Content We Liked: 29th September, 2024

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Tabletop digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the prior week you might have missed.


On the Internet at Large

Spooky Season starts from Tuesday, and lets kick it off with a one-two-three punch of stuff I Do Not Want Anywhere Near me. Starting with this toe-curlingly long Stag from Wilhelminiatures, created from mashing together multiple cheap animal toys into a… thing that looks like it eats fingers exclusively. Splendidly unnerving!


Another for the clever use of animal toys files is this Warshrine of Nurgle from mutant modifier, looking kinda like the Houndeyes from Half Life with a dose of trytophobia for good measure. The front half is grotesque in all the meaty ways, but there’s just something so disturbingly ominous about that… back hole.


Next up is another we really hope you click through to because immaterial creations is serving up a dementedly delightful Underhive casino, looking half 2000AD and half a bad fever dream. Gotta pick this unfortunate slot-machine man however, doomed to an eternity of paying out pennies to busloads of seniors. Grim beyond imagining.


The final horror of this week’s line up is wondering just how patient you have to be to paint that much tartan pattern. These Highland flavoured Stormcast Questors own serious bones but good lordy it must be nerve wracking to paint so much. In terrified awe of such precision.


This Week on Goonhammer


Goonhammer Reviews

Chaos Dwarfs return to the fields of Blood Bowl with a new kit and new rules, while our Historical Skalds look at Bandua’s Age of Vikings terrain sets. Also a review of the Crisis Protocol Survival of the Fittest set.

Blood Bowl – Chaos Dwarfs Review

Goonhammer Historicals: Bandua Age of Vikings Terrain

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Survival of the Fittest Ultimate Encounter Review


News and Previews

Preview Ops: Attending the Kill Team Preview Event

Games Industry News Roundup- September 24th, 2024

Everything Shown at Sony’s September State of Play


Competitive Play, Strategy and Tactics

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Usual Suspects pt.1

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Usual Suspects pt.2 & Champions Cup

Hammer of Math: Modifiers and Re-rolls in Tenth Edition Warhammer 40k

Detachment Focus: Company of Hunters

Detachment Focus: Unforgiven Task Force

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: These Nightmarish Creatures Can Be Beaten

Goonhammer Examines the First Battle Scroll of Fourth Edition

Editorial: Commander Should Ban More Cards, Actually

Magic: the Gathering Duskmourn Review, Part 3 of 4: White, Blue, and Black Cards

Magic: the Gathering Duskmourn Review, Part 4 of 4: Red, Green, and Colorless Cards

Variety is the Spice of SAGA: The Book of Battles

BattleTech Mech Overview: Raven

Faction Focus: W’adrhŭn in Conquest First Blood


Event Reports and Progress Blogs

Kill Team UTC Weekend Recap and Preview: Sep 17 to Sep 23, 2024

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2024, Part 30: Meet Anrac Shan

Battle Bros Season Four Point Five, Chapter III: Well This Doesn’t Bode Well

Contemptor Kevin and Salsa’s NoVA Open 2024 Recap

Road to Clash of Kings 2024


Painting and Modelling

Army Showcase: You’ve Yee’d Your Last Haw

How to Paint Everything: Marvel Crisis Protocol – Rejuvenation Chamber Terrain


How To Paint Everything: General Veers for Star Wars Shatterpoint


The Fluff Corner

Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: End of Centuries

The Narrative Forge: Combining Crusade and Boarding Actions


Other Cool Stuff

We talk to James Hewitt of Necromunda fame about the epic-scaled Armoured Clash, while Bair sits us all down and makes us admit its okay to just be okay at toy soldiers.

Goonhammer Talks Armoured Clash with James M Hewitt

Stop Competing: Embracing Being Good Enough


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