In Hammer of Math we look at statistics and probability in Warhammer. This week, we’re looking at the lineup for the World Championships of Warhammer happening this week and trying to predict a winner!
Welcome back reader, to the second article in our ongoing coverage of the World Championships of Warhammer from a statistics perspective. In this article, we’re going to be reviewing how the event is going to work, the strongest (or easiest) groups, the expected winners of each group, the expected faction performance, and finally who we think is going to perform the best with their respective faction and who will take it all!
Event Overview and Structure
The World Championships of Warhammer has two stages, with three separate components: the group stage, followed by concurrently-run “World” and “Champs” brackets. These are played over the course of 4 days, with 2 games played per day.
The first stage of the event consists of 16 groups of 16-18 players (totally 274 registered attendees) who will play through four rounds of Swiss with the winner of each group advancing onwards to the Championship bracket. As there are some groups with more than 16 players, in the unlikely scenario that there are two players on four wins, then there will be a “shadow” round on the Friday evening.
The second stage has two components: the championship bracket, where the winner of each group will then play a further four rounds of Swiss, resulting in a single player who wins the entire event (note that draws are not permitted in this stage and they have a system for resolving battle point draws), and the rest that will fall between 2nd and 16th places. The remaining players who did not win their respective groups will then also play four games of Swiss, with the pairings continuing based on their record at that point.
A note that while winning it all comes with the most accolades, there are multiple other awards to win, including finishing 4-0 in the world stage, winning best in faction (which is determined by the best record for a player within a faction by Wins -> OGW% -> Battle Points), and several others. Each of these awards is also worth valuable WCW points for the player’s nation, so we’ll be exploring this a little more later this week.
A Note on Elo
We’ve been discussing Elo a fair bit the last couple weeks, and there’s some key things to point out before we go further with this coverage. Elo is one tool in predicting outcomes, and while we previously covered how well it can predict outcomes, one of the restrictions is that it requires a fair amount of data before it starts to accurately represent the skill of the players involved. Thankfully, as we reviewed last week, the majority of the players in this event have played quite a bit of Warhammer. Of the attendees, we lack data on 7 of the 274 participants – and for those we do have game data for, it’s quite extensive.
One of the other things that needs to be considered is that Elo can have regional bias; for example if you are to compare Elo between players from North America and Europe, you would need a fair number of players who play in both metas. If there is a lack of interaction, you can end up with Elo rankings that do not line up and some rather abrupt shifts as a result of an event that brings many different areas together. An element of this was seen last year at the inaugural World Championships of Warhammer, the results of which can be seen here on Stat Check’s website.
The Simulation
For the rest of this article, we’re going to be going through the results of an attempt to simulate and predict the outcome of the overall tournament. We’ve taken each group, randomly generated pairings for each round, and then used the expected winner based on the Elo difference between each player against a random number generator to predict the outcome. We then ran the tournament to conclusion, seeding the championship bracket with the winner of each group, and then repeated the process 50,000 times.
With that being covered, let’s go through the groups that have been assigned. Note that these may change as players may have to drop due to unforeseen circumstances, but this is the best we’ve got until the event proper!
The Group Stage
The 40k event has been broken down into 16 groups of 16 to 18 players, distributed as evenly as possible between the countries in attendance. Below we can see each of the groups, with their average Elo ranking, the player who is favoured to win the group, and their respective country & faction. The final column gives us the chance that this particular player will win their group.
Group | Player Count | Average Elo | Favourite | Country | Faction | Elo | Chance to Win |
1 | 18 | 1691.6 | Derek Apsche | United States | Chaos Space Marines | 1973.6 | 28.2% |
2 | 18 | 1706.8 | Folger Pyles | United States | Adeptus Custodes | 2009.1 | 30.5% |
3 | 18 | 1696.2 | Brad Chester | United States | Orks | 1968.5 | 27.0% |
4 | 18 | 1718.1 | Matthew McCurdy | England | Space Wolves | 1929.5 | 21.9% |
5 | 18 | 1718.4 | Justin Moore | United States | Necrons | 2011.1 | 29.6% |
6 | 18 | 1714.0 | Kit Smith Hanna | United States | Necrons | 1966.1 | 23.9% |
7 | 18 | 1706.0 | Manuel Wayand | Germany | Tau Empire | 1963.6 | 30.2% |
8 | 16 | 1729.0 | Michael Mann | United States | Orks | 1939.9 | 22.6% |
9 | 18 | 1688.7 | Andy Quas-Cohen | England | Necrons | 1933.3 | 26.1% |
10 | 16 | 1684.2 | Olivier WEISS | France | Dark Angels | 1842 | 21.0% |
11 | 18 | 1682.5 | Tim Schneider | Germany | Leagues Of Votann | 2008 | 31.8% |
12 | 16 | 1633.2 | Shaun Reynolds | United States | Astra Militarum | 1918.3 | 33.4% |
13 | 16 | 1642.4 | TJ Lanigan | United States | Thousand Sons | 1921.9 | 34.0% |
14 | 16 | 1685.3 | Cullen Burns | United States | Leagues Of Votann | 1874.9 | 20.1% |
15 | 16 | 1670.2 | Scott Ketcham | United States | Adepta Sororitas | 1866.5 | 20.1% |
16 | 16 | 1672.7 | Conan Jennings | United States | Space Marines | 1847.5 | 18.4% |
The first thing to note is that the highest Elo rank player in each group is expected to win their group, with one notable exception – Group 11 where Tim Schneider of Germany slightly edges out Samuel Pope of the USA. In this case, both players are quite close in Elo going into this event (Tim Schneider at 2008.0 and Samuel Pope at 2032.6), but they end up with very different pairing paths because of the restriction applied on same country players not pairing into each other until it is the only option available in resolving a group (or the event). These result in the slight difference between Tim Schneider (31.8%) and Samuel Pope (30.4%) chance of winning the group.
The other interesting thing here is that despite making up just shy of 38% of the attendees, Americans are overwhelmingly favoured to win their groups – 11 out of the 16 have American players as the front-runners. While this may seem like an over-representation, it should be noted that Americans have the 3rd highest average elo in the event at 1747.3, beaten only by the English (1773.9) and the German (1835.5) players, so the results are not too surprising. The table that follows summarizes each country’s representation at the event, the average number of their players that make the champions bracket, and finally the chance of a player from that country winning the event.
