Getting Started With Star Wars Legion: Rebel Alliance

Who Are the Rebel Alliance?

The Rebel Alliance is the popular name given to the coalition of dissidents and defectors who have joined together to overturn the authoritarian rule of the Galactic Empire and restore the governing style of the previous Galactic Republic. [All canon sources insist the official name is ‘The Alliance to Restore the Republic.’ No one, not even the rebellion, uses this. -Ed.]  They utilize covert insurgency tactics on Imperial worlds throughout the galaxy, as well as hit-and-run tactics agains the much larger and better-equipped Imperial fleets.  The alliance was founded by Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Padme Amidala, with Mothma being the only founding member still alive in the years after the Battle of Endor.

After the Battle of Endor, what remained of the Rebel Alliance would found the New Republic to govern the galaxy.  For the remainder of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic had to change it’s military strategy as it gained recruits and resources because of the logistical nightmare their guerilla tactics presented.  They became a more conventional military force and finally defeated the Empire at the Battle of Jakku.  In the timeline of episodes 7-9, the New Republic is now backing forces to help fight against the First Order, which was formed by the remnants of the Galactic Empire.

Essential Media

The Original Trilogy- A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi serve as our introduction to the Rebel Alliance in the first 15 minutes.  They also establish why they exist (and why we should be cheering for them), and establish how high the stakes really are.  This trilogy also serves as a way for interested Rebel players to see exactly what many of the Commander and Operative characters did for the Rebellion.

Rogue One In my opinion, Rogue One isn’t just a good Star Wars movie, it’s a good film. Period.  Additionally, we get to see what led up to the opening sequence of A New Hope and build more context for that movie.  And we get to see it all without lightsabers.  This film is grittier than most, and was also my introduction to Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso, two Commander options for the Rebel Alliance in Legion.

Star Wars: Rebels Yes, I am recommending an animated series.  Star Wars animated series are, for the most part, really well done. Clone Wars and Rebels are at the top of that list.  This is a sprawling tale that really shows how a rebel cell is built over time and how they are fighting against the Galactic Empire as a small group of Rebels defends Lothal from Imperial occupation, even taking on Grand Admiral Thrawn in the process. This series also takes place during the timeline of the original trilogy, so viewers get to see just how tenuous it is to be a force user while trying to avoid the Imperial Inquisition.

Andor My final recommendation is a fantastic thriller of a TV show that just happens to take place in the Star Wars universe.  The story of Cassian Andor (who by the events of Rogue One is spoken of in reverential tones) becoming a significant leader of the Rebellion had me on the edge of my seat with each episode.  Again, this shows a more “boots on the ground” perspective of the rebellion, without the need to rely heavily on lightsabers to tell one of the best stories in the Star Wars canon.

How Do They Play?

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The Rebel Alliance is known for the guerilla tactics they have shown in the movies and television shows.  This style of fighting translates well to their playstyle in Star Wars: Legion.  Rebels have access to a lot of Range 3 shooting that give you black attack dice, and through various keywords and the ability to incorporate their speed 2 moves into their two available actions, Rebels are surprisingly mobile.  Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the Rebel Alliance has access to some of the strongest characters in the game.  This should be expected based on how larger than life they are in the movies and television shows.  You have sniper characters, melee beatsticks, and close range gunfighters in your selection of heroes.  

Traditionally, the Rebel Alliance is a gunline faction, but you can also flood the battlefield with activations and more melee focused units in the form of Ewoks and stab your opponent’s units in the face.       


  • Strong heroes. Your Rebel heroes can go toe to toe with just about any character in the game and come out on top.  In addition to their strength, there is also a great variety of characters to choose from to match your playstyle as well.
  • Mobility. Rebels want and NEED to be moving, so you will find yourself using move actions more often than you would for other gunline style armies. Because their shooting is pretty efficient (see below), they don’t have to use an action to aim. Their speed of 2 is not initially impressive, but with access to keywords and ways to get rid of suppression tokens, they move better than their speed 2 would make you believe. Also, Rebels do not have to be as bunched up as other armies, and your units operate pretty well independent of each other.
  • Efficient shooting at range.  The number of dice that Rebel units will throw at opponents may not be that impressive, but there are several advantages that they give your troops.  First, they use the black attack dice.  Additionally, the units you will be wanting or needing to bring (Troopers, Veterans, and Commandos) all have access to Range 4 shooting.  Finally, there is also an abundance of keywords (Pierce and Critical) attached to your weapons to help ensure that the shots you are taking will connect and do some damage.


