Content We Liked: 16th March, 2025

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Tabletop digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the prior week you might have missed.

On the Internet at Large

Zerk it Ralph
byu/Brown2130 innecromunda

We’ve got a bit of a guest fighter theme for this week’s CWL, starting off with this Goliath ‘Zerker for Necromunda by Reddit user brown2130 , converted out of an old promotional toy with just a couple of spare bitz and some greenstuff armour. This is such a cute conversion that works shockingly well. We’d let him wreck out Ganger’s faces any day.

Belakor+Illifan = Belidan? Warcraft meets Warhammer
byu/Lord_Furious inminipainting

What’s better than one demonic loser who can’t stop taking Ls? Fusing him with another demonic loser who can’t stop taking Ls! This is just a sick paintjob all around by Reddit user Lord_Furious, from the Illidan tattoos to the Fel green energy rippling out from his sword. We were not prepared indeed.


Ryoga Rocket’s Muppet Ettin

Y’know I’ve always wondered if Jim Henson was aware of roleplaying games. He had to had been with him being a 70/80’s fantasy guy, right? Anyway, check out this charming Statler and Waldorf Ettin from Ryoga Rocket‘s Muppets themed D&D Campaign, which sounds like it’d be an absolute delight to take part in.


GSC Gang ready to go!
byu/LPP_STEVE innecromunda

Bringing us out of the crossover zone for our last entry for this awesome Necromunda Genestealer gang from Redditor LLP_STEVE. Its always cool to see people use the Genestealer pieces to convert up cultists from different walks of Imperial life, these hybrids bringing with them a bit more of that Gothic flair than their mining gear bases. Very gribbly.


This Week on Goonhammer


The Warhammer 40k March 2025 Balance Update

The Warhammer 40k March 2025 Balance Update – The Overview

Its Balance Slate time again and hoo-boy this one’s a big one. The Competitive Gooncrew break down the big changes and all the important details you might have missed in our giant-sized review of the new errata and points changes.


How To Paint Faces: Part 1

How To Paint Everything: Faces – Part 1

Meltabombed kicks off the first of a series in tackling one of the great agonies of miniature painting: those teeny tiny faces on your little plastic soldiers.


Why You Should Play Hex-and-Counter Games

The Games of Our Fathers: Why You Should Play Hex-and-Counter Wargames

Eric takes us on a trip down Grognard lane with a look at the world of Hex-and-Counter wargaming, and why you should give ’em a try.


Century of the Vampire: Van Helsing (2004)

Century of the Vampire: Van Helsing (2004)

Bernhardt continues their romp through the past 100 years of bloodsucking with a look at the very 00’s Van Helsing, Universal’s first flubbed attempt at getting a cinematic universe off the ground.


The Sickest Gundams That Should Also Be In Gundam Assemble

The Sickest Gundams That Should Also Be in Gundam Assemble

Greg escapes the webmaster dungeon to talk about cool big robot toys that should show up in the upcoming small robot toy game.


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