Crusade for Charity – An Extra Life Charity Event at Cosmic Games

What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see charities raise money for those in need, and to hear the lamentations of your opponent as they fail their Out of Action tests. All this will happen November 4th-6th at the Warhammer Casual Narrative Crusade event, hosted by Cosmic Games in Bellingham, WA, with all proceeds going to Extra Life for the benefit of Seattle Children’s Hospital.

This is NOT a sponsored article – we didn’t get paid squat to write this. I just think that children going through rough times at Seattle Children’s Hospital deserve all the support they can get, and I’m using my authority as Some Goonhammer Guy and my crack skills of Maybe Spelling Words Correctly to promote this event, hopefully driving more support for this cause. It’s good stuff.

Casual Crusade Narrative - Extra Life Event at Cosmic Games
Casual Crusade Narrative – Extra Life Event at Cosmic Games

For the low, low price of a suggested donation of $30, you get a weekend of rolling dice and slamming hams. All while knowing you’re making a difference by helping a worthwhile charity. And not a “thoughts and prayers” empty platitude kind of difference, and actual tangible impact that directly helps real people.

I have it on good authority that Cool People will be playing in this tournament. Just think, that could include you! And, if you promise to keep it to yourself, I’ll let you in on a secret: while I can’t promise that the real Emperor of Mankind will be there, I also can’t promise he won’t be there. Just think of that – you could be playing in the very store that the Emperor chose to not be in. Wow, think of the memories!

"slaps roof" This bad boy can fit so many Ork Boyz in it
“slaps roof” This bad boy can fit so many Ork Boyz in it. Terrain credit: Pani Mauser (instagram)

If you’re curious what this Extra Life charity is, I’ll let them speak for themselves:

Extra Life is a fundraising program of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®. The Extra Life community fundraises year-round to Change Kids’ Health to Change the Future. Donations go to member children’s hospitals to fund critical life-saving treatments and healthcare services, along with innovative research, vital pediatric medical equipment, and child life services.
– About Extra Life,

For this event, all proceeds are going for the benefit of Seattle Children’s Hospital. As someone who lives near Seattle and is a former child, I might be a bit biased. That’s why I reached out to my friend Steve, who is a nurse in the area, to get the opinion of someone who knows what they’re talking about. He had this positively glowing feedback:

Positively glowing.

But putting the dumb out-of-context stuff aside (which, as a Goonhammer author, is very hard to do), helping people is cool. And so is this event.

So what can you expect from this event? Not only a weekend of casual 40k and Kill Team fun, but also some pretty great giveaways! That’s right, in addition to the intangible goodness of making a difference, you also have the chance at the tangible goodness of some kickass giveaways!

Giveway prize at the Warhammer Casual Narrative Crusade at Cosmic Games
Giveway, win this guy! Model credit: thegrimdorkpaintguy (instagram)

Who’s this happy lad? Spawn by way of Mephiston? A very grump Night Lord with jump pack? You can make that decision for yourself, as he’s getting handed out November 4th-6th at Cosmic Games, and you might be lucky enough to get him!

Looking for a giveaway with a bit more Sigmar and a bit less physical form? I hear you, and so does Cosmic Games.

Giveway prize at the Warhammer Casual Narrative Crusade at Cosmic Games
Or win this guy! Credit: Model credit: thegrimdorkpaintguy (instagram)

While both of these are excellent, if you find the whims of fate too fickle, worry not! Any donation, big or small, guarantees you a custom dice, made just for this event! And through our far-reaching and mysterious connections, I’ve managed to secure an image of the prototype dice.

Extra Life Dice Prototype
This is not the greatest dice in the world, no. This is just a prototype!

As before, I can’t make too many promises. I can’t, for example, promise that this dice will roll that perfect 6 when the game is on the line, but I can’t promise it won’t. Can you really afford to risk it and not get this dice? Especially when it has a guaranteed 1/6 chance of guaranteeing the exact number you want. It’s basically a sure thing, a sixth of the time!

If you want to throw down dice and have a good weekend of Warhammer, while also raising money for a good cause, then check out the Casual Narrative Crusade at Cosmic Games in Bellingham, WA from November 4th to 6th. Tickets are available right now for you to reserve a spot.