Merry Grotmas! Games Workshop is releasing a new series of detachments – one per army, every day until Christmas. In this series we’re looking at these new detachments, covering what’s in them, how they play, and how they’ll fit into the broader meta and your games.
Chaos Space Marines players have had no shortage of competitive options when it comes to Detachments – their Codex dropped no fewer than four serious options (Veterans of the Long War, Pactbound Zealots, Renegade Raiders, and Chaos Cult), giving them some very different ways to play. As a faction they didn’t really need another strong option, though you can argue that if they were to get one the best-case would be something that makes their Infantry units and melee options a bit more viable – Pacts generally pushes the faction heavy into vehicles and shooting threats, leading to armies full of Predators and Vindicators supported by cheaper Legionaries units while Possessed fall by the wayside. Anyways, Creations of Bile is here to comfortably slot in as another competitive choice, and is among the most competitive options for the faction.
- January 23, 2025: Updated with a new list
- December 12, 2024: Initial publication

Detachment Overview
The Creations of Bile Detachment is pretty much what you’d expect, super-charging your INFANTRY units with some pretty insane buffs. The options here are all good, and you can absolutely plan around having them or just go in with a melee-heavy army planning to roll for two. On top of that, this Detachment offers all of the extra tools you want, such as a Stratagem to Advance and Charge, an Enhancement to screen out Deep Strikers, a Stratagem to Fight on Death, a way to re-roll wounds, and a way to get extra buffs from the Detachment. And on top of all that, there’s still plenty of reason to take the old standard shooting units here – Pacts still work just as well as they did before, and Vindicators and Predator Destructors are still pretty deadly, though this isn’t where you want to load up on five tanks.
Ultimately, Creations of Bile supercharges the already decent datasheets in the Chaos Space Marines army, and supplements them with a solid suite of tools for taking on multiple scenarios.
The Video Version
If you’d rather watch a video on this Detachment than read, we’ve got you covered. It’s also just a good primer if you want to get a feel for what’s here before going into the longer write-up.
Detachment Rule: Experimental Augmentations
At the start of the battle, pick an augmentation to be active for your non-DAMNED INFANTRY models for the rest of the game. You can either choose one from the list below or roll for two, with duplicates doing nothing for you. If you have Fabius Bile as your Warlord, you can re-roll one or both of the dice in this process.
- Cholinergic Accelerants: +1 Attacks to melee weapons
- Hyperadrenal Infusion: +2” Movement
- Paraneural Reactions: +1 WS on melee attacks
- Subcutaneous Chitination: +1 Toughness
- Macrotensile Sinews: +1 Strength on melee attacks
- Opthalmic Enhancement: +1 BS on ranged attacks
That is an absolutely stellar list of buffs and no matter which one you like, there’s a unit in the Chaos Space Marines armory that wants to use it. Want more speed? Possessed would love to be able to move 11” with the ability to Advance and Charge. Want a higher BS? Obliterators and Havocs absolutely love that. More Attacks in melee? Every melee unit in the army just raised a hand. And you can always tailor to the opponent – Death Guard player about to drop -1 WS on you? You can shut that down. Need to punch up against T10-11 targets? +1 Strength is right there. Going into hordes? +1 Attack.
Note that +1 WS and +1 Attack have roughly the same benefit for regular Legionaries and models with a 3+ to hit statistically, but +1 Attack has higher upside, will generate more Pact bonuses, and improves your characters, so it will usually be the better option. Think of +1 WS as a fun bonus when you’re rolling for two traits.
Most of the time you’ll want to build your army around a specific buff that complements the units you’re taking – Obliterators and Havocs with +1 BS, for example – but if you’re going generic melee, you may often find yourself in the enviable position of just rolling for two buffs, and taking the raw power that offers. For this reason, you pretty much always want Bile in the army as your Warlord. He’s pretty cheap, OK in combat, and he gives his unit +1 Toughness. In Creations, you’ll generally want to pair him with a unit of Chosen. And while we’re on that topic, a unit of S6, T6 Chosen who can get two more buffs on top of that are pretty insane.
Mike P: This is one of the coolest detachment rules in all of 10th Edition, and will really help you feel like a mad scientist building an army of monsters. The fact that it’s also really strong is just the (mutated) cherry on top.
My personal favorites are Hyperadrenal Infusion (+2” Movement) and Subcutaneous Chitination (+1 Toughness). Your melee units generally hit pretty hard on a base level, so I’m a little less enamored with the melee buffs. Giving your army of powerful melee units extra movement and durability will help them reach the fight faster, and stick around for longer.
