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How to Paint Everything – Deathwatch Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. In this week’s article, we’re looking at the Deathwatch.

Founded by decree of the High Lords of Terra in the wake of the Ork campaign led by the tyrant known as The Beast, the Deathwatch are an elite group of Space Marines trained specially to fight Xenos threats. They operate as a branch of the Ordo Xenos Inquisition in much the same way that Grey Knights operate as members of the Ordo Malleus. Unlike Grey Knights however, Deathwatch Marines are not exclusive to the Deathwatch; instead they are veterans recruited from chapters across the galaxy to serve in the Deathwatch for a limited time before returning (should they survive). To be chosen to serve in the Deathwatch is considered a great honor for a Space Marine, and the details of their missions and service are kept secret under oaths made to the Inquisition.

For the Imperium, the Deathwatch are the best of the best when it comes to hunting aliens, an elite force outfitted with custom technology, armor, and tactics designed specifically to take on Xenos threats. Unlike Space Marine chapters, the Deathwatch do not abide by the Codex Astartes, and operate not as regimented squads but instead as a series of Kill Teams, small units of special forces that combine multiple specialties and armaments to accomplish specific tasks. In larger battles a Deathwatch army may field multiple Kill Teams to accomplish a goal, though for large-scale threats the Deathwatch will usually call on the help of the Astra Militarum or a chapter of regular Space Marines. Although their squads are different, Deathwatch are still organized into companies and have multiple chapters spread across a series of fortress-monasteries.

The Deathwatch were prominently involved in the awakening of Ynnead, the Eldar god of the dead. A Deathwatch kill team led by Watch Captain Artemis was dispatched to take out Eldrad Ulthran and his Harlequin allies from awakening the sleeping god, though at the time the Deathwatch had no idea what the ritual was for. They succeeded in their task of stopping the ritual, though Eldrad was still able to cause the god to stir, ultimately awakening to a limited degree some time later. Most recently, the Deathwatch have been fighting off threats from within, rooting out and destroying Genestealer Cults on key planets throughout the Imperium.

Covered in this Article

  • How to Paint the Deathwatch, with different methods for painting their black and silver armor.
  • Notes on the Heraldry of the Deathwatch.

Deathwatch Heraldry - Click to Expand

Painting Deathwatch

Deathwatch wear primarily black armor with two notable exceptions: The left arm, which is painted silver, and their right shoulder pad, which retains the heraldry of their original chapter. Because they come from all different chapters, many Deathwatch marines retain badges and markers from their original chapters, which makes modeling and painting them a real joy – if you’ve ever wanted to paint just one marine from a given chapter, the Deathwatch are a great way to compromise on this, letting you source bits for and model many different chapters without having to commit to a larger force or being left with unusable models.

While the scheme may seem simple overall, there are multiple ways to tackle painting black and silver, and as always, we’re covering several different approaches.

TheChirurgeon's Method - Click to Expand

Alfredo's Method - Click to Expand

RichyP's Method - Click to Expand

Purge the Xenos

Deathwatch are an army that are a lot of fun to build and paint, but also very forgiving for the new player – although the black-heavy scheme can be difficult to make models stand out (and certainly makes them harder to photograph), it’s forgiving with regard to paint methods and details. Likewise, because Deathwatch armies are elite; they have lower model counts and they work very well in Kill Team, making them a very good faction for beginners to look at. Hopefully we’ve provided enough detail and inspiration here for players to work with as they do their own Deathwatch.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or methods of your own you’d like to share, feel free to leave a comment below or email us at

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.

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