  • Fragile. Remember how shooting at range was a strength? There’s a reason for that. You will want to keep your opponents away from your troops because for the most part, your units use white defense dice (the worst), and do not have access to a lot of defensive keywords and upgrades.  This is also another reason why you will want to keep your troops moving around the board: keep them in cover and play with line of sight to keep them safe.
  • Suppression. Yes, Rebels have ways to mitigate suppression, but the pendulum can also swing the other way.  If your units become suppressed, they aren’t moving and shooting as well as you want them to, which will severely hamper their ability to survive and be successful.

How Do I Get into Them?

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There are two value/discounted options for players who are interested in starting a Rebel force in Star Wars Legion: the Star Wars Legion Core Set and the Echo Base Defenders set.  The Core Set has miniatures for both the Galactic Empire as well as Rebels.  For the Rebels it contains Luke Skywalker (commander version), two units of Rebel Troopers, and an AT-RT.  This is in addition to the generic command cards, terrain, dice, and other gaming tools that are included in the set as well.  You will want Rebel Troopers anyway as they are a pretty cheap Corps choice, and AT-RTs can provide some armored support for your troopers.  The version of Luke Skywalker that is included in this set also provides a solid Commander choice for your force as well, though his Operative version may be the melee beatstick you want in your army. 


The Echo Base Defenders Battleforce box is a set that I highly recommend players looking to start a Rebel Alliance force, not only because I like the Hoth aesthetic of the models, but also because it contains units that you will definitely want to at least try in your force as you expand it. These include 4 units of Rebel Veterans (my favorite Corps unit), Leia Organa, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, two units of Tauntaun Riders, and a solid Range 5 shooting 1.4 FD Laser Cannon.

This Battleforce is meant to represent the group of Rebel soldiers in place during the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back.  The Battleforce roster consists of (units included in the Battleforce Box Set are in italics):

  • Commander: Leia Organa, Han Solo, Rebel Officer, Luke Skywalker
  • Operative: Chewbacca, R2-D2 (C-3PO)
  • Corps: Rebel Veterans, Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper
  • Support: 1.4 FD Laser Laser Cannon Team, Tauntaun Riders
  • Heavy: T-47 Airspeeder
  • Unique Upgrades: Wedge Antilles

With the models included in this box set, you can create a full 800 point Rebel Alliance army list.  It may not be the best, but you can get the full game experience with just this one box set and some upgrades.  I chose to upgrade the Veterans, as they are your only Corps unit in the box, and you will want them to stick around for as long as possible. In order to play just using this box, however, I do recommend also buying the Legion Essentials Kit so you have all of the generic cards, measurement tools, range finders, and dice that you need to play a game.  You can also build a 500 point Skirmish list out of this box, but that is an entirely different thing and will be covered in it’s own article.



10 Activations


Leia Organa 75


Chewbacca 90


R2-D2 55


4x Rebel Veterans 48 + 35 = 83 x 4 = 332

–CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9)

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team 65 + 3 = 68

–Barrage Generator (3)

2x Tauntaun Riders 90 x 2 = 180


Coordinated Bombardment•, Ambush•, Brains and Brawn••, Push••, Covering Fire•••, Somebody Has to Save Our Skins•••, Standing Orders••••


Battle Lines, Disarray, The Long March, Advanced Positions

Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies

Rapid Reinforcements, Supply Drop, Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions


If you’ve already got the Core Set, you can build a pretty diverse list by combining it with the Echo Base Defenders box.  Now you have some flexibility with your commander, as well as the troops that you choose to bring.  If you are looking for something to add to one or both of these sets, I recommend Han Solo for his synergies with Chewbacca, or Cassian Andor and K-2SO to gain an excellent Commander with long-range shooting capabilities and very synergistic Operative.  I also recommend purchasing a box or two of Rebel Commandos. They are one of the best units available to Rebel forces, and are pretty standard units to include. At 76 points with a sniper attached to them, they can also help push your force to 10+ activations.




