How To Paint Everything: General Veers for Star Wars Shatterpoint

If you’re looking to add some Maximum Firepower to your Star Wars: Shatterpoint lists, we’ve got you covered for getting Veers and friends on the table. 

I was unreasonably happy to see an Empire model that wasn’t purely black or white when this box was first spoiled. Granted, it’s just some torso armor and a big goofy helmet, but when you’re painting a see of black and white, you take what you can get. As with all my models, I primed General Veers with white primer. 

General Veers painting guide for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill
General Veers painting guide for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill

  • The uniform was basecoated with GW Eshin Grey. This was followed by a GW Nuln Oil wash. When that dried, I highlighted first with a mix of Eshin Grey and GW Mechanicum Standard Grey. Final highlights were made by mixing in some Vallejo Heavy Bluegray into the previous mix.
  • The boots and belt were basecoated with a roughly 3:2:1 ratio mix of Scale75 Eclipse Grey : Pro Acryl Blue Black : Black. These were also washed with Nuln Oil. I highlighted first with the original paint mix, then pure Blue Black.
  • I used the same basecoat as the boots and belt for the gun. I followed the same steps, except skipping the intermediate highlight and going straight to Blue Black.
  • The armor and helmet were basecoated with GW Knarloc Green. This is a very old and out of production paint I still had knocking around in my collection. I recommend trying a more desaturated yellowish green such as Elysian Green or Nurgling Green from GW, or Pro Acryl’s Faded Green.
  • The Knarloc produced a more vivid and dark green than I’d intended. I washed it with GW Chtonian Ammoshade, which gave a nice contrast. But I wanted to tone down that vivid green, so I hit it with Nuln Oil next. That helped a little. I still wasn’t happy with the green, so I then washed it all with GW Carroburg Crimson.The red there helped to cancel out some of the green and desaturate the color somewhat. Finally, because it had been washed so many times, I was able to use just the Knarloc Green as a highlight.
  • I basecoated the skin with Pro Acryl Tan Flesh, and followed that with Pro Acryl Flesh Wash. I then highlighted with a mix of Tan Flesh and P3 Ryn Flesh. Final spot highlights were  done with Scale75 Pale Skin.
  • The visor was basecoated with Blue Black, then raised areas painted with some P3 Exile Blue. I did a thin highlight of P3 Underbelly Blue across the top.
  • Little greebly details and the like were painted with Vallejo Stonewall Grey (white lights), P3 Khador Red Base (red lights and rank marker), or P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight (blue lights and rank marker). The helmet/goggle strap was painted with P3 Menoth White Base.
  • I finished the model with my usual blacklining and basing, and that was that. 

Thanks, and I hope you’ll share your own takes on this model with us in the Goonhammer Discord!

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