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Goonhammer Roundtable: The LVO 2025 GW Reveals

The 2025 Las Vegas Open is this weekend and in the same manner as last year, it kicked off with a big preview show from Games Workshop, revealing a ton of new stuff and laying out some updated road maps for 2025. As with prior reveals, we decided to get the team together to talk about what was shown off, what we’re hyped for, and what was missing.

The Roundtable

  • Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones
  • Liam “Corrode” Royle
  • Neon
  • Matthew “chimp” Ward
  • Colin Ward
  • Kevin “Fowler” Fowler
  • Greg
  • Peter “Falcon” Colosimo
  • Rich “Cronch” Nutter


The Soulblight Gravelords Return… from the Grave

Coming up next(?) is the new Soulblight Gravelords battletome and with it an overhaul for a good chunk of the army, giving us a ton of new skeletons to work with. Among these new kits are the Barrow Guard, Barrow Knights, and a new Vampire Lord on Steed. Most of these are going to be packaged in a new boxed set, the Deathrattle Tomb Host.

Liam: I’ve threatened to do like five different AoS armies at this point and none of them have ever gotten past the stage of buying a couple dozen models and painting a handful of them. That said, Soulblight are the closest thing I have to a real, playable AoS army, and wow just look at these. The Barrow Guard horses are maybe a little dumpy, but that’s pretty much my only criticism of the range here. Presumably the previous Wight King, Grave Guard, and Black Knights kits are being removed (or going to The Old World) and replaced by these very similar concepts, and I might pick up a box of each because those sculpts are still cool, but I won’t be mad if I don’t get around to it and am forced to use these great-looking new models instead.

Matthew: With the old Black Knights and Zombie Dragon kits being dual kits shared with another army, it will be interesting to see what happens to those old kits. Presumably, they’ll go online only and the old builds will be excised from the webstore but they’re still going to be there in those kits.

Maybe some updated Hexwraiths and a Terrorgheist in the future? 

TheChirurgeon: These are pretty neat. It’s hard to mess up the aesthetics of “skeleton knights and warriors,” and these new models pretty much nail the assignment. The Wight Lords are very cool but if I’m being honest I think my favorite reveals are the regular barrow knights on foot. Just some bog-standard skeletons in armor with swords that haven’t been crazy overdone. 

Colin: Ok this is definitely the army that will get me into AoS, right? Right. Really fantastic sculpts from top to bottom. They got a lot of variation between the mounted Vampire and Wight King options, both of which look fantastic. Heavily armored skeletons on foot will always be a crowd pleaser, but that Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon is one of the coolest models I’ve seen in a long time. The Revenant Dracolith is a great alt build, and they really sold the mechanic of having it meteor onto the board throughout the game. Haven’t a clue whether or not that’s a good thing, gameplay wise, but that’s my kind of mechanic. 

Even if they never see the table, I’m going to really enjoy painting some of these models. Also a shout out to the ‘Eavy Metal team on these. The metallics and verdigris work is fantastic and that pale spectral white with the faded runes on the shields and banners is an inspired and subtle choice for a group of painters who almost always take the brightest option.

Fowler: I thoroughly enjoyed painting the Sons of Velmorn Underworlds warband, and may have given a verbal about doing an army if new Grave Guard were to emerge.

These guys carry along a bit of the aesthetic from the Cursed City skellies, and I love them for that.

Rich: I feel an overwhelming sense of vindication having 1) converted a load of Grave Guard out of the new skeletons kit, and then 2) promptly sold them on. I am going to try my hardest not to fall back into the Skeleton Hole, but good lord these are good.

Part of this release is a resculpt of named-character Vhordrai, who is a vampire riding an undead dragon.Though you can also just assemble and run the dragon without a Dracula on top of it.

Liam: God help anyone transporting this thing and that gigantic fucking lance, but putting that aside, goddamn.

The character is cool, but also what an awesome zombie dragon sculpt too.


TheChirurgeon: My favorite part of this reveal was them talking about how this guy doesn’t get along with Nagash and at this point I’m pretty sure we’ve had the reveal that every single one of Nagash’s former coworkers is no longer on speaking terms with him.

And buddy, if you have a problem with all of your former coworkers, it’s definitely not them.

Neon: You can’t blame Papa Nagash for his ungrateful grandchildren, those ironic fates and cruel betrayals were to build character!

