Although it’s a big internet out there, the Tabletop digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the prior week you might have missed.
On the Internet at Large
Starting off this week with a lil’ bit of stop motion. We’ve seriously fallen in love with JoyToy’s line of Warhammer 40k figures and it’s seriously cool to see them utilized this way, no small amount of effort was put into this and it shows with how smooth the action is. Well worth a watch.
My Norn Emissary for my Wasp themed Hive Fleet. Using @Darcy_Bono yellow recipe again. It's a game changer!!#Leviathan #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop @warhammer
— Dark_mechanicum (@Dark_Mechanicum) September 12, 2023
A horrifying prospect for our next entry. We dread the day that Tyranids absorb the average Summer wasp and no picnic is ever safe again. Until then we can admire this lushly vibrantly yellow Norn Emissary from a safe distance behind a glass door.
Man, this is one seriously rad Jedi Master. Not just the gorgeous OSL from the lightsaber, but the subtle crosshatching on his robes and the slick but understated NMM for his armour. Just… look at it.
At the Clash of Kings tournament last weekend I got randomly drawn against my friend Tim from the Plymouth Kings of War scene and he had such a belter of an army I want to share it with you. First, behold this: Hieronymous Bosch's 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' (panel 3)
— realironhand (@realironhand) September 16, 2023
A real special CWL for you to finish off this week’s community entries as CWL favourite @realironhand showcases their friend Tim’s utterly delightful Kings of War Nightstalker army, a recreation of many of the bizarre denizens of hell from Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights. Seriously just click through and read it, can’t stress how much we want to see this menagerie of madness in person.
This Week on Goonhammer
Goonhammer Reviews
The Reign of the Brute has come in Age of Sigmar, as we review the second of the Dawnbringers series with all the new toys for Destruction and more. We’ve also got run downs of a lot of cool previews that happened this week, and a review of Woundwidget’s wound and score trackers.
Dawnbringers: Reign of the Brute – Part 5: Kharadron Overlords
Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix 12mm WW2 German Infantry Review
Previews Pagoda
Ashes of Malifaux: Preview Season: NoVa Panel: Elite Strike Force: Justice Division
Marvel Crisis Protocol: Ministravaganaza 2023 Model Previews
Competitive Play
40k settles into the new normal of post-balance slate meta, while AoS has one last unkillable spooky huzzah before theirs comes into effect. We’ve also got tacticas for Sharp Practice’s Virginia regiment, how to make the best of rerolls in 40k and a look at the new Gatcha-exclusive Primaris Kill Team.
Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Zombies go Brrr(ains)
Hammer of Math: Optimal Re-Roll Strategy for Critical-Hit Abilities
Age of Sigmar September Battlescroll – The Goonhammer Hot Take
Goonhammer Historicals: Force Focus on the Virginia Regiment in the FIW for Sharp Practice
Wilds of Eldraine Set Review
Painting and Modelling
Skails recounts this year’s Smash Bash conversion challenge, including their own disgustingly porcine entry as well as the top place winners.
Other Cool Stuff
We’ve got a bunch of Event Recaps this week from both sides of the pond, as well as an examination of the new edition of World of Darkness’ Werewolf: the Apocalypse and how it still revels in the problematic portrayals and appropriations of Indigenous cultures.
Werewolf: the Apocalypse Takes One Step Forward and Two Steps Back
Casual to Competitive: Mugginns’ Age of Sigmar Journey to the Michigan GT
Goonhammer Open UK 2023 Horus Heresy Retrospective Part One: The Event
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