This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Death Guard. To return to the parent article, click this link.
I’ve got a few models left in my Blackstone Fortress backlog. I’ve had the Plague Marines from the No Respite expansion sitting in my backlog for quite a while – I painted the zombies from it all the way back in 2020’s HTPE Zombies article! I’ve always been partial to pink Nurgle stuff, so I decided to give Barbie style a shot.
I went with the traditional GW pinks here. In the above photo I’ve basecoated them with Screamer Pink, then did a zenithal highlight with Pink Horror. I used an airbrush for this, but you can probably achieve a similar effect slowly building up drybrush layers.
To finish off the pink, I did a pin wash around all the recesses and joints with Sigvald Burgundy contrast. I then did an all over edge highlight with Emperor’s Children, then a more focused highlight with Fulgrim Pink at the sharpest points of the edges, or where two edges intersected. I also mixed a little bit of white in for the brightest specular highlights:

To make sure pink is the star, I made sure the rest of the colors were as low saturation as possible to enhance the contrast. The most important parts are the black (pink and black is a classic, after all) and the blue. The black started with a basecoat of Corvus Black, then edge highlights with Dark Reaper and Thunderhawk Blue. The blueish tentacles were basecoated with Two Thin Coat’s Marine Blue (GW’s Macragge Blue is probably close), then edge and volumetric highlights with Alaitoc Blue and Hoeth Blue, with a bit of Blue Horror on the sharpest bits.
This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Death Guard. To return to the parent article, click this link.