The new Zombie Dragon owns bones, though does make me wonder where that leaves the current kit as the Flesheaters have three warscrolls tied up in it. The Nightmare mounted Vamp is so damn cool though, absolutely one I’m gonna grab just to paint.

Colin: The best new big model reveal since the last big model reveal.

They’re really, really good at doing these centerpiece models and this one is a particularly fantastic offering. 


Falcon: I know this is not an Old World Release…but damn this is a beautiful Old World Release for those of us that still believe Legacy Factions exist. Vampire Counts players will be trying their damnedest to slip this onto a tiny base.


Rich: The stream dropped the tidbit that the un-mounted Zombie Draconith will be usable as a regiment of renown with other Death armies as “The Beast of Sternieste” (Sternieste being Mannfred’s castle). That is to say,I’ll definitely buying this to hang out with my Flesh-eater Courts! I wonder if the existing Zombie Dragon/Terrorgeist kits will hang around in the meantime – they’ll definitely look a bit lacking alongside this.


The Age of Sigmar Roadmap

GW capped off the AOS reveals with a new roadmap, showing Soulblight Gravelords and a Path to Glory book releasing imminently, followed by Idoneth Deepkin and Nighthaunt “coming next”, and a trio of black and white releases to follow. Based on the images, we’re pretty sure that they’re Blades of Khorne, Kharadron Overlords, and Daughters of Khaine.

Matthew: Deepkin and Nighthaunt coming so soon after two big releases makes me worry that these are going to be another copy and paste battletome job (to much community groaning if that’s the case with Nighthaunt). That being said, we’ve yet to have an AoS4 battletome release totally bereft of miniatures and Deepkin don’t have any endless spells and Nighthaunt don’t have any terrain so there’s my guess as to what’s coming out. Here’s hoping for a big Kharadron Overlords release down the line, as having both Duardin armies be miniscule is a bit sad.

TheChirurgeon: The copy-paste nature of Battletomes is definitely an issue, and one that I didn’t realize the severity of coming from 40k, where added Detachments bring a lot more to the book. Here’s hoping that having more time between the launch and Battletome releases means we’ll start to see more meaningful changes that make the tomes feel worthwhile, but it may be a few more months before we start to see that.

This Year’s Black Library Celebration Comes with a Bunch of New Guard Weirdos

Captain Minka Lensk is one of the two big Black Library models this year, and she comes with her Command Squad of certified weirdos. They’re all from the upcoming slate of Black Library novels that include Hell’s Last.

Liam: I’ve never read these books so I have no idea who these characters are. They’re great sculpts though, and presumably will be a Gaunt’s Ghosts-style named unit.

I might have to pick up the novels just to find out what all of their deal is.


TheChirurgeon: I really like the meltagun guy with the messed up face and the Commissar here. Great pose on that guy. I’m always a fan of more Imperial weirdos in the game, and also having more female sculpts for what is supposed to be one of the game’s most diverse armies. I’m all for them getting some cool rules via a datasheet, but they don’t need to be on the level of Gaunt’s Ghosts, thanks.

Contemptor Kevin: As a new recruit to His Divine Majesty’s Hammer, this particular set (coming so soon after the main Guard releases) is a fun set to anchor my Guardspeople and potentially kitbash into various Tank Commanders. I particularly love the Commissar, as he does look especially sinister.  

Fowler: Congratulations, dude who made feudal guard from Wildercorps Hunters. You have your new command squad.



Maleneth Witchblade Slinks Out From Gotrek’s Shadow to Kill Things

The Elven assassin has her own solo novel, Shade of Khaine, and has her own solo model now to go with it. She occasionally teams up with Gotrek and is on pretty bad terms with all of her former allies, for reasons we can only assume are entirely their doing.

TheChirurgeon: It’s a decidedly cool pose for a character I have no context on. But dark elf assassins are hard to mess up – I like this sculpt quite a bit. It’s got a lot of action without being too over the top and the hero rock isn’t laughably noticeable. No idea what her deal is though and I’m never gonna read this book.


Contemptor Kevin: If she’s Gotrek’s long-suffering and somewhat unwilling companion, why doesn’t she have a sculpted base to suggest some continuity with Gotrek’s?  Seems like a missed opportunity for purposes of doing the two models together, in my opinion.  


Rich: She looks mad as hell, and if she’s been getting into scrapes with Gotrek then that might make sense.



