We are 1/3rd of the way through the year. That means all of our team have painted 1/3rd of their new armies and not gotten totally sidetracked with other projects, right??
Lots of Fallout from me, and also some Incubi in honour of the excellent new Drukhari codex! I’m excited to get some more of my evil space elves painted up now that it’s worth putting them on the table again.
Charlie B
This month I have mostly been building and painting myself 110 points of go faster. When the zippiest thing in your 1800 point army is a Repulsor Executioner, capable of ten pootly inches a turn, you done cocked it as far as 9th edition 40K is concerned. Thus, a no-frills Impulsor:
Enough people have asked me about the weathering on the benches and the monitor screens that I’ve written some quick explainers over on the Beard Bunker. You may also be wondering why I haven’t added the optional gun, and the answer is… ehhh… I might get to that later. #pootleformacragge
I ran out of models.
I continue to putter away at my current projects, with a big focus on getting my admech army up and going for the ever closer codex. There is something really satisfying about this scheme, its fairly simple and mostly avoids any of the particularly tiring steps of my other schemes
![Ironstrider Ballistarius. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Ironstrider-Ballistarius-Front-Left-750x750.jpg)
![Ironstrider Ballistarius. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Ironstrider-Ballistarius-Front-Right-750x750.jpg)
![Kastelan Robots with Cybernetica Datasmith. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Kastelan-Robots-with-Cybernetica-Datasmith-Front-750x750.jpg)
![Kastelan Robots with Cybernetica Datasmith. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Kastelan-Robots-with-Cybernetica-Datasmith-Back-750x750.jpg)
![Skitarii Vanguard. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Skitarii-Vanguards-Front-e1617373655164-750x538.jpg)
![Skitarii Vanguard. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Skitarii-Vanguards-Back-e1617373622142-750x457.jpg)
In contrast to the grungy dark metal I also worked on some eldar bikes, which are astoundingly bright in comparison.
![Windriders with Scatter Lasers. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Windriders-with-Scatter-Lasers-Right-Front-e1616557061914-750x378.jpg)
![Windriders with Scatter Lasers. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Windriders-with-Scatter-Lasers-Left-e1616557086137-750x453.jpg)
![Windriders with Scatter Lasers. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Windriders-with-Scatter-Lasers-Back-e1616557127899-750x469.jpg)
Even more stark is the contrast with the last model of the month:
![Wraithseer. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Wraithseer-Right-750x750.jpg)
![Wraithseer. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Wraithseer-Back-Right-750x750.jpg)
![Wraithseer. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Wraithseer-Left-750x750.jpg)
![Wraithseer. Credit: Rockfish](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Wraithseer-Front-750x750.jpg)
Wraith constructs are hella rad.
Tanya “The Warmistress” Gates
I am the new kid here at Goonhammer and what better way to introduce myself than to jump onto the Hobby Roundup. 2020 up until this point has been a time of introspection for me as I decide which direction I want to take with competitive play when tournaments open up in my area again. I have been trying to answer the question, “Orks or Imperial Guard?” As I contemplated, I decided to make a bit more headway on my Deathskulls, starting with my Battlewagon.
Meganobs are my auto-include unit in all of my lists. These 5 were a blast to paint and I can’t wait to tackle the next 10. I really tried with my Ork army to make a scheme I could do quickly that still caught the eye well when the force was put on the table. I think that bright electric blue did the trick.
And the coolest project I completed has to be my custom Warmistress Boss that Gear Guts’ Mek Shop made for me. The guard theme and loyal shoulder pets make this warboss so uniquely me and I love it.
My Oops! All Specialist Games run continues, as this half-month is all Necromunda, all the time! First up, I knocked out the biggest heels in the underhive, the Mercator Sanguis Slaver Entourage:
These guys absolutely ooze character, and have so many cool details and textures hidden throughout. They were deceptively simple to paint, even if carving the resin out from between each goddamn chainsword tooth took me an hour alone. Building them really wasn’t fun, but painting them was an absolute blast. Next, I got right into the spirit of Goonhammer ’96 week and knocked out some retromunda dipshits to really class up the joint.
I’ve had these old models sitting around for well over a decade at this point, so it’s about damn time I finally put paint to plastic. Painting them after working on so many extremely detailed modern models was a real treat, and it let me really focus on nailing those volumetric highlights. Of course, these aren’t the only Streets of Rage rejects I’ve painted over the past few weeks:
These guys actually aged more gracefully than the Goliaths if you can believe it. They painted up a little faster than the London Leatherboys as they’re like 2/3 the size. I don’t know if I’ll do up whole gangs of these guys at this point – lord knows I’ve got enough Goliaths – but if you want to paint your own to match, keep an eye on Goonhammer this week. There’s already a Goliath painting article out, and if The Goonhammer Content Mill demands it, there will be an Orlock one out too.
