Content We Liked: February 28, 2021

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the prior week you might have missed. 

On the Internet at Large

  • A WIP Dark Mechanicus Ruststalker
    u/LToften via r/killteam
    I’m a sucker for cool dark mechanicus conversions and I really love the work that’s been done here. The cloak/scarf are great and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished model.
  • An Incredible Battlecruiser Diorama
    @makediorama via Instagram

    Makediorama promises to share the most beautiful dioramas and boy do they deliver. The water effects on this battlecruiser are just insane.

  • Pawel Makuch’s Void Dragon
    @Monstroys via Twitter
    Pawel has done a fantastic job here modeling a Void Dragon rising out of his own personal eternity gate. Amazing work.
  • Nicholas Tregidgo’s Soulblight Conversions
    @NTregidgo via Twitter
    Nicholas says he’s going for “Moon Vampires” and I’m absolutely here for it. Great work so far
  • Michael Azzopardi’s Insanely Cool 40k Dioramas
    @rabid_dog_studios via Instagram
    These are some insanely cool 3D renders of 40k scenes and characters. Love the detail on these.
  • Hetairoi’s Lamenters Tarantula
    @HetairoiW via Twitter
    Alright, another Lamenters player. You’re all insane, but it seems like you’re all also on a completely different hobby level from the rest of us so hat’s off to you.
  • The Titans of Cardinal World Datori II
    @dehoofdworker via Twitter
    I love this battle chapel convoy. Mikal’s created some wonderful Titanicus conversions with a brilliant story behind them.
  • James Lynch’s Lady Olynder
    @SpongiePaint via Twitter
    This is a lovely nonstandard paint scheme for Olynder and I love the striking rainbow hues and the NMM gold work.
  • SmadamsMinis’ first Reaver Titan of 2021
    @smadamsminis via Instagram
    I legit thought this was a 40k Reaver at first. The amount of detail that has gone into this is just insane – check out the close-up shot of the titan’s “face.”
  • A terrifying Babayaga bust 
    @sious69 via Twitter
    This is just an insanely well painted bust and I love the work that’s been done on the wood and metal.


The Week on Goonhammer

Lots of great content this week – let’s look back on some of our favorites.

That’s all for this week, stay tuned to Goonhammer for more great articles in the next seven days, and give us a shout in the comments below or at if you have any feedback or questions.