High Elves Return to the Old World

High Elves are next up to receive an Arcane Journal rulebook, and with the release of the book we have new models – the Lord of Chrace, Sea Lord Aislinn, and Ellyrian Reavers – plus a host of returning plastic kits and a few metal ones.

Colin: My favorite thing about these Old World unveiling videos is the build up of tension and fog machines and orchestral crescendo to reveal miniatures that blew my mind as a 13 year old. That being said, High Elves are an iconic model line and they always look spectacular arrayed for battle. The focus on White Lions and the Sea Guard is an interesting approach and I’m looking forward to seeing what new models they come up with. A new lord on Dragon would be awesome. Hard to fumble a classic, and these are no exception.

TheChirurgeon: The fog effects always seem like a bit much, especially when they’re clearly trying to convey dust being kicked up over a desert battlefield. It always makes it feel more like a toy commercial from the late 80s or early 90s. That said, I agree that these hold up better than most of the older minis, though it’s hard not to immediately notice those massive hands holding spears.

Falcon: We knew High Elves were inbound shortly so it’s nice to finally see the upcoming releases. High Elves had a pretty comprehensive release with the Island of Blood 10 years ago and most of these models look like they are direct ports from that. That the 2 Armies of Infamy look like they are infantry focused might not be what High Elf players want to see given the way the game is currently being played but I cannot complain about getting new Ellyrian Reavers (No doubt because the plastic reavers released in 8th edition shared a sprue with skaven models and so they needed a bit of a redo anyway). I’m excited to see what the Sea Guard will bring to the table in particular.


Armies on Parade is Back

Games Workshop’s in-store paint competition is back this year, and while this seems like an odd announcement to make at a models reveal, it’s not unwelcome. This year’s competition has been streamlined and made more visible, so it’s easier to know what you should paint for it and how you’ll be judged. The categories are: Solo Entrant, Youngbloods, Team, and Armies on Terrain (previously known as ‘Display’).

Colin: Whatever happens with Armies on Parade, the results couldn’t be less inspiring than last year’s offerings.

I hope this breathes some new life into this format. 


TheChirurgeon: Gotta tell my son so he can get a head start on winning Youngbloods again – and hopefully with actual competition this time. Hopefully this time he’ll win with actual competition. I’m also looking forward to redeeming myself a bit after not really paying attention to the categories last year. I both need to do a better display board (maybe a background?) and create a non-display entry.

Rich: Unfortunately my local store doesn’t seem to generate much fanfare around Armies on Parade. There are always some great entries, but a small floorspace means that they take entries by photo submission rather than the in-store events that generate a great hobby buzz and a real sense of atmosphere. Assuming that’ll be the case again this year, I’m considering taking my entry on the road to a store with a dedicated day for it. It’s good that GW continue to support it and communicate about it with this much notice. Now let’s have this for Golden Demon events too please?


New Ash Waste Nomads Come with Adorable Baby Sandworms

Next up for Necromunda is the Tribes of the Wastelands book, which acts as the gang book for the Ash Wastes Nomands. Alongside the book we get an upgrade sprue of scavenged weapons and a host of new, elite fighters for the gang, which includes Arthromite Spinewyrms, little centipede monsters that can tunnel through solid rock and bite the shit out of you.

TheChirurgeon: The Ash Nomads are cool and these rip. I’m of course going to turn them into chaos cultists and use the little baby sandworms for conversions, but I really like the not-quite-Tusken Raider aesthetic they have going on.

It’s all neat stuff and meshes well with the other Ash Wastes kits and their strider bugs.

Fowler: The Nomad kit felt borderline criminal in terms of book options it was missing. Both the new worm-tamers and the new weapon & accessory sprue go a long way towards filling in those voids. It’s also worth noting thay these are in-scale with standard guardsmen, so this is likely to be a hot kitbashing sprue. The stream mentioned that the Nomads are getting their own trading post – a very welcome addition that should make them more “complete” in a campaign.

This new trend of revisiting the one-off sort of gangs and fleshing them out with a “House Of” level of support is fantastic. Hot on the heels of the Venator refresh, we are hoping that Cults, Enforcers, and maybe even Corpse Grinders get a bit of love.

There’s also some new terrain, including a sick new fortified Hab Block and a packaged ruined Zone Mortalis box that’s just three of the older sets in one box.