TheChirurgeon: In my games I’ve found that +1S and +1T are the most likely to be duds, as there are just many matchups where they don’t matter – against knights and chaos knights, going from S8 to S9 on your power fists does nothing, and S12+ weapons will still wound most anything you have on a 2+ anyways. And against T3 targets, going to S5 with chainswords won’t matter. That said, it’s matchup and unit dependent. T6 Plague Marines and T8 Obliterators are actually pretty good in a lot of matchups, and getting to S6 with Accursed Weapons against T3 targets is a pretty good deal.
Finally from a rules standpoint, the process on this with Bile is: Roll two dice, then decide if you will be re-rolling one or both of them. There is no “re-roll one, then choose to re-roll the other” option.

Your choices in this Detachment give you a good mix of costs, and effects that range from “a nice buff” to “holy shit that’s good.” They’re all closed off to DAMNED units, but generally they’re not effects you’d want on a Damned unit anyways. Two of these are pretty much must-takes, though doing so is going to cost you quite a few points.
- Surgical Precision (10 Points) – The bearer’s melee weapons have the PRECISION ability. This isn’t limited to Chaos Lords, but Masters of Execution already have Precision so it’s going on a Chaos Lord. Very solid, good for the price, gives your Chaos Lord the one thing they were missing compared to the Master of Executions. It’s worth noting that this can go on a Daemon Prince, and that’s pretty neat, too.
- Living Carapace (15 Points) – CHAOS LORD model only. They get +1 Wound and have Feel No Pain 5+. This is OK, and one of those perfectly fine “if you have the points left over, take it” options. Good for those times when you’re going to pop off with an overcharged plasma pistol or when you’re trying to do pacts with a solo Chaos Lord and really taking chances on a suicide run.
- Helm of All-Seeing (25 Points) – Non-DAMNED INFANTRY model only. Enemy units that are set up from Reserves cannot be set up within 12” of the bearer. This is very solid, and good if you’re running a cheap backfield character like a Warpsmith. Also good for keeping pesky 6” deep strikes away from midfield.
- Prime Test Subject (35 Points) – non-DAMNED INFANTRY model only. The bearer gets +1 damage on their melee weapons and each time they make an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. This is bonkers good. Windmill slam this on a hammer Chaos Lord to get a 3-damage monster who can re-roll hits and, if you’re fighting with Legionaries over an objective, wound rolls as well, fishing for Devastating Wounds. The only downside here is the cost – it’s a lot to throw on a unit, and you may just not have the points for it. On the other hand, it’s such a massive buff you might want to start your build with it.
TheChirurgeon: These are some damn good Enhancements, and they all have very good uses. Prime Test Subject feels like an absolute must-take given how much value it gives your Chaos Lord – 3 damage Dev Wounds with re-rolls is very much worth building around.
Mike P: Lots of fun stuff here. The Living Carapace will be really interesting on a Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour as a solo piece. Your opponent is really not going to want to turn around their entire army to kill a 7 Wounds, 2+/4++/5+++, half-damage Termie Lord with Living Carapace who started an action to score you points.
Prime Test Subject is both wildly good and wildly pricey and will likely be a meta choice. Have to deal with anything like C’tan that halve incoming damage? A Chaos Lord’s Hammer will be 3 damage on their go-turn into half-damage opponents (2 damage halved to 1 damage and then 2 sources of +1 Damage), ensuring that they’re always a vicious threat.

Creations of Bile offers a very good suite of Stratagems, giving you a powerful toolbox full of options. If there’s a downside to this, it’s that you don’t really have any ways to get more CP so you’ll have to make judicious use of them. Chaos Lords are going to be really important here for getting CP discounts.
- Monstrous Visages (Strategic Ploy, 1 CP) – Used in your opponent’s Shooting phase or in the Fight phase after they pick targets on one of the Infantry units they picked. Until the end of the phase, attacks targeting your unit are -1 to hit. With AoC Stratagems getting a nerf, this is suddenly a much better alternative, and a useful way to protect your fragile infantry.
- Masters are Watching (Strategic Ploy, 1 CP) – Used in the Fight phase, after an opponent picks targets, on an Infantry unit in your army picked as a target. For the rest of the phase, when your models die, if they haven’t fought then on a 4+ (or a 5+ for DAMNED units), they can fight on death. This is useful to have in your pocket, and great for those large units of melee Infantry.