Country | # Players | % Rep | # in Top 16 | Chance to Win | Average Elo |
Germany | 7 | 2.55% | 0.98 | 11.8% | 1835.5 |
England | 14 | 5.11% | 1.52 | 9.4% | 1773.9 |
United States | 103 | 37.59% | 9.01 | 67.0% | 1747.3 |
Czech Republic | 2 | 0.73% | 0.08 | 0.2% | 1741.9 |
Spain | 8 | 2.92% | 0.48 | 1.5% | 1736.0 |
Finland | 1 | 0.36% | 0.02 | 0.0% | 1704.0 |
Australia | 4 | 1.46% | 0.15 | 0.5% | 1701.5 |
Switzerland | 3 | 1.09% | 0.24 | 0.9% | 1699.2 |
Norway | 4 | 1.46% | 0.11 | 0.4% | 1683.0 |
Sweden | 5 | 1.82% | 0.18 | 0.4% | 1675.2 |
Belgium | 2 | 0.73% | 0.05 | 0.1% | 1673.5 |
Canada | 45 | 16.42% | 1.67 | 4.4% | 1668.3 |
Italy | 6 | 2.19% | 0.13 | 0.1% | 1659.3 |
Austria | 1 | 0.36% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1649.9 |
France | 26 | 9.49% | 0.83 | 2.1% | 1637.4 |
China | 4 | 1.46% | 0.18 | 0.5% | 1605.6 |
Singapore | 1 | 0.36% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1598.2 |
Mexico | 11 | 4.01% | 0.22 | 0.7% | 1596.3 |
Vietnam | 1 | 0.36% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1585.4 |
Slovenia | 4 | 1.46% | 0.03 | 0.0% | 1567.0 |
Malta | 2 | 0.73% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1544.8 |
Colombia | 2 | 0.73% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1542.4 |
The Netherlands | 5 | 1.82% | 0.02 | 0.0% | 1542.1 |
Andorra | 2 | 0.73% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1537.4 |
Japan | 1 | 0.36% | 0.00 | 0.0% | 1520.0 |
Hungary | 2 | 0.73% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1514.6 |
Republic of Korea | 3 | 1.09% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1508.4 |
Malaysia | 1 | 0.36% | 0.00 | 0.0% | 1506.7 |
Chile | 1 | 0.36% | 0.00 | 0.0% | 1500.0 |
Uruguay | 1 | 0.36% | 0.00 | 0.0% | 1500.0 |
Thailand | 2 | 0.73% | 0.01 | 0.0% | 1481.0 |
As highlighted above, the chance for an American to win the event is 2 in 3, while making up 2 in 5 players. What is quite interesting is that both the German (11.8% chance to win against 2.6% representation and English (9.4% chance to win against 5.1% representation) beat the Americans in terms of their relative chance to win against their player representation.
Lastly, what makes these results very fascinating is that of the 16 groups, there are 12 unique factions that are expected to win. This speaks quite well to the state of the meta that the top players are playing a very diverse set of armies!
We’ve now hinted at the predicted event winners, but let’s look at faction performance first.
Faction Performance
For faction performance, we focused on what would be required for a player to achieve Best in Faction (BiF) for their particular faction. Several places have already covered the faction distribution at this event, and you can watch this space later this week for some breakdowns of the most popular factions. From our understanding, the Best in Faction awards are given out to the highest ranked player for a faction by Wins -> Opponent Game Win % -> Battle Points.
Faction | # Players | % Rep | Max Wins | Max OGW% | # in Top | BiF Prediction | Country |
Necrons | 30 | 0.109489051 | 6.63 | 0.60577 | 3 | Justin Moore | United States |
Tyranids | 14 | 0.051094891 | 6.57 | 0.54296 | 0 | Samuel Pope | United States |
Adeptus Custodes | 9 | 0.032846715 | 6.46 | 0.5431 | 1 | Folger Pyles | United States |
Astra Militarum | 26 | 0.094890511 | 6.4 | 0.56968 | 1 | John Lennon | United States |
Orks | 6 | 0.02189781 | 6.38 | 0.56109 | 2 | Brad Chester | United States |
Chaos Space Marines | 7 | 0.025547445 | 6.2 | 0.55135 | 1 | Derek Apsche | United States |
Space Marines | 10 | 0.03649635 | 6.19 | 0.55454 | 1 | Mark Hertel | United States |
Leagues Of Votann | 10 | 0.03649635 | 6.03 | 0.62017 | 2 | Tim Schneider | Germany |
Thousand Sons | 10 | 0.03649635 | 5.96 | 0.57512 | 1 | TJ Lanigan | United States |
Dark Angels | 9 | 0.032846715 | 5.94 | 0.5713 | 1 | Kyle McCord | United States |
Tau Empire | 16 | 0.058394161 | 5.87 | 0.60682 | 1 | Jack Harpster | United States |
World Eaters | 9 | 0.032846715 | 5.81 | 0.53571 | 0 | Brian Daugherty | United States |
Adepta Sororitas | 15 | 0.054744526 | 5.72 | 0.55721 | 1 | Jeffrey Kolodner | United States |
Space Wolves | 9 | 0.032846715 | 5.58 | 0.60051 | 1 | Austin Wingfield | United States |
Black Templars | 3 | 0.010948905 | 5.57 | 0.51473 | 0 | Ben Cherwien | United States |
Aeldari | 13 | 0.047445255 | 5.51 | 0.56857 | 0 | James Kelling | United States |
Death Guard | 11 | 0.040145985 | 5.46 | 0.56058 | 0 | Noah Neundorfer | United States |
Grey Knights | 7 | 0.025547445 | 5.39 | 0.52199 | 0 | Donovan Sailo | United States |
Genestealer Cult | 7 | 0.025547445 | 5.32 | 0.56506 | 0 | Alex Spathopoulos | United States |
Imperial Agents | 2 | 0.00729927 | 5.1 | 0.49618 | 0 | Robert Moreland | United States |
Blood Angels | 17 | 0.062043796 | 5.01 | 0.58342 | 0 | William Fuhrimann | Switzerland |
Drukhari | 6 | 0.02189781 | 4.94 | 0.5616 | 0 | Ridvan Martinez | Canada |
Chaos Daemons | 10 | 0.03649635 | 4.67 | 0.56241 | 0 | Niklas Fritschen | Germany |
Imperial Knights | 9 | 0.032846715 | 4.48 | 0.54525 | 0 | Brian Jones | United States |
Chaos Knights | 3 | 0.010948905 | 4.48 | 0.55114 | 0 | Eric Marcoux | Canada |
Adeptus Mechanicus | 6 | 0.02189781 | 4.13 | 0.53103 | 0 | Richard Siegler | United States |
The two most difficult factions to achieve a BiF award for appear to be a two-way tie between Necrons and Tyranids, each with a maximum average wins of 6.6 games.
Event Favourites
Now we come to the main event – who is favoured to win the event? Unsurprisingly given the amount of talent in attendance, there is no one clear favourite. Instead we have several players that have very similar chances to win the event, as shown below.
Player | Expected Win % | Country | Faction | Elo |
Tim Schneider | 6.14 | Germany | Leagues Of Votann | 2008 |
Justin Moore | 5.96 | United States | Necrons | 2011.1 |
Samuel Pope | 5.39 | United States | Tyranids | 2032.6 |
Folger Pyles | 5.02 | United States | Adeptus Custodes | 2009.1 |
Manuel Wayand | 4.03 | Germany | Tau Empire | 1963.6 |
John Lennon | 4.03 | United States | Astra Militarum | 1973.2 |
Brad Chester | 3.84 | United States | Orks | 1968.5 |
Derek Apsche | 3.44 | United States | Chaos Space Marines | 1973.6 |
Kit Smith Hanna | 3.37 | United States | Necrons | 1966.1 |
Andy Quas-Cohen | 2.73 | England | Necrons | 1933.3 |
The current favourite is Tim Schneider of Germany, coming in with Leagues of Votann and an initial Elo of 2008 (Ranked #8 in the world), with a 6.14% chance of winning the event. This means that across 50,000 simulations, Tim won 3,070 of these. Following closely behind him are two players with home ice advantage – Justin Moore (5.96%) and Samuel Pope (5.39%). What’s interesting here is that Samuel Pope and Tim Schneider are both in Group 11, meaning that the winner of this group has a more than 1 in 10 chance of winning the event overall between these two alone (they also make up 62% of those who make it out of their group).