TheChirurgeon: I have to get at least one and probably two of those upgraded hab blocks to have as terrain for the ash wastes table I have the terrain for but haven’t yet built. It’s coming eventually. The ruined Mortalis stuff I’ve already got but it’s cool to see there’s a big box of it now – something I wish they’d done for the older Zone Mortalis stuff. I also love that there are no rules for the new hab block, it’s just got some extra guns on it. Figure it out.

Fowler: Where we’re going, we don’t need rules. I foresee a lot of campaign capstone missions using these habs to re-enact some real Mad Max-ish stuff. Give the lower placed gangs a gun hab to even the score!

Just remember that you are going to take a Strength A LOT hit if you fall off of that thing.

Greg: The thing I look forward to most when they drop new Necro terrain is reading about all the clever ways it was designed to kitbash with the previous releases. The up-gunned clubhouse and the smashed up wall kits are neat on their own merits, but I can’t wait to see the thread from Ray Dranfield explaining how he designed the whole thing to also work hanging from the ceiling, and that the ruined pipe sections are the perfect size to work as buttresses on the Rohan House kit. That guy is nuts in the best possible way.

TheChirurgeon: Sadly, I don’t think we’re going to get one of those – it’s been a long time since he did any updates on that and the last time I heard from him he suggested he wasn’t working on terrain at the time. He’s since deleted his amazingly helpful Twitter account (I think GW frowns on employees having them), and I’m honestly not sure if he’s still at GW anyways. Which is all a shame because yeah, his terrain advice was awesome.


The Thanatar Calix Sneaks Under the Radar

Although not mentioned on stream for some reason, WarCom also showed off a new upcoming Heresy model for the Mechanicum – the Thanatar Calix Siege Automata. Another big lad rocking a graviton ram, which apparently no one knows how it works but what they do understand is that it will completely wreck your day when it hits you.

TheChirurgeon: Look these are fine, but this is just a Thanatar with a new gun and fist combo so it’s not some big shock it wasn’t given top billing. Thanatars are cool and I like that grav fist a lot but I’ll admit when I saw this I puzzled over it for a few minutes trying to figure out if they’d already released it. And as with all of the Mechanicum stuff, it’s absolutely baffling none of this is available for the 40k Admech faction.

Greg: I like the big doofus robot quite a bit, but this is basically just a weapons pack and it’s for a game that no sane person plays. I think it’s fine, as a little bit of charity, for the Heresy freaks to get a release here and there, but I don’t think we should encourage them too much. One lackluster release is about what they deserve.


A Blind Brayherd Leads the Beastmen into The Old World

RIP Beastmen in Age of Sigmar, and welcome them to the Old World. This new beastman is Kralmaw, and although he’s blind, he’s incredibly skilled at manipulating the winds of magic. If the roadmap is to be believed, Beastmen are coming up pretty soon.

TheChirurgeon: I’m sure Old World players who wanted Beastmen will be happy about this, but I don’t think the Age of Sigmar beastmen crew will be quite so pleased. Which is funny because Beastmen have been pretty good in Age of Sigmar through its first six months. Granted, they still have some time before they move into Legends there, but at least the transition to Old World comes with cool new models.

Falcon: After getting 2 ‘Order’ releases in a row it makes sense that Beastmen would be right around the corner. Kralmaw here is a pretty sick model and I love his little psychotic familiar. That his lore is tied to fan-favorite Morghur makes me curious as to if we’ll see the unkillable mutant Beastlord show up as well.

Fowler: Much like I say with every new Old World model reveal, I appreciate that GW is essentially drip-feeding us new Mordheim hero models. 


The Old World Roadmap

Speaking of which, we have a roadmap now for the Old World. The aforementioned High Elves are next up on the docket, followed by Beastmen and Wood Elves.

TheChirurgeon: That pretty much covers the nine mainline playable factions for The Old World outlined in the original materials, though there’s apparently tenth faction coming down the line if that blank box is to be believed.

Maybe the first fully new faction for The Old World?

Fowler: Eagle-eyed screen-shotters seem to think that Cathay was being teased. There was a lot of hype about the initial mention of Kislev / Cathay as Old World factions; either of those armies showing up would be fantastic.


TheChirurgeon: If Cathay were teased, it’s not in this image – I went full “Zoom, Enhance” mode on that square and it’s just got more of the skeleton army image.