- Specimens for the Spider (Strategic Ploy, 2 CP) – Used in the Fight phase on an Infantry unit. Until the end of the phase, your unit can re-roll wound rolls when targeting CHARACTER units, and after they fight, if an CHARACTER model was killed, pick a unit within 6” to take a battle-shock test. If the enemy warlord was killed, every enemy unit within 6” has to test. That battle-shock rider here is just whatever – I’d gladly drop it if it meant getting this at 1 CP. This is just alright. It’s very good on a unit that can’t get re-rolls to wound normally, such as Possessed or Terminators, but it’s a bit of a dud considering you can get re-roll wounds from a unit of Legionaries, and that 2 CP cost is big.
- Delayed Mutations (Strategic Ploy, 2 CP) – Used in your Command phase on a non-DAMNED Infantry unit. They take D3 mortal wounds, then you can select another mutation from the table for them to have until your next Command Phase. That’s an insanely good buff, particularly if it means getting three buffs on a unit because you rolled. You won’t use this that often, but when you do it’s going to do a lot of damage. Just being able to tailor your selections here is huge.
- Diabolic Regeneration (Strategic Ploy, 1 CP) – Used in your Command phase on a non-DAMNED Infantry unit to return a destroyed non-Character model to the unit, or D3 models in a BATTLELINE unit. This is just fantastic. It’s an incredible deal when used on Obliterators, but very solid if you throw it on something like Plague Marines, Rubrics, or Legionaries, and it’s not terrible for getting back a dead Terminator.
- Autostimulants (Strategic Ploy, 1 CP) – Used at the start of your Charge phase on an Infantry unit. Until the end of the phase, they can charge, even if they advanced this turn. This is great. It’s the final piece you wanted in this army, and lets you pull off all kinds of long-distance charges, particularly when you combine it with +2” to your movement. Take Possessed who can move 11”, add another 3-4 from an Advance and then drop out a 7” charge (add 2 to this if you include a Master of Possession), and you have a unit that can clear half the board in a turn and really cause problems for the opponent.
These are great. The biggest problem with them is that two of them cost 2 CP, and that’s a lot in the modern CP economy of Warhammer 40k. The good news is that you are already incentivized to take multiple Chaos Lords in a Creations of Bile army, and that will help you get free Stratagems to keep your costs down.
Mike P: Most sources of re-roll wounds in the CSM codex are extremely conditional. Access to wound re-rolls versus any unit with the Character keyword in melee is great, and will go especially far on units like Possessed and Chaos Lords that have access to Devastating Wounds. 2CP is pricey, but you’ll use this when the time is right.
Diabolic Regeneration is a stratagem I’m really excited about. Being able to resurrect models in your Command Phase has so many applications like getting closer to objectives or opponents, and is just great value on units like Obliterators and Terminators that have very pricey single models.

Playing This Detachment
If you’re playing this Detachment, your primary plan is going to be Infantry-heavy melee. Specifically, how you can deliver a series of haymakers to the opponent with some incredibly hard-hitting datasheets early and often, crippling their ability to respond. Or, when required, staging carefully while avoiding the opponent and trading up with super-deadly units of relatively cheap Legionaries and Possessed. Legionaries with a Chaos Lord or Master of Executions were already the core of the Chaos Space Marines army, and they’re at their best in the Creations of Bile, where they can have extra Strength, Movement, Toughness, Accuracy, or Attacks as needed.
Creations of Bile armies really want to spend a lot of CP – there are some good Stratagems here and two of them will cost you 2 CP. That means you want at least one Chaos Lord to get a reduction and if we’re honest, it may be worth including Abaddon in the army. Yeah, he removes your ability to take Bile as the Warlord, but on the other hand he really likes being able to re-roll wounds against Character units, gets you extra CP when he passes a Pact on a 7+, and he also loves getting an extra Attack and the ability to Advance and Charge with a unit of Terminators in tow.
On the other hand, Bile’s just fine as your Warlord here, and you have quite a few options when it comes to building strong melee units. This may be the Detachment where Possessed can finally shine again, as they love most of these bonuses. The key here is that ability to re-roll wound rolls against CHARACTER units – that unlocks the ability to fish for Devastating wounds with the unit, allowing them to punch up against something like Canis Rex in a way they couldn’t before. A unit of ten Possessed will, on average, deliver around 20 devastating wounds to a T12 knight re-rolling wound rolls and fishing for 6s and doing a Pact for Sustained Hits. That’s not too shabby, and that’s essentially the worst-case target. Add in an extra attack from the Detachment ability and you can get that to 25.