I too have heeded the siren call of classic Necromunda models for Goonhammer ’96 week. These were a joy to work with – and I’m looking forward to getting paint on a few more of them. This scheme is recreating the models I borrowed for my first Necromunda demo game (back in ’96 or ’97), long before I got into the hobby.
![Necromunda Old Orlock metal](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/orlocks96-750x500.jpeg)
Over the past week or so I have clipped 26 sprues of terrain and scatter. The spirit has finally moved me to knock out all of my outstanding 40k / Necromunda scenery projects. First item on the menu was picking out some general schemes.
![Necromunda Terrain](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/kfterrain1-750x750.jpeg)
The palette is pretty simple – teal, red, yellow, (very grimy) brass, and some viridian hue oils for verdigris. I’ve kept the red plasma coil motif to match my Necro gangs. Eventually I’d like to fill out a wasteland depot style table. Last up this week is the Manwolfs Roadboss Living Quarters Playset. The design was inspired by terrain work from Sol Vince, Magrathea, Builder of Worlds, and 40kHamslam. This is my first try at a lived-in space; something to put at the top of a rickety hab block on a wasteland table.
terrain / scatter
Hello friends! It’s been awhile. I’ve been pluggin’ along this year. Got kind of a slow start, but now that it looks like actual gaming is on the horizon – and I’m going to be returning to the office soon – I figured now was as good a time to get my Space Wolves finished and to get a new work desk army. My 2nd company Ultras are just too big for my desk, alas.
First up, it’s March for Macragge! And I decided to march for Macragge by painting Uriel Ventris!
After painting Ventris and his two Lieutenants (I painted those in late February), I decided it was time to give Ventris some additional troops to command. So instead of buying a single box of Marines to build and paint, I instead went for alternate sculpts – I got the build and paint Ultramarines set, the Getting Started with Warhammer 40K magazine, and the 2019 Store Birthday Marine and combined them all into one unit. I took some bits from a few other units to make the Sergeant a bit neater.
After having stained a few brushes blue, I decided to finish up a model I built and primed back in February: a second Space Wolves Impulsor! This one I think came out far, far, far better than my last one.
Also, I built, primed, and painted that little ruin from Moon Base Klasius in the background of my pictures. That took about a day and involved a lot of drybrushing.
For April, I’ve got more Ultramarines to paint – hopefully some of GW’s shipping woes resolve soon so I can get stuff I ordered back in January and build them up. It’s always fun to learn new techniques and then to apply them – it keeps hobbying fresh!
This month I spent working on an entry for @totally_not_panicking’s smash bash contest on Instagram. The base model is Yvraine with bits from several bonereaper kits and skeleton warriors. My concept is cybernetically enhanced Genestealer cult fallen under the corrupting influence of demonic powers. I have ‘someday’ plans of filling out a gang with skeletons x neophyte hybrids and mortek guard x acolyte hybrids.
Short painting month for me, as I’m busy with who-knows-what other hobby projects. But I did manage to paint up a pair of Necrons, first being a Canoptek Reanimator. I know people aren’t in love with it’s abilities, point cost, or lack of durability. But dangit, that’s a neato looking model!
![Necron Canoptek Reanimator](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG_8355-1024x683.jpg)
The other model I painted is the new Necron Psychomancer and oh boy. This model is as cool looking as it is a pain to assemble. I get the tail things are complicated, but did they really need to be half a dozen different pieces of plastic? Oh well, it was worth the effort, cause this ‘cron was tons of fun to paint.
![Necron Psychomancer](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG_8380-1024x684.jpg)
Beanith Last Second Addition – March Edition
Mostly doing Crusade things and little side projects like this month so not much to share thats tabletop ready.
Here I’m testing out Contrast Skeleton Horde over Ubashti Bone to see if I like the look of it for a squad of Deathshroud.
I’ve “finished” Triarch Stalker Judy which was one of my goals for March. I need to go back and add washes but that’s future Beanith’s problem.
And lastly here I cribbed from R0ckfish’s Method they shared in How to Paint Everything: Orks (40k) on this test model… FOR NO REASON AT ALL.
And lastly some 5th Edition Lizardmen models that were meant for part of last weeks Hobby throwback series that fell through the cracks.