That said, I would absolutely love to see some new Cathay or Kislev models. Those have gone unexplored too long and the stuff in Total War is pretty great. And yeah, with everything else done it’s pretty much time, right?

Falcon: The outline within the ghost square is very similar to the background of a prominent Cathay image which has got some fans really excited. We’ll see if their eagle eyes aren’t just making patterns out of Chaos soon enough. If it really is Cathay, it is a HUGE boon to those of us hoping that Old World isn’t just a flash in the pan game release.


The Nurgle Lord of Poxes

The other unheralded release from the previews, the upcoming Death Guard Lord of Poxes was likely a bit of an afterthought to close a hole – the model was leaked a few weeks ago when it was apparently erroneously sent to a customer by Games Workshop. This new Lord is implied to be on the same level as the Lords of Contagion and Virulence.

TheChirurgeon: It’s good to finally see a fully assembled and painted version of this guy. I love the model – I particularly love the paint job the studio did on his big sword. He looks great and I suspect he’ll act as the power armor version of the Lord of Contagion/Virulence and replace the standard Chaos Lord. Which is a shame given I’ve already converted one of those, but I did convert him with a Sword so I’ll just have two, I guess. Anyways this guy rules and I’m getting one. More big sword models please.

Colin: This was my favorite 40k model reveal of the night.

So much character in this model and a top tier paint job. 


The Emperor’s Children Join the Party

After lots of teasing and previews and the reveal of Fulgrim, we finally get a full view of the Emperor’s Children, with a look at the models being released in their upcoming boxed set. These include an updated Lucius and Noise Marines, plus new troops and elite warriors and at least two new characters. 

Neon: Praise Slaanesh I am so ready for this. It’s been nearly a full decade since GW started updating the CSM range and expanding out the Cult Legions, finally I can toss my hoarded finecast Noise Marine upgrade packs into the furnace. Emperor’s Children have felt like the unwanted child of the CSM family and its time for their big glowup.

The models are of course, pretty uniformly gorgeous in terms of sculpting, with newly chunkified Noise Marines, elite sword twunks and Lucius being the standouts beyond Fulgrim himself. I am a little underwhelmed at the EC unique basic jobbers however, who somehow manage to look more like an upgrade kit on the base Legionnaires set more than the actual upgrade kit on Legionnaires that the Nemesis Claw are. Also pretty split on a lot of the bare heads we’ve seen so far, for every classic Slaaneshi speakermouth and Cenobite enthusiast there’s a few heads in there that just look off, and not in the way you really want. Daemonic Ki-Adi-Mundi I’m looking at you and I wish I wasn’t.

TheChirurgeon: New Lucius is definitely a better sculpt than the old finecast model (good riddance), but I’ll admit I was hoping for something more in like the cover art to his recent novel. This is fine but I’m gonna be real with you: His armor doesn’t have nearly enough faces on it and his pose could stand to be more dynamic. Still a pretty cool model though and I hope his rules get a glow-up.

Neon: The big concern going into EC is gonna be if they’re gonna feel like a complete enough army out the gate. War Com released an army shot that seems to confirm that EC are going down the same route WE’s did with about 4-5 unique units and the rest borrowed from the main CSM book. WE’s have failed to feel like a fully realized army for nearly an entire edition now, and still have no indication of a big second wave release to round them out a little. I’d hate the same fate to happen with EC.

The news that not only will Slaanesh daemons be fully playable with EC, but each god-specific daemon unit will be added to their associated cult faction is an interesting move on GW. While I sympathise with the players facing down the possible removal of being able to play Undivided Daemons as a standalone faction, GW’s never really known what to do with them and I can’t blame the devs for rolling them in with mortals like Age of Sigmar does, because let’s be honest most of the time an “Undivided” army is whatever God is strongest that iteration with a smattering of off theme support units strong enough to be ran without synergy.

TheChirurgeon: Oh hell yes. And sooner than expected too, which rips. I am absolutely hype to get this army box, and I love what they’ve shown so far. In particular, the Noise Marines and the Lord Kakophonist, which just absolutely kill it with their update on the aesthetics of those models. The Noise Marines look a lot more like the EC take on Havocs this time around – clearly rocking 40mm bases with raised collars – and I think that’s a fitting way to position them. It probably means they stop being Battleline, but it looks like we have a new dual-kit options for that anyways. Although I can tell you right now that unless those boltguns are AP-2 I will never build that kit with standard bolters. I can’t even imagine an edition where that would have value.