On that note, don’t neglect cult troops – you can still take Plague Marines, Rubrics, Noise Marines, and Berzerkers in this army, and they’re both BATTLELINE and INFANTRY, capable of benefitting from Detachment buffs and the ability to bring back D3 models per turn. For my money Plague Marines are the best fit here – they really benefit from +1 WS on their WS 4+ Heavy Plague Weapons, love to get extra attacks, and can also benefit from +2” movement. And if you take meltaguns they don’t hate +1 BS, either. And T6 Plague Marines is just pretty funny to think about. They’re your best option here and they like every upgrade you give them.
After that, the other options are whatever. Berzerkers are neat but don’t have synergy with the army and just aren’t as good as Legionaries, though if you get them to S6 on their attacks they can do some fun stuff. Noise Marines like the +1 BS for their sonic weapons but you can replace them with Havocs pretty easily. And there’s nothing Rubrics really want in this Detachment since they won’t be rolling to hit with ranged attacks and don’t want to be in melee.
Another unit to consider here is the Nemesis Claw. While not spectacular beneficiaries of the detachment rule, these midnight-clad terrors bring an important value to the table in being able to turn off Stratagems for a unit in combat with them, which will be important when you find yourself firing off three or four charges in your “go” turn and you need to avoid getting hit back by counter offensive. Cypher’s also a solid pick for this.
Finally, don’t discount the shooting option – Obliterators get quite a bit out of this Detachment, between BS 2+ and the ability to bring back dead models. That won’t help you so much firing Indirect, but you can get a ton of value out of them shooting directly, and there’s also a case to be made for giving them +2” of Movement so they aren’t stuck walking 4” anymore. Havocs also love this, and taking four lascannons becomes a lot more threatening when your chances of missing drop considerably. And while I think Predators don’t want to be in this Detachment, I’d still consider a Vindicator or two for ranged support, as those don’t need the AP boost that bad and if I’m taking Abaddon he’ll provide the necessary hit re-rolls.
- Incredible buffs to your Infantry datasheets, with the ability to choose the effect you want to build around or play to
- A solid suite of Enhancements to buff key units
- A strong set of Stratagems with key tools you want to see in a melee army such as Advance and Charge, Fight on Death, and protection from ranged attacks
- No support for vehicles, and limited support for Ranged attacks
- Play style really wants to spend a lot of CP, and the best Stratagems requires spending 2 CP to use
- Even with upgraded datasheets, punching up into vehicles is going to be tough

A Sample List
The Creations of Bile have already proven their value as a competitive option for Chaos Space Marines, and we’ve seen different builds achieve success with them so far, though the most successful have been possessed-heavy builds taking advantage of the raw power of those datasheets. Brett Perkins took this Creations of Bile list to a 5-0, First-place finish at this year’s Fight for the Fallen GT, beating Necrons, World Eaters, Black Templars, Space Marines, and CSM (Pactbound Zealots) along the way. It’s a particularly interesting example because it does take Abaddon as Warlord, snagging the extra CP and using the Warmaster’s raw power (and Abaddon doesn’t mind getting an extra attack or point of toughness, either).
Brett's List - click to expand
There’s a ton of pressure here to work with – one small unit of Chosen to run with Abaddon and give him Advance and Charge, a larger unit to benefit from Bile and his upgrades and ride in a Rhino, a big unit of Plague Marines in the other Rhino, and twenty Possessed, fully ready to charge across the table and cause problems. Oh, and a big unit of Warp Talons to shred things. With Abaddon you’ll want to but a bit more thought into whether you want to roll for your upgrades, and it shouldn’t be a surprise if many games you just take the +2″ Movement and call it a day from there, letting the extra movement on the Chosen and Possessed carry you. Abaddon can provide a ton of value for this army with either his 4+ invulnerable save or re-roll hits auras, supercharging the output of units like the Possessed.
This list can put a ton of early pressure on opponents and uses Cypher (who can ride in a Rhino with the Plague Marines) to help prevent opponents from counter-attacking and firing overwatch when it’s time to make a ton of charges. The Plague Marines make a solid mid-table brawler unit, and they’re the best target for Diabolic Regeneration, as they get back D3 models thanks to being a BATTLELINE unit.
Final Thoughts
Chaos Space Marines have been incredibly fun to play in 10th Edition, and the good times just keep on rolling with Creations Of Bile. This Detachment pushes a new and varied style of play from the other Detachments in the Codex, and it’s the place to make Possessed work, while Warp Talons and Obliterators see a ton of value as well. There’s just so much you can do with the extra boost to datasheets and if you’re looking for another way to play the army, this is currently one of the most competitively viable.
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