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How to Paint Everything – Chaos Space Marines

In our How to Paint Everything Series we cover how to paint well, everything, with a look at different methods and techniques from different painters and with an eye for different skill levels. In this article, we’re covering how to paint Chaos Space Marines, the traitor forces of the Adeptus Astartes who worship the dark gods in Warhammer 40k.

The Chaos Space Marines act as a dark mirror to their loyalist cousins in the 41st millennium, a living, hateful reminder of the Emperor’s hubris and the fallibility of man. Traitor and renegade marines have been around since the earliest days of Rogue Trader, though their backstory and details wouldn’t get fleshed out until the Realms of Chaos books were released a year into the game’s first edition. As evil space marines, the chaos space marines are the game’s second most popular faction, now split across several codexes to cover some of the legions dedicated to a single chaos god.

Unlike loyalist space marines, who are split into chapters of a thousand warriors, the Chaos legions have been fractured into a number of smaller warbands, each led by a mighty champion of chaos. These may vary in size from a few dozen men to thousands, from the remains of renegade chapters who defected later (such as the Crimson Slaughterto the massive combined forces of Abaddon’s Black Legion, which attracts traitors from across the galaxy and the original traitor legions.

This gives Chaos players a ton of flexibility on the tabletop, as Chaos forces are visually tremendously varied based on their background and their beliefs around the Dark Gods. There are multiple ways to paint each of the original nine traitor legions, plus the heraldry and color schemes they adopted during the Heresy, and schemes for noteworthy renegade chapters such as the Red Corsairs. It’s a lot, but in this series we’re going to cover all of it.

Covered in This Article Series

  • The basic elements of Chaos Space Marines models and how to paint them – from gold trim to power weapons to cloth and lenses.
  • Links to the How to Paint article for each of the original nine traitor legions, from the Alpha Legion to the World Eaters.
  • Links to the How to Paint articles for the most famous renegade chapters in 40k lore, from Huron Blackheart’s Red Corsairs to the proud warriors of the Flawless Host.

Common Visual Elements of Chaos Space Marines

While each legion and warband of chaos space marines has its own unique color scheme and heraldry, there are a number of common and shared visual elements between them. Rather than repeat these in each article, we’re including a number of the most common elements here. Note that more specific elements will still be included in the relevant article.

Gemstones and Lenses - Click to Expand

Gold and Silver Trim - Click to Expand

Accursed Weapons - Click to Expand

Lighting Effects - Click to Expand

Painting Chaos Space Marines

The Chaos Space Marines attacking the Imperium fall into two groups: Members of the original nine traitor legions who joined Horus in his rebellion, and renegade chapters of Space Marines who fell to Chaos long after the Heresy.

First Founding Legions

Six of the nine traitor legions are covered in Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

The remaining three legions have their own Codexes, and as such have their own articles, going into more detail on how to paint the heraldry and units of their factions. You can find links to these in the articles below.

Renegade Chapters

Special Models

Finally, there are some special models associated with the Chaos Space Marines who show up in their codex, but aren’t part of any specific Legion or Renegade Chapter. We’ve included links to their articles below – click on the banner to head over to the relevant article.

Final Thoughts

The Chaos Space Marines offer a ton of variety when it comes to both color schemes and the types of models you can paint – from helforged daemon engines to bloodthirsty legionaries to mutants and cultists, there’s a lot to work with and consider. Whatever scheme you end up choosing, we’ve hopefully provided you some instruction and inspiration for how to paint it.

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