Colin: My excitement about this release is a little different as I’m more inspired by what these models can do for me in a Horus Heresy setting. I’ve been waiting to see this release to use for a Siege of Terra era full-body-horror-Maraviglia host drawn straight from ‘Saturnine’; Snake Daddy and all. I think the Thicc Noise Marines (Kakophoni) and the Palatine Blade analog unit will be great to use. The battleline troops’s sculpts are pretty underwhelming on their face for 40k (I think Death Guard, World Eaters and even the basic CSM sculpts have more detail and character) is fine for the 30k Despoilers I’m planning on doing. Throw in some Hedonites of Slaanesh for militia and some weird tentacle-laden Dark Mech and we could be on to something! 

TheChirurgeon: These are the only duds in the bunch, really. And mostly the heads – I haven’t liked a single one of the unhelmeted heads I’ve seen in this Emperor’s Children reveal, save maybe Lucius. Hopefully they have helmets so I can cover those up. Otherwise, these look conceptually rad as hell, though they combo with the other releases to suggest that Emperor’s Children are more a melee army than a shooting one and I worry about overlap with World Eaters.

The 40k Roadmap

We closed things out with the roadmap for Warhammer 40k. Astra Militarum are currently releasing, Eldar should be soon, Emperor’s Children also, and then coming next are the other three Chaos Space Marine cult armies – World Eaters, Death Guard, and Thousand Sons. Then we have “on the Horizon,” showing Grey Knights, what appears to be a Salamanders space marine, Black Templars, and Chaos Knights.

TheChirurgeon: Oh hell yes I am ready for another Year of Chaos. My only complaint is that I’ll have too much shit to paint this year with all three cult factions releasing new stuff, but Emperor’s Children are going to be the main focus. That said, I’m pretty surprised that Imperial Knights are nowhere to be seen here – they were definitely in the “next three things” image shown at NOVA and the WCW last year. Seems odd they’ve just vanished.

Greg: I know I made fun of Horus Heresy before, but I guess GW is getting back at me for it because post-Eldar we’re apparently getting seven Space Marine books in a row, with Chaos Knights thrown in for good measure to drive the Dark Mechanicum sickos slightly further up the wall. I get why this is the case – many of the Xenos books are already out, and after a few splashy model releases it’s probably nice for them to focus on a wave that’s just books and a hero character or two – but this is a bit much. I’m assuming the Salamander there represents a Marines 2.0 codex and not a new supplement, but in either case I would like it to stop.

TheChirurgeon: I mean yeah, it’s weird to complain about all marines when everything but Drukhari and Votann are either out or releasing imminently. Hell, Tyranids beat Marines to be the first release of the edition! I’m not saying seven straight marine armies won’t be a little rough, but non-marine players have been eating pretty good this edition, all things considered.

LVO-Specific Thoughts

Contemptor Kevin: I was at the LVO for this reveal physically.  Mentally I had been up for about 22 hours straight and flown from one end of the Continental United States to the other, so I fell asleep and may have missed some things (Lord of Poxes and the Mechanicum Robot).  I will double-check with Alice as to whether it made it into the live show.  

At the LVO, Mike Brandt dropped a statistic that gobsmacked me: In 2024, there were more Warhammer *events* than there were organized Warhammer *players* in 2017, when I started attending events.  While I can absolutely believe this to be the case – I have seen both Adepticon and NoVa move from their “ancestral homes” pre-pandemic because the last years in Crystal City (NoVA) and Schaumburg (Adepticon) the space felt incredibly constrained – the scale of the expansion is still mind-boggling.  

The scale of the expansion of Warhammer preview events from a small auditorium in the bowels of the Crystal City Hyatt to the vast Leonard Nimoy Theater of the Rio does have some negative consequences – specifically, I couldn’t see much clearly because we were too far back.  I hope that for future iterations of the preview show, they just make the pictures bigger on the slide show.  

Final Thoughts

An interesting and pretty packed announcement stream this year – certainly had more than last year, when we saw the Kroot box announcement and Age of Sigmar was winding down in its third edition. Though they did show us the Nemesis Claw, i.e. the greatest single Games Workshop release to date, so it’s hard to say which is better. Still, there’s a ton to be excited about here and you can bet we’ll be hanging around for the next one too.

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