Full Results
Looking to see how your countryfolk are predicted to perform? Look no further – we’ve uploaded the full results from these simulations below. Most of the columns are fairly straightforward, with only Average Placing being a bit head scratching until you dive into it a bit deeper. No one player has an average placing below 29, which seemed high right up until we realized that because of the championship bracket, unless someone had a guaranteed chance at winning their group (no one does, TJ Lanigan is the strongest favourite in Group 13 at 34.0% chance to win), there are more cases where they will finish 17th+ place than cases where they’ll finish 1st through 16th place.
Player | Elo | Country | Group | Faction | Detachment | % to Win | % Top Cut | W | OGW% | Avg Placing |
Justin Moore | 2011.1 | United States | 5 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 5.96% | 29.59% | 6.6 | 53.5% | 30.7 |
Samuel Pope | 2032.6 | United States | 11 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 5.39% | 30.43% | 6.6 | 54.3% | 29.6 |
Folger Pyles | 2009.1 | United States | 2 | Adeptus Custodes | Talons of the Emperor | 5.02% | 30.51% | 6.5 | 54.3% | 32.7 |
John Lennon | 1973.2 | United States | 5 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 4.03% | 24.67% | 6.4 | 52.9% | 37.2 |
Brad Chester | 1968.5 | United States | 3 | Orks | War Horde | 3.84% | 26.96% | 6.4 | 52.5% | 37.0 |
Kit Smith Hanna | 1966.1 | United States | 6 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 3.37% | 23.89% | 6.3 | 52.9% | 39.8 |
Derek Apsche | 1973.6 | United States | 1 | Chaos Space Marines | Chaos Cult | 3.44% | 28.23% | 6.2 | 54.5% | 38.7 |
Mark Hertel | 1949.5 | United States | 6 | Space Marines | Gladius | 2.70% | 21.60% | 6.2 | 52.5% | 43.1 |
Shaun Reynolds | 1918.3 | United States | 12 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 2.26% | 33.41% | 6.1 | 51.9% | 40.6 |
Tim Schneider | 2008.0 | Germany | 11 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 6.14% | 31.79% | 6.0 | 62.0% | 34.6 |
TJ Lanigan | 1921.9 | United States | 13 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 2.28% | 33.95% | 6.0 | 53.5% | 43.4 |
Kyle McCord | 1912.2 | United States | 6 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 1.79% | 16.98% | 5.9 | 51.7% | 52.2 |
Michael Mann | 1939.9 | United States | 8 | Orks | Dread Mob | 2.30% | 22.62% | 5.9 | 54.3% | 48.9 |
Jack Harpster | 1889.4 | United States | 3 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 1.55% | 17.05% | 5.9 | 51.0% | 55.1 |
Brian Daugherty | 1884.8 | United States | 5 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 1.43% | 14.42% | 5.8 | 51.3% | 58.2 |
Manuel Wayand | 1963.6 | Germany | 7 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 4.03% | 30.23% | 5.8 | 60.7% | 42.2 |
Jason McKenzie | 1906.5 | United States | 4 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 1.36% | 16.06% | 5.7 | 52.9% | 57.0 |
Jeffrey Kolodner | 1904.7 | United States | 4 | Adepta Sororitas | Hallowed Martyrs | 1.45% | 15.95% | 5.7 | 52.8% | 57.0 |
Scott Ketcham | 1866.5 | United States | 15 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 1.14% | 20.11% | 5.7 | 51.0% | 59.1 |
Cullen Burns | 1874.9 | United States | 14 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 1.18% | 20.05% | 5.7 | 51.5% | 59.4 |
Quinton Johnson | 1874.6 | United States | 9 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.98% | 14.97% | 5.6 | 51.4% | 61.5 |
Zach Point | 1855.1 | United States | 15 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 1.00% | 19.04% | 5.6 | 50.7% | 62.6 |
Austin Wingfield | 1833.0 | United States | 12 | Space Wolves | Champions of Russ | 0.84% | 20.78% | 5.6 | 50.1% | 63.4 |
Andy Quas-Cohen | 1933.3 | England | 9 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 2.73% | 26.13% | 5.6 | 60.6% | 49.0 |
Ben Cherwien | 1870.2 | United States | 2 | Black Templars | Righteous Crusaders | 0.95% | 13.00% | 5.6 | 51.5% | 65.1 |
Matthew McCurdy | 1929.5 | England | 4 | Space Wolves | Stormlance Task Force | 2.38% | 21.88% | 5.5 | 60.1% | 52.8 |
Sascha Alexander Edelkraut | 1854.2 | United States | 11 | Black Templars | Righteous Crusaders | 0.69% | 10.74% | 5.5 | 51.0% | 67.5 |
James Kelling | 1839.4 | United States | 3 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.78% | 12.25% | 5.5 | 50.0% | 70.0 |
Conan Jennings | 1847.5 | United States | 16 | Space Marines | Vanguard Spearhead | 0.79% | 18.39% | 5.5 | 51.1% | 65.9 |
Tony Phillips | 1841.3 | United States | 16 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.80% | 17.93% | 5.5 | 51.0% | 67.8 |
Noah Neundorfer | 1847.5 | United States | 9 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.67% | 12.53% | 5.5 | 50.8% | 69.6 |
Donovan Sailo | 1851.0 | United States | 1 | Grey Knights | Teleport Strike Force | 0.79% | 12.86% | 5.4 | 51.8% | 70.9 |
Garrett Stacy | 1839.6 | United States | 2 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.60% | 10.21% | 5.4 | 50.8% | 74.5 |
Alex Spathopoulos | 1822.1 | United States | 16 | Genestealer Cult | Biosanctic Broodsurge | 0.53% | 15.44% | 5.3 | 50.5% | 74.4 |
Matt Lorah | 1848.8 | United States | 7 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.53% | 10.86% | 5.3 | 51.7% | 74.1 |
Treynor Wolfe | 1820.6 | United States | 14 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 0.51% | 13.71% | 5.3 | 50.2% | 77.3 |
Cam Hawkins | 1812.8 | United States | 5 | Chaos Space Marines | Pactbound Zealots | 0.49% | 8.28% | 5.3 | 49.7% | 81.8 |
Jaden Iwaasa | 1794.2 | United States | 3 | Space Wolves | Stormlance Task Force | 0.36% | 8.76% | 5.2 | 49.0% | 85.6 |
Brent Simon | 1824.5 | United States | 4 | Space Wolves | Stormlance Task Force | 0.43% | 8.54% | 5.2 | 50.9% | 82.6 |
David Hall | 1811.7 | United States | 1 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.37% | 9.06% | 5.1 | 50.7% | 84.9 |
Robert Moreland | 1796.6 | United States | 9 | Imperial Agents | Imperialis Fleet | 0.25% | 8.37% | 5.1 | 49.6% | 87.0 |
