How to Paint Everything: Lead by Example for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Welcome back, dear reader. Time for you to paint Plo Koon and “friends.” Read on for how I approached these models.

Plo Koon

Plo Koon painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill
Plo Koon painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill

We’ll start with the leader of this bunch before discussing his companions. Like most Jedi models, Plo is surprisingly monochromatic with his boring Jedi robes. Some pops of detail color and generous OSL help to alleviate this problem. 

  • I primed the model white because that’s almost always the correct choice.
  • Robes were basecoated with a 2:1 ratio of P3 Bloodstone and P3 Umbral Umber. I washed this with GW Reikland Fleshshade. When that dried, I mixed some GW Taul Light Ochre into the basecoat mix for a first pass of highlights. I did a second pass as well after mixing in more of the TLO.
  • The belt and boots were basecoated with the final highlight mix from the robes. (This helps tie them together and use up paint when I mix up too much.) Metal details were painted with Scale 75 Heavy Metal.I then washed the whole belt with GW Agrax Earthshade.
  • Plo’s pants and shirt were bascoated with P3 Menoth White Base, followed by a wash of GW Seraphim Sepia. I then did some edge highlights with the Menoth White Base.
  • For Plo’s flesh tone, I started with a base of GW Skrag Brown. This was washed with Agrax Earthshade. I then did a combination of drybrushing and painted highlights, starting with GW Deathclaw Brown, then mixing in Tau Light Ochre. Some final point highlights were done with pure Tau Light Ochre. 
  • Plo’s mask and glove…nail…things were painted with Black Metal, then washed with GW Nuln Oil. I did some light highlights with Scale 75 Heavy Metal.
  • The clone armor braces were painted essentially as any other clone armor. See below for a link to our article about painting clones and stormtroopers). If you’ve gotten any other paint on these by accident like I did, I recommend basing these again with VGC Offwhite or a similar not quite pure white. The red insignia was painted carefully with P3 Khador Red Base. 
  • You can find a detailed explanation of the lightsaber and OSL here. Plo’s saber skewed more towards white compared to Anakin’s. But that’s ok! There’s a lot of variation on screen, even in the same saber as they glow and clash, etc. I encourage you to try various shades of blue, and different ratios of mix-in paints. Have fun with it!
  • I blacklined the whole model to give it the cartoony, high-contrast vibe I like on my models. Essentially, you carefully paint a thin line of black to demarcate different areas of the mode. If you’re feeling fancy, you can play with other contrasting colors or by mixing color into the black.

Plo Koon painting tutorial for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McWhat
Plo Koon painting tutorial for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McWhat

And with that, I was all done with Plo Koon. Next up, Plo’s Bros. (No way I was writing this without saying that at least once.) 

Commander Wolffe and the 104th Wolfpack

104th Wolfpack Clone Troopers painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill
104th Wolfpack Clone Troopers painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill

As it turns out, we’ve already done a whole article on painting clonetroopers and stormtroopers. Bonus, I used Plo’s Wolf Pack clones as the demo models for that article. So rather than reinvent the wheel I encourage you to check out that article, including other authors’ takes on painting the boys in white. 

Padawan Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill
Ahsoka painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill

Several Goonhammer authors have already  provided their takes on painting Ahsoka. Those are all featuring the older Jedi No More version of her. But in case they are also helpful, I wanted to highlight them in addition to my own take.

  • Padawan Ahsoka’s armor has a distinct warm red tint to it, similar to Anakin’s. To recreate this myself, I basecoated the armor with a roughly 1:1 ratio mix of GW Doombull Brown and P3 Sanguine Highlight. I washed this with GW Reikland Fleshshade. When that dried, I highlighted by mixing in more and more Sanguine. The purple details in the front were painted with GW Daemonette Hide. 
  • The leggings were based with P3 Exile Blue. I washed these with GW Drakenhof Nightshade, then highlighted by mixing GW Shadow Grey into the Exile Blue. 
  • The lekku are a challenge, so take your time with these. I started with the blue stripes, since it’s easier to fix those. The blue stripes were based with P3 Greatcoat Grey. I carefully washed with Drakenhof Nightshade. Highlights were done first with Greatcoat Grey, then mixing P3 Menoth White Highlight into the Greatcoat Grey.
  • The white stripes were based with GW Administratum Grey. From there I kept mixing in Menoth White Highlight until I got a final basecoat I liked. Highlights were done with the MWH and a little of the grey. A few raised spots got pure MWH. 
  • Her belt was based with P3 Khador Red Base and S75 Black Metal. I washed with GW Carroburg Crimson and Nuln Oil, then touched up the belt with KRB again. 
  • Ahsoka’s skin tone was based with GW Deathclaw Brown, then washed with Agrax Earthshade. From there I mixed in more and more GW Tau Light Ochre for highlights. 
  • The lightsaber blades use the same technique linked above with Plo Koon, but started with GW Warpstone Green, and moved through P3 Necrotite Green up to Menoth White Highlight.
  • After a few details like eyes and saber hilts, I blacklined and based. With that, this box was done! 

Padawan Ahsoka painting tutorial for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McWhat
Padawan Ahsoka painting tutorial for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McWhat

We hope you find this guide useful for getting Plo and Co. ready for tabletop. Share your painted results with our social media, or join us on the Goonhammer Discord. Thanks for reading! 

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