Content We Liked: 9/15/2019

The Week Ending September 14th, 2019

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the prior week you might have missed. Here’s what we liked this week:

In the Wild:

  • How to Beat Eldar Flyer Spam by Matt Root
    Matt Root via Nights at the Game Table
    Matt wrote another great analysis for NatGT on how to play against Eldar Flyer Spam lists.
  • Cargo Container Shop Terrain for Necromunda
    Christopher Garrett (closed Facebook Group)
    This really sweet terrain project shows how you can turn an Imperial Shipping Container into a neat little storefront for Necromunda, replete with accessories and options.
  • A Very Cool Death Jester WIP
    @kourat_Drhuii on Twitter

    Just a very cool model and we’re eager to see how it turns out.

  • Craig’s Fantastic Necromunda Terrain
    Craig Dolan (closed Facebook Group)
    We love the combination of new terrain features with old Necromunda bulkheads and card platforms.
  • Adam’s XIII Legion
    Warhammer Community
    Adam Trpcevski’s Ultramarines look great and we love the deep blue he used for their armor.
  • Coda’s Painting Stream
    Coda streams at weird hours owing to being in Australia, but it’s worth your time to stop in on his stream when you can.

On Goonhammer:

Another big week for Goonhammer content. This kind of ended up being an unofficial Deathwatch Week for us, which wasn’t really something we planned until we realized we had like, 3 things queued up and figured we’d go for broke.