Kyle Grundy | 1874.3 | England | 2 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 0.86% | 12.64% | 5.1 | 58.4% | 71.1 |
Max kanter | 1871.5 | Germany | 8 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 1.00% | 14.68% | 5.1 | 58.1% | 71.2 |
Mike Muzeni | 1825.5 | United States | 8 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.41% | 9.10% | 5.1 | 51.3% | 84.7 |
Matthew Green | 1813.4 | United States | 7 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.30% | 7.76% | 5.1 | 50.7% | 86.5 |
Olivier WEISS | 1842.0 | France | 10 | Dark Angels | Company of Hunters | 0.87% | 21.02% | 5.1 | 57.1% | 71.7 |
Lewis Smith | 1867.3 | England | 3 | Tau Empire | Kauyon | 0.88% | 13.37% | 5.0 | 59.1% | 72.2 |
Collin Watts | 1775.4 | United States | 15 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.19% | 10.37% | 5.0 | 48.8% | 90.5 |
William Fuhrimann | 1847.8 | Switzerland | 14 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.88% | 18.98% | 5.0 | 58.3% | 72.3 |
Xavier Barrera | 1844.8 | Mexico | 1 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.61% | 11.85% | 5.0 | 57.0% | 77.2 |
Alejandro Mancuso Serrano | 1844.6 | Spain | 15 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.83% | 18.14% | 5.0 | 58.3% | 73.6 |
Alex Fowler | 1856.7 | England | 8 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.76% | 12.75% | 5.0 | 57.5% | 76.7 |
Z Martin | 1767.5 | United States | 15 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.24% | 9.91% | 5.0 | 48.7% | 93.7 |
danny evison | 1826.4 | England | 10 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.64% | 18.66% | 5.0 | 56.5% | 77.1 |
Ridvan Martinez | 1822.3 | Canada | 10 | Drukhari | Realspace Raiders | 0.63% | 16.41% | 4.9 | 56.2% | 78.8 |
Nick Jagiello | 1839.0 | Canada | 1 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.49% | 11.35% | 4.9 | 56.9% | 79.4 |
Chase Chappell | 1771.5 | United States | 11 | Grey Knights | Teleport Strike Force | 0.18% | 5.63% | 4.9 | 49.2% | 95.9 |
Casey Glynn | 1772.1 | United States | 9 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.18% | 6.63% | 4.9 | 49.0% | 96.7 |
Ranchen Li | 1809.6 | China | 13 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.51% | 16.71% | 4.9 | 56.1% | 80.3 |
NATHANIEL BJORGE | 1793.1 | United States | 8 | Tyranids | Vanguard Onslaught | 0.23% | 6.61% | 4.8 | 50.4% | 97.2 |
Brandon Vallee | 1835.8 | Canada | 4 | Tau Empire | Kauyon | 0.45% | 9.31% | 4.8 | 57.0% | 84.6 |
Tim Deetlefs | 1822.1 | Canada | 11 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.33% | 7.59% | 4.8 | 56.9% | 85.9 |
Francois Lalonde | 1829.7 | Canada | 2 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.38% | 8.14% | 4.8 | 56.9% | 86.9 |
Grant Kauffman | 1762.2 | United States | 2 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.16% | 5.13% | 4.8 | 48.8% | 104.0 |
Loukas Benard | 1827.1 | France | 8 | Genestealer Cult | Host of Ascension | 0.45% | 9.32% | 4.8 | 56.5% | 88.4 |
tony barrett | 1829.6 | England | 6 | Tau Empire | Mont | 0.37% | 7.76% | 4.7 | 57.3% | 88.3 |
John Holbrook | 1815.8 | Canada | 7 | Orks | Green Tide | 0.30% | 8.73% | 4.7 | 56.1% | 89.8 |
Joshua Campbell | 1748.7 | United States | 5 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.14% | 4.58% | 4.7 | 48.1% | 107.7 |
Steven Crawley | 1741.8 | United States | 16 | Tau Empire | Kauyon | 0.15% | 7.86% | 4.7 | 48.5% | 105.4 |
John Winter Russell | 1815.6 | Canada | 8 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.35% | 8.66% | 4.7 | 56.0% | 91.8 |
Niklas Fritschen | 1805.1 | Germany | 9 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.35% | 8.96% | 4.7 | 56.2% | 92.2 |
Collin Cochran | 1739.8 | United States | 14 | Chaos Space Marines | Renegade Raiders | 0.12% | 6.94% | 4.7 | 48.1% | 108.7 |
Jack Murphy | 1729.4 | United States | 3 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.14% | 4.81% | 4.7 | 47.5% | 111.7 |
Brodie Middleton | 1802.2 | Australia | 7 | Space Marines | Vanguard Spearhead | 0.26% | 7.88% | 4.7 | 55.5% | 94.5 |
Zach Comeau | 1775.9 | Canada | 13 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.27% | 11.79% | 4.7 | 54.7% | 93.5 |
Mathew Tweedel | 1758.6 | United States | 7 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 0.12% | 4.70% | 4.7 | 49.4% | 107.3 |
Ludovic STAMMLER | 1799.0 | France | 7 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.26% | 7.67% | 4.6 | 55.4% | 95.4 |
Jonathan Summerfield | 1790.5 | England | 1 | Chaos Space Marines | Renegade Raiders | 0.19% | 7.36% | 4.6 | 55.1% | 96.4 |
Peter Elias | 1705.8 | United States | 12 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.10% | 8.24% | 4.6 | 47.1% | 112.0 |
Jay Seebarun | 1788.9 | England | 16 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 0.29% | 11.22% | 4.6 | 55.6% | 94.5 |
Jonathan Arkin | 1809.9 | Norway | 6 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.32% | 6.61% | 4.6 | 56.7% | 96.0 |
Franco McDonnell | 1774.4 | England | 12 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.21% | 11.77% | 4.6 | 55.6% | 95.0 |
Noah Beddome | 1727.5 | United States | 9 | Genestealer Cult | Biosanctic Broodsurge | 0.11% | 4.53% | 4.6 | 48.0% | 114.2 |
Bjorn Eriksson | 1783.1 | Sweden | 7 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.20% | 6.78% | 4.5 | 54.8% | 101.9 |
Jesper Unander-Scharin | 1782.9 | Sweden | 9 | Space Marines | Ironstorm Spearhead | 0.21% | 7.40% | 4.5 | 55.4% | 101.0 |
Lachlan Rigg | 1789.1 | Australia | 4 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.22% | 6.34% | 4.5 | 55.3% | 101.4 |
Alberto Nicolas | 1777.3 | Spain | 14 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.22% | 10.17% | 4.5 | 55.7% | 100.0 |
Stu Angel | 1786.0 | Canada | 8 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.16% | 6.12% | 4.5 | 54.9% | 103.2 |
Chris Hanes | 1761.2 | Canada | 10 | Adeptus Custodes | Shield Host | 0.16% | 9.69% | 4.5 | 53.9% | 103.6 |