10 Activations


Cassian Andor 90

–A280-CFE (0)

Han Solo 100


K-2SO 70 + 10 = 80

–Jyn’s SE-14 Blaster (10)

Chewbacca 90


4x Rebel Veterans 48 + 37 = 85 x 4 = 340

–CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9), Recon Intel (2)

2x Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 20 + 30 = 50 x 2 = 100

–DH-447 Sniper (28), Recon Intel (2)


Sabotaged Communications•, Sorry About the Mess•, Last Stand••, Reckless Diversion••, Notorious Scoundrels•••, Volunteer Mission•••, Standing Orders••••


Battle Lines, Disarray, The Long March, Advanced Positions

Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies

Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions, Supply Drop, Rapid Reinforcements


What Else Do They Have?

The Original Trilogy Collection

  • Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight: Hoo-boy is this a spicy Operative character.  This version of Luke is based on his appearance in Return of the Jedi at the end of the original trilogy when he was at the peak of his power as a Jedi.  He is very expensive at 195 points, but he can more than make up for it with his three (!) Force slots as well as the 7 black dice he tosses at enemies when he engages them in melee.
  • Ewok Skirmishers: These little furballs are unique to the Rebel Alliance and can really fill a gap in their forces by being a melee-only unit.  They have some defenses with their Low Profile keyword, and throwing several black dice at an opponent can prove effective over time.  Also, if your opponent is shooting at Ewoks, they’re not shooting at your more valuable units.  

TV Show Collection

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  • Sabine Wren: Sabine was one of my first purchases because of how much I loved the character in Rebels and Ahsoka.  Hopefully the rest of the Ghost crew will find a way to get in Legion one day, but until then Sabine is what we have.  And she’s not a bad character.  She can be upgraded with the Dark Saber, and can move pretty quickly with her Jump 2 ability.  
  • Din Djarin: His card says he is 105 points, but really he’s 122. Because why wouldn’t you take Grogu along with The Mandalorian?  In addition to the normal upgrades, he also has access to his Beskar Spear to gain TWO red dice and a black dice in melee combat.  It also can either grant Din Pierce or Immune: Pierce if he spends an aim or dodge token, respectively.  His range is much closer than Rebels typically like to be, but he is very effective when he gets up close and personal.
  • Ahsoka:  Ahsoka is the second-most expensive unit in the Rebel Alliance, behind only Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight.  There is good reason for this.  She has the Jump 2 keyword which allows her to ignore terrain that is size 2 or less when she is moving.  Her defensive ability Deflect can also inflict damage on enemies who are trying to eliminate her as well, which is always a nice surprise.  

How About Another Sample List?

This list is by no means meant to be competitive at all.  However, this list is meant to be built around a theme, and I have drawn inspiration from the movie Rogue One and the Disney+ series Andor.  I feel like if you are aware of your ranges and control them, this list will perform just fine on the table.

This list aims to keep enemies at range and utilize the mobility of your units to frustrate your opponent and grab objectives.



10 Activations


Cassian Andor 90

–A280-CFE (0)

K-2SO 70


4x Rebel Veterans 48 + 44 = 92 x 4 = 368

–CM-0/93 Trooper (26), 2-1B Medical Droid (18)

3x Rebel Commandos 48 + 28 = 76 x 3 = 228

–DH-447 Sniper (28)

Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 20 + 23 = 43

–Proton Charge Saboteur (23)


Crack Shot•, Sabotaged Communications•, Push••, Last Stand••, Covering Fire•••, Sacrifice•••, Standing Orders••••


Battle Lines, Disarray, The Long March, Advanced Positions

Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies

Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions, Supply Drop, Rapid Reinforcements