How to Paint Everything: Fistful of Credits Squad Pack

Fistful of Credits is the first in what will hopefully be a long line of bounty hunters and scum. These characters span from the Clone Wars era through the Galactic Republic, allowing the Bounty Hunter supporting unit to fill in some Galactic Civil War squads. These miniatures encompass the Wild West feel and have the most room for artistic interpretation if you feel so inclined.

As discussed previously, the Star Wars Shatterpoint Fistful of Credits Squad Pack features Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, and the bounty hunters. These are some of the most fun builds to date and a joy to paint.

Fistful of Credit Group Shot
image by Tom Reuhl

Prepping and Pinning

I start by building and pinning all my Shatterpoint miniatures to ensure their sturdiness during play and travel. I don’t always do both feet, but at least one creates stability for when the mini is picked up.

Then I applied a layer of Citadel Colour Chaos Black primer, let that dry, and then hit it with Citadel Colour White Scar primer to create a zenithal effect. I wanted to make sure the faces and highlights popped color, so I went in with brush-on white primer to ensure consistency and thorough coverage.

Cad Bane, Notorious Hunter

Cad Bane Turn
Image by Tom Reuhl

Cad Bane Colors Used:

  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Talassar Blue
  • Army Painter Speed Paint – Poppy Red
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Darkoath Flesh
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Snakebite leather
  • Citadel Paint: Base – Leadbelcher
  • Citadel Colour: Shade – Nuln Oil
  • Army Painter Warpaints: Ink Quickshade – Dark Tone
  • Vallejo Model Color – White

Cad Bane group
image by Tom Reuhl

I always start my miniatures in the order they would get dressed. Starting from the skin, to the shirt, pants, jacket, boots, then accessories. Since Cad is majority brown I also wanted to work in a few variant shades to the process.

I applied Talassar Blue speed paint to his face and hands. Avoiding the eyes to make sure the contrast of the red tone will also come through when painted. I did a single once over with the blue color letting it dry completely, then coming at it with more blue tone on the darker side of his head so the blue would still show through in the darker areas.

Once that was dried, I applied the Poppy Red to his eyes. Letting each single coat (total of 3) dry before applying the next to verify it was an even and dry tone before moving to the next coat. I then went back in with the Talassar Blue around the eyes to give that area a dark blue shade.

The under shirt for Cad is single application with a small brush of Darkoath Flesh. letting the white pop through giving the shirt a lighter color. I knew the shades would bring this darker anyways, so application was light and barely visible. I moved onto his pants and used a generous amount of Snakebite leather. Since it was the same color, I also utilized it on Cad’s jacket, gloves, and hat avoiding the bag strap on his jacket. Once this dried I went on the strap and used Darkoath Flesh again giving it a variant brown tone.

I chose to do his boots, gauntlets, gun, hoses, and accessories in Leadbelcher since the shade would tone it down and have it look age and much darker. I then used the Quickshade Dark Tone on his boots and his gauntlets to age them/dirty them a bit. Once all of that was dried I covered Cad in Nuln Oil.

After the Nuln oil was dried I mixed a bit of White into the Tidal Wave blue and fixed up highlights on Cad’s hands and face where necessary that may have gotten dulled due to the shade or the speed paint drying incorrectly. I did the same with his Red eye, leaving his left eye darker as it is hidden by the hat. Then finished a few details with Leadbelcher to bring up the silver tone on a few of the accessories.

Aurra Sing

Aurra Sing
image by Tom Reuhl

Aurra Sing Colors Used:

  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Basilicanium Grey
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Blood Angels Red
  • Army Painter Speed Paint – Poppy Red
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Wyldwood
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Snakebite leather
  • Citadel Paint: Base – Leadbelcher
  • Citadel Colour: Shade – Nuln Oil
  • Vallejo Model Color – Black
  • Vallejo Model Color – White

image by Tom Reuhl

Aurra Sing white skin and red details made for a stark contrast. I made sure her skin started stark white from the primer and applied some Vallejo White to make sure the edges and face were consistent. This was needed if the red would spill onto her skin a bit and just clean it up with the white. Taking a 2:1 ratio of water and Basilicanium Grey, I washed her skin and flesh to give the recesses a dirty look. Apply a few coats to her eye sockets to give her the sunken sickly look of her race. Once this was dry I went and worked on the eyes. building the white back up a few times, then applying the black iris.