Sweet Lew | 1722.1 | United States | 6 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 0.06% | 3.55% | 4.5 | 47.4% | 119.8 |
Eric Marcoux | 1772.2 | Canada | 16 | Chaos Knights | Traitoris Lance | 0.20% | 9.36% | 4.5 | 55.1% | 102.3 |
Brian Jones | 1719.0 | United States | 6 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.07% | 3.32% | 4.5 | 47.4% | 120.9 |
Borja FM | 1784.8 | Spain | 2 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.20% | 5.60% | 4.5 | 55.3% | 103.7 |
Gregory Hunter | 1705.9 | United States | 3 | Tau Empire | Kauyon | 0.09% | 3.80% | 4.5 | 46.9% | 122.4 |
Walter Langendorf | 1713.2 | United States | 14 | Necrons | Awakened Dynasty | 0.07% | 5.32% | 4.5 | 47.4% | 120.4 |
Arnaud ALLOT | 1770.2 | France | 7 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.15% | 5.83% | 4.4 | 54.3% | 107.0 |
Kody Drake | 1714.7 | United States | 6 | Genestealer Cult | Biosanctic Broodsurge | 0.07% | 3.29% | 4.4 | 47.3% | 122.7 |
Scott Horras | 1679.2 | United States | 12 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.05% | 6.50% | 4.4 | 46.4% | 123.3 |
Jeremy Atkinson | 1783.4 | Canada | 6 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.16% | 4.60% | 4.4 | 55.7% | 106.5 |
OuX ™ | 1768.4 | Spain | 4 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.11% | 5.09% | 4.4 | 54.5% | 109.6 |
Matthew Doughman | 1720.3 | United States | 7 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.06% | 3.17% | 4.4 | 48.4% | 122.8 |
Russell Tassin | 1699.5 | United States | 11 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.05% | 2.94% | 4.4 | 47.4% | 124.6 |
Jakub Jansa | 1755.1 | Czech Republic | 1 | Chaos Space Marines | Veterans of the Long War | 0.10% | 5.25% | 4.4 | 53.9% | 111.0 |
Matt Schuchman | 1717.4 | United States | 7 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.06% | 3.08% | 4.4 | 48.3% | 124.4 |
Edward Appel | 1708.0 | United States | 2 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.06% | 2.88% | 4.4 | 47.5% | 126.5 |
Bastian Kry | 1763.7 | Germany | 4 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.08% | 4.75% | 4.3 | 54.4% | 111.6 |
Robin Philippot | 1731.0 | France | 13 | Adepta Sororitas | Hallowed Martyrs | 0.12% | 7.76% | 4.3 | 53.2% | 113.6 |
Fritz Peters | 1768.9 | Germany | 5 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.16% | 3.74% | 4.3 | 55.0% | 112.8 |
Jasper Biski | 1712.2 | United States | 4 | Orks | War Horde | 0.04% | 2.78% | 4.3 | 48.0% | 128.6 |
Rob Gonzales | 1706.3 | United States | 10 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.05% | 4.91% | 4.3 | 48.5% | 127.1 |
Terroxer El Rojo | 1758.5 | Spain | 5 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.08% | 3.23% | 4.2 | 54.6% | 116.9 |
Steven Ross | 1676.3 | United States | 13 | Necrons | Awakened Dynasty | 0.05% | 5.36% | 4.2 | 47.1% | 131.4 |
Chris Dailey | 1655.4 | United States | 12 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.03% | 5.25% | 4.2 | 45.8% | 134.3 |
Nicolas FORTIN | 1734.7 | France | 16 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.09% | 6.46% | 4.2 | 53.6% | 117.6 |
Kevin McCormick | 1682.8 | United States | 14 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.04% | 4.01% | 4.2 | 46.6% | 133.4 |
Joshua Minnich | 1685.1 | United States | 5 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.04% | 2.35% | 4.2 | 46.5% | 135.3 |
Tommy Aguilu | 1671.2 | United States | 13 | Grey Knights | Teleport Strike Force | 0.03% | 4.91% | 4.2 | 47.0% | 133.2 |
Gavin Conn | 1688.1 | United States | 2 | Necrons | Awakened Dynasty | 0.03% | 2.36% | 4.2 | 46.9% | 135.4 |
Louis Boisvert | 1733.8 | Canada | 14 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.09% | 6.51% | 4.2 | 54.1% | 118.9 |
Pierre Besseyre | 1730.3 | France | 11 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.04% | 3.22% | 4.2 | 53.6% | 121.4 |
Richard Siegler | 1688.3 | United States | 10 | Adeptus Mechanicus | Skitarii Hunter Cohort | 0.04% | 4.22% | 4.1 | 48.0% | 134.6 |
Amador Perez | 1716.0 | Mexico | 1 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 0.04% | 3.52% | 4.1 | 52.4% | 126.4 |
Zachary Jeppesen | 1658.7 | United States | 15 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.03% | 3.55% | 4.1 | 45.9% | 140.2 |
Pierre Debey | 1733.8 | Belgium | 8 | Chaos Knights | Traitoris Lance | 0.08% | 3.65% | 4.1 | 53.0% | 125.9 |
Nick Nanavati | 1667.1 | United States | 9 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.02% | 2.32% | 4.1 | 46.4% | 140.3 |
James Webster | 1720.4 | England | 15 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.08% | 5.57% | 4.1 | 53.7% | 123.8 |
Kjetil Andre Liknes | 1729.3 | Norway | 4 | Adeptus Mechanicus | Skitarii Hunter Cohort | 0.05% | 3.25% | 4.1 | 53.1% | 125.9 |
Devin Swann | 1691.1 | Canada | 13 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.04% | 5.57% | 4.1 | 51.6% | 127.9 |
Matthew Reeson | 1718.8 | Canada | 15 | Necrons | Awakened Dynasty | 0.07% | 5.31% | 4.1 | 53.7% | 124.8 |
Vojtech Cistecky | 1728.7 | Czech Republic | 2 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.08% | 2.97% | 4.1 | 53.2% | 127.1 |
Rielle Long | 1679.0 | United States | 10 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.04% | 3.92% | 4.1 | 47.8% | 139.1 |
Bryan Lakor | 1690.2 | United States | 8 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.03% | 2.20% | 4.1 | 47.6% | 140.4 |
Charles Barber | 1678.3 | United States | 10 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.04% | 3.71% | 4.0 | 47.7% | 139.5 |
Manik Gudimani | 1663.5 | United States | 6 | Tyranids | Vanguard Onslaught | 0.03% | 1.93% | 4.0 | 45.9% | 145.1 |
Edoardo Rinaldi | 1705.8 | Italy | 1 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.02% | 3.06% | 4.0 | 52.1% | 131.4 |
Víctor Manuel Gil Rocha | 1726.7 | Spain | 6 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.05% | 2.63% | 4.0 | 53.6% | 129.8 |
Mike Robertson | 1683.8 | United States | 8 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 0.04% | 2.09% | 4.0 | 47.4% | 142.9 |
