Everything You Need to Know About the New Emperor’s Children Release

The new Champions of Slaanesh boxed set for Emperor’s Children release today, giving us the first new models for the new faction plus the Codex. And while these rules aren’t technically legal yet for matched play and half the faction’s models haven’t released yet, there’s still plenty of hobbying and testing to be done with the new army. To commemorate that, we’ve created the Start Competing page for Emperor’s Children, which you can find here:

Start Competing: Emperor’s Children Tactics

But in case you missed any of our coverage of the faction, you can find everything you’ll need to know in the links below. From rules to hobby to lore, we’ve got you covered.

The Rules

The new codex gives players six different ways to play the Emperor’s Children. Check out our review of the book and each Detachment, with a sample list for each.

And if you’re looking for a review of the new book’s Crusade rules, check out our review of those here:

The Lore

Want to know what’s up with the lore in the new book? Check out this review:


If you want to know about the new models, how they fit together, and how you can do some cool conversions with them, check out our coverage of the new Champions of Slaanesh boxed set. You can find that here:

And if you want to know how to paint the traitorous forces of the Emperorā€™s Children, click on the banner or the link below for that or check out our How to Paint EverythingĀ page for links to various legion painting guides.

How to Paint Everything: Emperor’s Children

Video Reviews

Want to watch our reviews rather than read about them? You can do that with the links below – now featuring dubstep instead of ska!

The Codex Review

Detachment Focus Videos

That wraps up all of our coverage of the Emperor’s Children but you can bet there will be more to come in future articles, from Hammer of Math looking at some of the faction’s key units to Competitive Innovations covering successful lists and TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2025 covering hobby progress with an Emperor’s Children army. Check back eveyr week for more updates and your weekly dose of perverse pleasure.

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