Starting with Poppy Red, which is a lighter red speed paint, I applied to her hair. Then mixed a 1:1 ratio of Blood Angels Red and Poppy Red for her body suit. Her hair tie/bun is only Blood Angels Red. I used Snakebite leather on her gun strap, belt, and her left holster. Then used Wyldwood on her boots and her right holster.

I used Leadbelcher on her rifle, guns, belt accessories, and gun strap accessory. There are also little hair bobs/ringlets that I made Leadbelcher also. i covered the model in Nuln oil except the flesh/white areas. Since she is dull in color I did not go in and hit her highlights with anything other

Bounty Hunters

Chadra-Fans and Todo

Chadra-Fans and Todo 360
Image by Tom Reuhl

Chadra-Fans and Todo Unique Colors Used:

  • Army Painter Speed Paint – Tidal Wave
  • Formula P3 Carnal Pink Paint
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Skeleton Horde
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Imperial Fist
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Wyldwood
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Snakebite leather
  • Citadel Paint: Base – Leadbelcher
  • Citadel Colour: Shade – Nuln Oil
  • Vallejo Model Color – Black
  • Vallejo Model Color – White

image by Tom Reuhl

Starting with Fans face using Skeleton Horde to create light brown fur. I then lightly used the Carnal Pink to dry brush his ears and the tip of his nose after the first wave of contrast paints dried. I then used a bit more Skeleton Horde around the eye sockets to make it darker and once that was dry, added more whites to the eyes.

The shirt and pants are both one coat of Tidal Wave. The vest is Snakebite Leather, and the bag he is holding is 1:1 ratio of Wyldwood and Skatebite Leather.

Todo is a base of Leadbelcher, while I covered Todo, I also covered Fans gun. I used a few light coats of Imperial Fist on the eyes. I used one on the outside of the eyes as a glowing affect, and 2 on the white part to show vibrant yellow. Covering everything except the eyes and the pink parts in Nuln oil to bring it all together.

The Devaronian

The Devaronian
image by Tom Reuhl

Devaronian Colors Used:

  • Army Painter Speed Paint – Poppy Red
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Darkoath Flesh
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Wyldwood
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Snakebite leather
  • Citadel Colour Contrast – Basilicanium Grey
  • Citadel Paint: Base – Leadbelcher
  • Citadel Colour: Shade – Nuln Oil
  • Warpaint: Quickshade Red Tone Wash
  • Vallejo Model Color – Black
  • Vallejo Model Color – White

image by Tom Reuhl

For the flesh tones, a base of Poppy Red was applied and then shaded with a Red Tone Wash to add depth and shadow. The pants were painted with Snakebite Leather, with a bit of Wyldwood mixed in to create some variation in tone.The straps, additional parts of the pants, the belt, and the cape were painted with the rich brown shade of Snakebite Leather straight from the pot. The horns opted for a paler Darkoath Flesh to contrast with the redder flesh tones.

Metallic elements like the guns, belt buckle, and pauldrons (shoulder guards) were basecoated with Leadbelcher to give them a nicely blended iron/steel appearance.
To bring out the shadows and crevices, a wash of Nuln Oil was applied over most of the model, avoiding the red flesh areas and the white shirt. For the shirt, a thinned 1:1 Nuln Oil wash was used instead to just lightly shade the recesses rather than tinting the whole surface.

fistful of Credit Action Shot
image by Tom Reuhl

Fistful of Credits was a pleasure to build and to paint. Every character has a unique and vibrant color scheme, backstory, and pose. Lush red and deep blues give color and life to the battlefield in this all alien squad. I hope these sculpts become the standard moving forward for Shatterpoint miniatures.

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