Joel Wilson | 1674.6 | United States | 4 | Necrons | Obeisance Phalanx | 0.03% | 1.90% | 4.0 | 47.1% | 143.7 |
Alex Macdougall | 1713.3 | Canada | 2 | Genestealer Cult | Biosanctic Broodsurge | 0.02% | 2.36% | 4.0 | 52.7% | 132.5 |
Thomas Byrd | 1644.3 | United States | 13 | Space Marines | Vanguard Spearhead | 0.02% | 3.66% | 4.0 | 46.3% | 145.3 |
Frasier Parry | 1720.1 | Canada | 3 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.05% | 2.89% | 4.0 | 53.6% | 131.0 |
Michael Armer | 1722.2 | England | 5 | Adeptus Custodes | Shield Host | 0.04% | 2.27% | 4.0 | 53.2% | 131.9 |
Aaron Kelman | 1652.6 | United States | 14 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.02% | 2.96% | 4.0 | 45.9% | 147.4 |
Brendan McKenzie | 1723.0 | Canada | 5 | Adepta Sororitas | Hallowed Martyrs | 0.03% | 1.91% | 4.0 | 53.2% | 132.7 |
Anthony Mattassoni | 1702.3 | France | 9 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.03% | 2.94% | 3.9 | 52.5% | 135.2 |
Yohann Teston | 1697.2 | France | 1 | Grey Knights | Teleport Strike Force | 0.03% | 2.71% | 3.9 | 51.9% | 136.0 |
James Willet | 1641.2 | United States | 3 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.02% | 1.88% | 3.9 | 45.2% | 151.2 |
Dominique Carette | 1700.2 | Canada | 14 | Space Marines | Vanguard Spearhead | 0.03% | 4.52% | 3.9 | 52.8% | 133.7 |
Logan Antonation | 1662.4 | Canada | 13 | Space Wolves | Stormlance Task Force | 0.02% | 4.00% | 3.9 | 50.4% | 140.9 |
Eero Saukkonen | 1704.0 | Finland | 3 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.03% | 2.48% | 3.9 | 52.9% | 137.1 |
Ryan Mcguire | 1638.7 | United States | 14 | Orks | War Horde | 0.01% | 2.48% | 3.9 | 45.4% | 153.6 |
Giorgio castelli | 1695.6 | Italy | 2 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.02% | 1.97% | 3.8 | 52.1% | 140.4 |
Ryan Lappin | 1630.9 | United States | 11 | Black Templars | Righteous Crusaders | 0.01% | 1.41% | 3.8 | 45.6% | 154.8 |
Kasra Houshidar | 1672.8 | Canada | 11 | Space Marines | Vanguard Spearhead | 0.02% | 1.61% | 3.8 | 51.5% | 144.2 |
Alvaro Perez | 1674.4 | Spain | 16 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.02% | 3.29% | 3.8 | 51.3% | 144.1 |
josh crowe | 1681.7 | Canada | 9 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.03% | 2.14% | 3.8 | 51.7% | 144.4 |
Tim Schlizio | 1667.7 | Germany | 10 | Genestealer Cult | Host of Ascension | 0.03% | 3.68% | 3.8 | 50.4% | 146.5 |
Daniele De Gemini | 1668.8 | Italy | 16 | Tau Empire | Kauyon | 0.02% | 3.10% | 3.7 | 51.0% | 146.7 |
Marco Santopadre | 1684.0 | Italy | 3 | Grey Knights | Teleport Strike Force | 0.02% | 1.97% | 3.7 | 52.2% | 145.5 |
Antonio Mejias | 1652.5 | Switzerland | 12 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 0.01% | 3.50% | 3.7 | 51.0% | 147.1 |
Roger Porcelli | 1640.6 | United States | 10 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.01% | 2.55% | 3.7 | 46.6% | 156.8 |
Nicholas Redford | 1683.7 | Canada | 5 | Chaos Space Marines | Veterans of the Long War | 0.02% | 1.15% | 3.7 | 51.7% | 148.9 |
Robin DROZ | 1646.5 | France | 12 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.01% | 3.22% | 3.7 | 50.8% | 150.0 |
Victor Bergenholtz | 1680.5 | Norway | 5 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.02% | 1.26% | 3.7 | 51.6% | 150.1 |
Jeremy Capko | 1633.4 | United States | 4 | Space Marines | Ironstorm Spearhead | 0.01% | 1.08% | 3.7 | 46.0% | 161.8 |
Ryan Bell | 1674.7 | Canada | 5 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.01% | 1.01% | 3.6 | 51.4% | 152.5 |
Nick Blackburn | 1661.0 | Canada | 2 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 0.01% | 1.32% | 3.6 | 50.9% | 153.9 |
Ryan Pearce | 1602.6 | United States | 11 | Necrons | Obeisance Phalanx | 0.01% | 0.94% | 3.6 | 44.9% | 166.5 |
Joakim Engstrom | 1648.2 | Sweden | 10 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.02% | 2.91% | 3.6 | 49.7% | 155.7 |
Brian Crothers | 1665.0 | Canada | 6 | Chaos Space Marines | Chaos Cult | 0.01% | 1.19% | 3.6 | 51.2% | 155.5 |
Jose BELDA | 1626.0 | France | 12 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 0.01% | 2.46% | 3.5 | 50.0% | 159.1 |
Filip Jakob Pogacnik | 1637.4 | Slovenia | 10 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.01% | 2.50% | 3.5 | 49.3% | 160.5 |
Andrew Johnson | 1608.1 | United States | 1 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 0.01% | 1.02% | 3.5 | 45.4% | 170.3 |
Clement Riu | 1653.1 | France | 3 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.01% | 1.40% | 3.5 | 51.0% | 158.6 |
Thomas Walker | 1630.8 | Canada | 10 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.01% | 2.43% | 3.5 | 48.9% | 162.1 |
Ryan Smith | 1587.8 | United States | 11 | Space Wolves | Champions of Russ | 0.00% | 0.86% | 3.5 | 44.5% | 173.2 |
Travis Hameloth | 1588.2 | United States | 16 | Adeptus Custodes | Shield Host | 0.01% | 1.58% | 3.5 | 44.3% | 173.0 |
Yann Gauthier | 1631.7 | France | 16 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.00% | 2.15% | 3.5 | 49.8% | 161.9 |
Stefan Pazderka | 1649.9 | Austria | 6 | Adeptus Custodes | Talons of the Emperor | 0.02% | 1.02% | 3.5 | 50.7% | 161.8 |
Danny Gill | 1600.5 | United States | 1 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.01% | 0.91% | 3.5 | 45.1% | 173.5 |
Matthew Dean | 1648.5 | Australia | 5 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.01% | 0.81% | 3.5 | 50.5% | 162.6 |
Adrian Phillips | 1579.2 | United States | 15 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 0.00% | 1.37% | 3.5 | 43.7% | 176.1 |
Matt Aspinwall | 1592.1 | United States | 7 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.00% | 0.63% | 3.4 | 44.9% | 177.4 |
Daniel Guarnaccia | 1571.1 | United States | 15 | Space Marines | Gladius | 0.00% | 1.31% | 3.4 | 43.5% | 179.7 |
Aron Prinsen | 1618.5 | The Netherlands | 1 | Drukhari | Skysplinter Assault | 0.01% | 1.04% | 3.4 | 49.0% | 169.2 |
Quoc Lay | 1576.2 | United States | 9 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.00% | 0.85% | 3.4 | 44.0% | 179.5 |
