It’s that time again! The Goonhammer Patron community has been hard at work doing Cool Hobby Stuff™, and it’s been a while since we’ve showcased any of it. Since we have quite the backlog to catch up on, much like the last roundup we are going to split it into two parts. Let’s get right into it!
With thanks from the Goonhammer team to Joe Aronow for stepping up and getting this organised.
I’ve been working through the Dark Angels’ half of an eBay rescue Dark Vengeance set. I love these models because they have so much Dark Angel iconography on them, it makes them really unique.
I’m still working my way through the Deathwing, but at least 2+ makes a valid Deathwing Command Squad!
Additionally, I painted up a Ravenwing Apothecary, because what’s better than a medic on a motorcycle? He was a good experiment with painting white using increasingly darker and more precise recess shading, which I think turned out pretty good.
The theme here was trying to do more complex custom work. Mortarion’s entire base is custom done in Resin, Greenstuff, and cork.
The Blight Hauler is on a custom cork rocky outcropping.
The Foul Blightspawn has some added spewing to the hose, as well as a Poxwalker head encased in resin in his tank.
These are my Tau for Aeronautica Imperialis – freshly ready for their first game (defeat!).
The one with lots of red is painted up as Dawn Sword, the named Tiger Shark pilot, and 2 more Tigers, then 2 of the 4 drones that make up distraction flight. Digital Camo applied by reusable infantry stencil – inspired by modern planes. Decals as supplied by GW just make everything pop.
Ian Donovan
I also had to do something to mark the return of Kill Team, and I’ve always loved Cuss Toads. These guys are going to be my new year, new army for 2022 next month.
I was accused of being a 40k purist, so in addition to a Kill Team, I decided to buy Harrowdeep and a warband. I settled on vampires, because vampires are awesome. The paint scheme is an inversion. I’ve never painted the classic Knight before, so I changed this warband to steel armor and red cloth/leather, instead of enameled armor, which I’m just opposed to on principle.
Warmaster Drake
Before the announcement of the Soulblight Gravelords, I had no interest in Age of Sigmar. But with the new models announced at the beginning of the year, I loved the way they looked and decided to jump in. I bought the Underworlds Warband The Crimson Court with no intention of ever playing that game, but I knew I wanted the models to be Vampire Lords in my army, and I wasn’t a fan of the official model that GW released for that warscroll.
I also knew I wanted the army to look like they were in a cemetery, but without all of the gravestones. So, a buddy of mine suggested marble, like broken pieces of a tomb, which was awesome. I went with the bright wildflowers because it contrasted with the really muted colors I knew I’d use on the models, and it also reminded me of all the old, abandoned cemeteries I’d visited around me.
So far, I’ve painted up these models, along with the rest of the Crimson Court, Gorslav the Gravekeeper, the wizard model from Cursed City as my Necromancer, a Wight King, and 30 Grave Guard. Currently, I am working on 80 Zombies to add in as battle line, as well as 20 skeletons, 10 Dire Wolves, and a Coven Throne.
I also have plans in the future to add Manfred, a Vengorian Lord, and Nagash to the army. I’ve also got plans to convert the big, new Stormcast Dragon into a Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon.
My master of possession was actually just a test piece I had done very early this year. Sometimes tests get ten trips to the ultrasonic cleaner, sometimes they become the style guide for an army.
I had to paint this model as soon as I saw it. I really want to push the ice effect on his base more now, but I’m sad with the way he looks now.
These are my sisters of rust, based on a tutorial from the always great Dana Howl. I’d been looking to get into sisters since the new plastic kits came out, and her tutorial gave me a path forward that made me feel pretty confident that I could get them down to a nice standard with an acceptable level of effort.
This project has been really rewarding so far, and I’ve got a force that looks great on the tabletop and been able to practice some techniques that are new to me, like power weapon glow and weathering techniques.
This is what I’ve been working on in the last couple of months. The Landsknechts are almost finished, I just need to add a handbuchse and some characters like priests and nobles that need some basing and finishing touches.
The Condottiere probably need some more cavalry, but I think I have enough for now to call it finished. I also need to track down some appropriate banners! The Carnevale models are always somewhere in my peripheral vision, I still need to finish up some other vampires and a couple of barbers, and then this project will be done as well.
For the rest I’m basing Republican Romans, and am starting on some lotr models for Battle Companies. I will not mention a bunch of scenery which is still almost-finished, because the weather is bad so I can’t varnish at the moment, so that’s not my fault.
Wrap Up
Stay tuned for more of those sweet, sweet models in the second part of our round-up! As always, thanks to all our Patrons who were kind enough to share their hobby progress with us. If you’d like to see some of your own models sprinkled in next time, check us out on Patreon to join the Discord at the $5+ tiers.