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How to Paint Everything – Blood Angels Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint well, everything, with different methods and approaches from different artists. In this article we’re looking at the Blood Angels, everyone’s favourite Renaissance goth space vampires.

The Blood Angels are one of the original Legions, founded by the Emperor himself for the Great Crusade. Known simply as the IXth Legion, they were pretty creepy before they found their vampire angel primarch on Baal, gaining a reputation as the “Eaters of the Dead” for their habit of eating corpses. Along with this unpleasant habit, they were well-known as shock troops who sometimes took things way too far – known for their hunger for blood and death, the IXth Legion were a force which seemed to encapsulate all the worst aspects of the Imperium.

This all changed with the discovery of Sanguinius. Sanguinius’ great project was to reshape his Legion in his own image, turning them from savage killers into the noble warrior-artists which will be better known to 40k players. From there the Legion took part in several important actions in the Great Crusade, including fighting a gigantic Hrud migration, the Ullanor Crusade, and the War on Murder, the battle which would lead almost directly to Horus’ fall from grace. The Blood Angels would play a pivotal role in the Siege of Terra, helping defend the Imperial Palace from Horus’ assault.

While his Blood Angels fought ferociously on Terra, Sanguinius and a small retinue teleported aboard the Vengeful Spirit along with the Emperor and Rogal Dorn. There they were separated, every individual warrior experiencing their own personal battle above Horus’ capital ship. Sanguinius had long known that he would meet his death at the hands of his brother Horus, but he pressed on anyway, and was the first to encounter Horus deep within the halls of the battle barge. The two fought a titanic battle, but Sanguinius was unable to harm the warp-fuelled Horus, and was eventually struck down.

After the death of Sanguinius, the Blood Angels began to experience the Black Rage more often and more terribly. The Legionaries began to have death visions of their Primarch, imagining themselves to be Sanguinius aboard the Vengeful Spirit, stalking its halls, battling Horus, and dying. When the Legion was forced to split into smaller Chapters, this curse was taken to their successors too, with some like the Flesh Tearers experiencing the Black Rage even more powerfully than their founders. Those Marines who became lost to the rage were formed into the Death Company, a combination of elite shock troops and fearless berserkers lost to their own madness.

Throughout the millennia that followed the Horus Heresy, the Blood Angels were tireless defenders of the Imperium, warring on all fronts. The Blood Angels fought in both the 2nd and 3rd Wars for Armageddon, battled multiple Hive Fleets, and took part in thousands of other wars. They’ve been led for over 1,100 years by Commander Dante, the oldest serving Space Marine who is not interred in a Dreadnought. Dante has taken part in many of the most titanic battles of the Blood Angels’ history, including the Devastation of Baal, when Hive Fleet Leviathan invaded the homeworld of the Blood Angels. Following the defeat of Hive Fleet Leviathan, Dante was named Lord Regent of the Imperium Nihilus, the part of the Imperium which lies behind the Cicatrix Maledictum, by Roboute Guilliman himself.

Covered in this Article

  • How to Paint the Blood Angels, with different approaches to painting the red-armoured marines from different artists.
  • Notes on the Heraldry of the Blood Angels and how to represent their companies on the battlefield.
  • How to paint the Death Company, with their black armor.
  • How to paint the gold armor of the Sanguinary guard.
  • How to assemble and paint Mephiston, the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels.

Blood Angels Heraldry - Click to Expand

Painting Blood Angels

The Blood Angels are similar to the Dark Angels in that, while the army has a principle single color scheme, they also have multiple schemes within the chapter to represent different units of particular renown. Specifically, the black armor of their Death Company and the golden armor sported by their Sanguinary guard. This gives the chapter a ton of variety when it comes to painting them even after you settle on a method for painting their red armor.

Painting Black Armor - Click to Expand

Painting Gold Armor - Click to Expand

Jack's Method - Click to expand

Pendulin's Method - Click to Expand

Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms' Method - Click to Expand

Vengeance for Sanguinius!

Hopefully that gives you everything you need to start painting up your own Blood Angels, including the iconic Death Company and Sanguinary Guard. Blood Angels can be a very striking army on the tabletop, with their mix of red, black, and gold. If you have any questions about the methods here, or you’d like to share some models and methods of your own, shoot us a comment in the comments section below or send us an email at We love to get feedback from readers, and if you’ve got a Blood Angels army of your own you’d like to showcase in one of our Army Showcase articles, feel free to tell us that too — we’re always looking for new armies to showcase.

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.

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