Matthieu Porchet | 1597.4 | Switzerland | 13 | Necrons | Obeisance Phalanx | 0.00% | 1.86% | 3.4 | 48.0% | 171.3 |
Scotty Bee | 1630.6 | Canada | 6 | Adeptus Mechanicus | Skitarii Hunter Cohort | 0.00% | 0.80% | 3.3 | 50.1% | 168.7 |
Andrea Costa | 1617.2 | Italy | 14 | Space Wolves | Champions of Russ | 0.00% | 1.69% | 3.3 | 49.7% | 170.3 |
Riley Tremblay | 1618.6 | Canada | 4 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.01% | 0.78% | 3.3 | 49.1% | 173.0 |
Justin Signer-Delorme | 1601.6 | Canada | 10 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.00% | 1.75% | 3.3 | 47.8% | 174.6 |
Joe MacMillan | 1588.0 | United States | 4 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.00% | 0.59% | 3.3 | 44.7% | 181.7 |
Chris Adams | 1555.3 | United States | 13 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.00% | 1.39% | 3.3 | 43.8% | 183.4 |
Gustavo Martinez | 1605.3 | Mexico | 11 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.00% | 0.75% | 3.3 | 49.0% | 173.4 |
Maxime Rampen | 1613.1 | Belgium | 7 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 0.00% | 0.88% | 3.3 | 48.6% | 174.5 |
Stefan Meertens | 1614.9 | The Netherlands | 4 | Space Wolves | Stormlance Task Force | 0.00% | 0.76% | 3.2 | 49.0% | 175.3 |
Aimee Jacquin | 1616.7 | France | 8 | Tyranids | Vanguard Onslaught | 0.01% | 0.82% | 3.2 | 48.7% | 175.9 |
Steph Job | 1607.6 | Canada | 7 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.00% | 0.74% | 3.2 | 48.4% | 176.4 |
Stephen Mitchell | 1558.6 | United States | 16 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.00% | 1.07% | 3.2 | 43.5% | 186.4 |
Angel C4KILLER | 1596.7 | Andorra | 1 | Drukhari | Skysplinter Assault | 0.00% | 0.78% | 3.2 | 48.3% | 177.7 |
Anthony Richardson | 1612.7 | Canada | 3 | Drukhari | Skysplinter Assault | 0.00% | 0.78% | 3.2 | 49.6% | 175.4 |
Garret Olson | 1608.1 | Canada | 4 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.00% | 0.63% | 3.2 | 48.7% | 177.3 |
Maxime COLLODEL | 1597.0 | France | 15 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.00% | 1.33% | 3.2 | 49.2% | 177.7 |
Rasmus Haglund | 1590.2 | Sweden | 11 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.01% | 0.62% | 3.2 | 48.5% | 179.2 |
Maximo Alejandro Garcia Teutle | 1586.5 | Mexico | 16 | Drukhari | Skysplinter Assault | 0.00% | 1.11% | 3.1 | 48.1% | 181.6 |
Jonathan Lee | 1598.2 | Singapore | 3 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.58% | 3.1 | 49.1% | 180.6 |
Edouard Denommee | 1586.7 | Canada | 15 | Chaos Knights | Traitoris Lance | 0.00% | 1.11% | 3.1 | 48.8% | 180.7 |
Ciro Canzanella | 1584.4 | Italy | 15 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.00% | 1.15% | 3.1 | 48.7% | 182.1 |
Duy Nguyen | 1585.4 | Vietnam | 7 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.00% | 0.56% | 3.1 | 47.6% | 185.6 |
Jose Arias | 1555.7 | Mexico | 13 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 0.00% | 0.97% | 3.0 | 46.5% | 188.8 |
Ryan Agius | 1589.5 | Malta | 6 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.00% | 0.46% | 3.0 | 48.6% | 185.9 |
Dejan Filipovic | 1577.6 | Slovenia | 9 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.57% | 3.0 | 48.0% | 186.6 |
Christian Nadeau | 1567.8 | Canada | 11 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.39% | 3.0 | 47.8% | 186.9 |
Spencer Feuerstein | 1511.5 | United States | 12 | Adeptus Mechanicus | Skitarii Hunter Cohort | 0.00% | 0.93% | 3.0 | 41.9% | 197.8 |
Matthieu Joncour | 1585.3 | France | 14 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.00% | 1.10% | 3.0 | 48.7% | 185.0 |
Frederic Joubert | 1581.6 | France | 2 | Tau Empire | Kauyon | 0.00% | 0.41% | 3.0 | 48.0% | 187.4 |
Jerry Zhang | 1568.3 | China | 11 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.00% | 0.46% | 3.0 | 47.7% | 188.0 |
Fernando Canut | 1572.4 | Mexico | 10 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.00% | 1.02% | 3.0 | 46.9% | 188.6 |
Carlos Moreno | 1587.0 | Mexico | 8 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.00% | 0.50% | 3.0 | 47.8% | 188.1 |
Jack Morris | 1580.8 | Canada | 5 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.00% | 0.26% | 3.0 | 48.1% | 189.0 |
Daniel Rivera | 1572.0 | Mexico | 9 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.00% | 0.61% | 3.0 | 47.8% | 189.2 |
Will Paul | 1549.5 | Canada | 12 | Tyranids | Crusher Stampede | 0.00% | 0.86% | 3.0 | 47.1% | 190.7 |
Benjamin Pau | 1578.7 | France | 5 | Orks | Bully Boyz | 0.00% | 0.35% | 3.0 | 48.0% | 190.7 |
David Paton | 1546.1 | Canada | 12 | Grey Knights | Teleport Strike Force | 0.00% | 0.88% | 2.9 | 47.0% | 192.3 |
Daniel Hesselberg | 1571.8 | Sweden | 8 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.00% | 0.39% | 2.9 | 47.3% | 193.8 |
Jordan Berresford | 1566.0 | Australia | 3 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.00% | 0.40% | 2.9 | 48.0% | 193.1 |
Simon RIVRY-COAT | 1564.7 | France | 14 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 0.00% | 0.79% | 2.9 | 47.9% | 192.7 |
Botond Blasovszky | 1533.7 | Hungary | 13 | Drukhari | Realspace Raiders | 0.00% | 0.76% | 2.9 | 45.8% | 196.8 |
Thomas Cosgrove | 1557.1 | Canada | 9 | Adeptus Custodes | Talons of the Emperor | 0.00% | 0.41% | 2.9 | 47.3% | 195.3 |
Dustin Weaver | 1526.2 | United States | 1 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.00% | 0.29% | 2.9 | 43.2% | 202.7 |
Vincent Rabuel | 1552.5 | France | 15 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.00% | 0.72% | 2.8 | 47.7% | 195.2 |
Mike Taylor | 1538.2 | United States | 8 | Necrons | Awakened Dynasty | 0.00% | 0.30% | 2.8 | 43.6% | 202.9 |
Davis Frye | 1524.3 | United States | 1 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 0.00% | 0.30% | 2.8 | 43.1% | 203.9 |
Jorge Latorre | 1540.1 | Colombia | 16 | Adeptus Mechanicus | Skitarii Hunter Cohort | 0.00% | 0.53% | 2.8 | 46.4% | 199.4 |
Isaac Gutierrez | 1527.5 | Mexico | 12 | Imperial Agents | Imperialis Fleet | 0.00% | 0.72% | 2.8 | 46.3% | 199.4 |
