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How to Base Everything: Desert Bases

Basing is a critical part of the painting process. Armies on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium or the Mortal Realms will find themselves fighting across a wide variety of terrain, from lush jungles to barren rockscapes, industrial wastelands to agrarian fields. Your basing helps tell the story of your army – where are they fighting and why? In the spin-off How to Base Everything series, we look at different methods for basing your miniatures, so that you can locate them in time and space.

Deserts are a great setting for wargaming. The concept of the desert planet is a common trope in science fiction, whether it’s Tatooine in Star Wars or Arrakis in Dune. In the real world, a number of iconic battles (and, therefore, films based on those battles), have taken place in deserts – Lawrence of Arabia and the North African Front spring to mind.

True to this tradition, the worlds of Warhammer have featured deserts heavily. The famous Battle of Tallarn in the Horus Heresy takes place on the the eponymous planet, turned into an irradiated wasteland by the Iron Warriors. In the Old World, the lands of Araby and Khemri were based on North Africa and the Middle East, which have a large number of desert and semi-desert regions, and of course the Mortal Realms contain all kinds of locales – Aqshy, the Realm of Fire, is an obvious choice for a desert landscape, but any realm could feature them. Ghur is home to the Bone Desert for example.

In this article we’ll explore how to incorporate this biome into your basing, with different approaches and techniques for adding variety to what can otherwise just be sand.

Covered in this Article:

  • How to create desert bases for your miniatures, with multiple approaches that cover different types of desert terrain.
  • Reference material for painting deserts, showcasing the different types of desert terrain you can paint.
  • Tips and tricks for working with GW texture paint.

Reference Material

Making great bases is a lot like building a small diorama, and great dioramas start with reference materials. When you’re sitting down to do a desert base theme for your army the first thing to do is to get an idea of what kind of desert you’re looking at. The word “desert” probably conjures to mind something like the cartoon below:

Image by Freepik

Yellow sand, cactus, camels, some rocks. This is certainly a desert but it’s not the only kind. Here’s a few images of other deserts, which all look quite different (and I will point out at this juncture that yes I’m aware that Antarctica is also a desert and that not all deserts are hot, this is an article about basing not a geography lesson, just roll with it):

The Namib Desert

The Gobi Desert

The Rub’ al Khali

The Kalahari Desert

The Atacama Desert

As you can see, these are all very different looking. The Namib and the Rub’ al Khali are the most similar, but feature strikingly different colours – the Namib is much redder whereas the Rub’ al Khali is the “classic” yellow. The Gobi is a much more diverse landscape, with lots of reds, browns, and blacks, while the Kalahari features similar red soil to the Namib but has a lot more plant life. The sand in the Atacama, meanwhile, appears bleached and bone dry with lots of cracked earth.

This gives you a lot of freedom to experiment! You can go for the plain, empty wasteland style, or use scrub bushes and trees, and a wide range of colours. Below are a number of techniques our authors use to create their own desert bases – you can try using them, or take them as inspiration for your own.

TheChirurgeon's Method - Click to Expand

Zuul the Cat's Method - Click to Expand

Corrode's Method - Click to Expand

Kevin's Method - Click to Expand

Skails' Method - Click to Expand

Pendulin's Method - Click to Expand

Wasteland-Style Goodbyes

That wraps up our tutorial on desert bases but as always, if you have any tips or tricks of your own, questions, or comments, feel free to drop us a note in the Comments section below. Or you can shoot us an email at if you want to reach us directly or have a request for a future article. We’d love to hear from you!

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