat of Black. I then started highlighting it with Black mixed with Incubi Darkness, followed by Incubi Darkness on its own. From there I highlighted it further with a mix of Incubi Darkness and Ulthuan Grey and a final highlight Ulthuan Grey.
- Basecoat: Vallejo Model Color Black
- Layer: Vallejo Model Color Black: Citadel Incubi Darkness
- Layer: Citadel Incubi Darkness
- Highlight: Citadel Incubi Darkness: Citadel Ulthuan Grey
- Highlight: Citadel Ulthuan Grey
Painting the Hair
His hair was painted very simply. It started with a basecoat of XV-88, followed by a mix of XV-88 and Ushabti Bone and finally a highlight of Ushabti Bone on the highest points.
- Basecoat: Citadel XV-88
- Layer: Citadel XV-88: Citadel Ushabti Bone
- Highlight: Citadel Ushabti Bone
Painting the Skin
I totally cheated on this one. This dude must be super modest, the only skin his showing off is his chin. So I painted it with Tanned Skin and then gave it a quick Agrax Earthshade wash.
- Basecoat: Reaper Tanned Skin
- Wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade
Painting the Guns
No lie, his guns seem really boring to me. In general, I dislike painting all black weapons. So, to make it as quick as possible I just basecoated them with Black and followed it up with drybrushings of Mechanicus Standard Grey and White.
- Basecoat: Vallejo Model Color Black
- Drybrush: Citadel Mechaniucus Standard Grey
- Drybrush: Vallejo Model Color White
Painting the Base
My general go to for concrete colors starts with Stormvermin Fur as a basecoat. I then stipple or drybrush the base with Administratum Grey and Ulthuan Grey. Once that’s all finished, I give it a full coverage wash with Nuln Oil to dirty it up a little bit.
- Basecoat: Citadel Stormvermin Fur
- Stipple: Citadel Administartum Grey
- Stipple: Citadel Ulthuan Grey
- Wash: Citadel Nuln Oil
Special thanks to Atomic Mass Games for providing Goonhammer with the Weapon X and Maverick character pack. These guys are out now, just ask your friendly local game store for availability. Did you pick them up? If you did, hit me up on Twitter/X (brushwizard), Instagram (brushwizardry), or if you’re a member of the Goonhammer Discord server share them on the dedicated Marvel: Crisis Protocol channel.
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