Eric Chen | 1544.4 | China | 10 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.00% | 0.64% | 2.8 | 46.0% | 199.5 |
David Perales | 1553.3 | Spain | 3 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.00% | 0.34% | 2.8 | 47.6% | 197.7 |
Adam Lev | 1544.6 | Colombia | 15 | Death Guard | Plague Company | 0.00% | 0.66% | 2.8 | 47.4% | 197.7 |
Jean-Loup GENIN | 1518.4 | France | 13 | Adepta Sororitas | Hallowed Martyrs | 0.00% | 0.68% | 2.8 | 45.3% | 202.2 |
Julien Parra | 1530.9 | France | 11 | Space Wolves | Stormlance Task Force | 0.00% | 0.24% | 2.7 | 46.5% | 201.6 |
Alex Mathison | 1523.5 | Republic of Korea | 11 | Adeptus Custodes | Talons of the Emperor | 0.00% | 0.24% | 2.7 | 46.3% | 204.2 |
Keith Davis | 1509.7 | Canada | 12 | Adepta Sororitas | Bringers of Flame | 0.00% | 0.59% | 2.7 | 45.8% | 205.2 |
George Griffin | 1500.0 | United States | 2 | Tau Empire | Retaliation Cadre | 0.00% | 0.22% | 2.7 | 42.2% | 211.6 |
Igor Bourjac | 1517.9 | France | 1 | Chaos Daemons | Daemonic Incursion | 0.00% | 0.27% | 2.7 | 45.8% | 206.7 |
Alex Serra La_Orden | 1526.1 | Slovenia | 7 | Adeptus Custodes | Shield Host | 0.00% | 0.21% | 2.6 | 45.8% | 207.6 |
Michael Blackford | 1501.6 | Republic of Korea | 13 | Thousand Sons | Cult of Magic | 0.00% | 0.49% | 2.6 | 44.8% | 208.9 |
Demetrius Palmer | 1500.0 | Republic of Korea | 12 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 0.00% | 0.48% | 2.6 | 45.5% | 208.4 |
Louis Dizier | 1520.1 | France | 9 | Genestealer Cult | Host of Ascension | 0.00% | 0.25% | 2.6 | 46.1% | 208.0 |
Caleb Edwards | 1515.0 | Canada | 7 | Astra Militarum | Combined Regiment | 0.00% | 0.18% | 2.6 | 45.5% | 210.4 |
David Kraljic | 1526.8 | Slovenia | 8 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.00% | 0.19% | 2.6 | 46.0% | 209.6 |
Balazs Blasovszky | 1495.5 | Hungary | 12 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.00% | 0.42% | 2.6 | 45.2% | 210.5 |
Max Dubois | 1504.0 | Canada | 16 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.35% | 2.6 | 45.3% | 211.1 |
Jo Holmsen | 1512.2 | Norway | 2 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.11% | 2.5 | 46.0% | 211.1 |
Hayden jones | 1520.0 | Japan | 4 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.00% | 0.16% | 2.5 | 46.0% | 210.9 |
Joseph Walsh | 1516.3 | Mexico | 14 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.43% | 2.5 | 46.3% | 210.3 |
Baptiste HULIN | 1513.7 | France | 6 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.00% | 0.14% | 2.5 | 46.3% | 212.6 |
Rhett Tremblay | 1510.7 | Canada | 3 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.00% | 0.17% | 2.5 | 46.2% | 212.5 |
Chanse Kuffner | 1502.2 | Canada | 9 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.00% | 0.21% | 2.5 | 45.7% | 213.7 |
Sumaythang Srianonantakij | 1500.0 | Thailand | 15 | Imperial Knights | Noble Lance | 0.00% | 0.35% | 2.5 | 46.0% | 212.8 |
Jose Antonio Gomez Jopia | 1500.0 | Chile | 9 | Space Marines | Ironstorm Spearhead | 0.00% | 0.18% | 2.5 | 45.5% | 214.4 |
Charles Primard | 1504.2 | France | 4 | World Eaters | Berzerker Warband | 0.00% | 0.15% | 2.4 | 45.6% | 215.5 |
Allen Chong | 1506.7 | Malaysia | 6 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.00% | 0.13% | 2.4 | 46.1% | 215.0 |
David Murdoch | 1487.1 | England | 11 | Tyranids | Vanguard Onslaught | 0.00% | 0.15% | 2.4 | 45.2% | 216.7 |
Zhen Yan | 1500.0 | China | 14 | Aeldari | Battle Host | 0.00% | 0.33% | 2.4 | 45.9% | 215.3 |
Pablo Assandri | 1500.0 | Uruguay | 6 | Leagues Of Votann | Oathband | 0.00% | 0.12% | 2.4 | 45.9% | 217.4 |
Finian Massa | 1500.0 | Malta | 5 | Adeptus Custodes | Shield Host | 0.00% | 0.08% | 2.4 | 45.6% | 217.8 |
Mitchell klein | 1494.4 | The Netherlands | 3 | Tyranids | Invasion Fleet | 0.00% | 0.12% | 2.4 | 45.9% | 217.5 |
Stephane Chatel | 1496.4 | The Netherlands | 5 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.00% | 0.05% | 2.4 | 45.4% | 219.1 |
Fokke Dijkstra | 1486.2 | The Netherlands | 2 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.08% | 2.3 | 45.3% | 219.8 |
Erin Brandson | 1472.1 | Canada | 1 | Blood Angels | Liberator Assault Group | 0.00% | 0.14% | 2.3 | 44.4% | 221.0 |
Marc Sauri | 1478.1 | Andorra | 2 | Grey Knights | Teleport Strike Force | 0.00% | 0.10% | 2.3 | 45.1% | 221.7 |
Axel Chazman | 1475.4 | Mexico | 7 | Dark Angels | Gladius | 0.00% | 0.10% | 2.3 | 44.4% | 223.7 |
Tom Horton | 1462.0 | Thailand | 16 | Necrons | Hypercrypt Legion | 0.00% | 0.16% | 2.2 | 44.2% | 224.9 |
Jac Vincent | 1433.3 | England | 13 | Adeptus Mechanicus | Skitarii Hunter Cohort | 0.00% | 0.14% | 2.1 | 42.8% | 229.8 |
Closing Thoughts
In summary, the World Championships of Warhammer promises to be an exciting and unpredictable event, with a structure that allows for both immense competition and strategic depth. With only the top player from each group advancing to the championship bracket, the stakes are high from the very first match. The diversity in factions among the favorites further demonstrates the rich meta-game in play, highlighting that skill, preparation, and adaptability will be just as important as list-building.
While our simulation has identified some front-runners, including Tim Schneider and Samuel Pope, it is worth remembering that Warhammer is a game where dice rolls can shake the fate of even the best-laid plans. The regional diversity and complexity of player matchups ensure that surprises will be plentiful, and while Elo provides a useful tool for predicting outcomes, the unexpected always makes for the most memorable moments.
With so much on the line, including individual accolades and valuable points for each nation, we’re in for four days of intense strategic and tactical play. Will the favorites deliver, or will we see a breakout performance that defies expectations? Only time will tell, so watch this space for more coverage and wild statistical dives!
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