The Nords are a human faction full of non-human monsters, beasts, and other creatures. These aren’t your father’s Nords, Ragnarok already happened and these are the ones that came out the other side of it. As with any of the Conquest factions this isn’t really just one army, but sub-factions working together to fill holes in an otherwise very skewed army list. Nords are the glass cannon army of Conquest, they get on the table fast, hit fast, and die pretty fast as well. Early scoring and overwhelming in the first few turns of the game is the winning strategy, so if that sounds like your playstyle you’ve found your faction!
Para Bellum supplies the rules for every army, free, to download here as well as a free army builder.
- Extremely fast reinforcements, score fast and early
- Heavy hitting Brutes and Monsters
- Many useful Characters with powerful abilities
- Fragile units, low defence across the army
- Limited flexibility in most Characters’ warbands
Army Abilities
Nords have 3 distinct army rules which effect various units in the army differently which represent the harsh environments they’re accustomed to and way of war. Nords are terrain masters, if your tables aren’t suitably covered in terrain you’ll be missing out on a large chunk of the army’s rules.
Ice, Flesh, and Blood
All of your Medium and Heavy regiments are still inspired after charging through Hindering terrain (Light units already are, anyways). That means the only thing you lose charging through Hindering is impact hits which can be a big loss for some regiments. It does keep your units safer while being able to perform devastating charges of their own; by staying behind or in a Hindering terrain piece you’re mitigating how much damage an enemy charge can do to you while being able to counter-charge to full (or nearly full) effect. Additionally all of your regiments ignore penalties from Water features and suffer half the number of wounds from Zonal Terrain too. Being able to freely move across rivers/ponds/etc and taking less damage from deadlier areas is huge. Just make sure you’re using it!
Blood of the Einherjar
Your Infantry and Brute regiments gain +1 Attack when a stand is wounded or when the unit is missing stands. A nice little bonus for when you’ve been shot at on the way in or attacked before you had the chance to. It’s not something you’ve going to be aiming to use but knocking Bearsarks, Ugr, or even Raiders up an extra attack is pretty nice on the swing back. Characters don’t benefit from this but they do get their own rule here: when they kill an enemy Character in a Duel the enemy regiment attached becomes Broken. There’s a few things here you can do with timing to break an enemy before shattering it with your own attached unit, using the Duel itself to do the shattering, etc. You could also see about upgrading your Duelling character so that wounds they cause spill into the unit helping with that even further.
Prophecy Unfulfilled
By far the most situational here. While you have any regiments engaged with enemies in combat all of your other non-Monster regiments get a +2″ Charge into the same target. This is all about ganging up on blocks of enemies and removing them a bit more effectively. It allows you to play a cagier since you’re making longer-charges more easily but you need to use this before your aforementioned original unit is just removed from the table. It’s not something that will come up every game but that’s fine, when it does you’ll be very happy to have it! The bonus is especially nice for Bloodlust units that might be forced to charge giving them an easier time at succeeding.
In Conquest, Characters determine which units you’re able to take. Each character has a set list of units that you may purchase for it in its warband: mainstay and restricted. You must have at least 1 mainstay per restricted choice in your warband up to a total of 4 units. You must also have a unit in the warband which your character can join, it must have the same unit type (i.e. Infantry, Brute, Cavalry). Characters must start the game attached a unit in their own warband but can move around to other units mid-game.
What’s important to note here is that all of your Characters’ Supremacy Abilities are always active. You get all of these abilities all game long.
Nords are often a 3 Character army, wanting to field a Shaman for their Supremacy Ability, a Blooded for their unit selection then either a second Blooded, a Jarl, or Konungyr depending which way you want to go.
The King of your army! But often not your chosen Warlord. We’re starting with easily the most expensive character you can take, sitting at 120 points before any upgrades with the ability to take up to 3 trove finds (relics) he can become very expensive very fast. Careful with how much you’re spending on him however, Nords are still a generally fragile army, you don’t want to invest so much into this character to just be removed before he even gets to attack!
His Supremacy Ability gives all of your units Terrifying +1 on a turn that they charge. This is fine but considering it’s useless against a whole faction in the game (Old Dominion) you’ll be a bit mad that he’s your Warlord when you come up against them. Generally you’ll choose any other Warlord over this guy.
That said, a profile of 6 attacks and clash 4 is nothing to mock, but with no Cleave built-in to those attacks they can rebound off enemy armour. There are numerous trove finds however that can help with that, to either make him hit incredibly hard in duels or to gain Cleave 1 to at least get through some armour.
Mainstay units:
- Huskarls
- Bow Chosen
- Blade Chosen
- Steel Chosen
Restricted units:
- Ice Jotnar
- Mountain Jotnar
- Sea Jotnar
Sample loadout:
- Járngreipr
- Rjóða, the Red Bringer
- Heriolf’s Folly
- Headhunter Mastery
- Wolf Aspect
This gives you a Konungyr with 10 attacks at Clash 4. In a duel, he gains Smite to completely ignore the enemy’s Defence stat and each hit roll of a 1 counts as 3 hits! That should easily remove any other hero in one sweep. For protection, Heriolf’s Folly brings his Evade up to 3, meaning he’ll shrug off half of the hits coming back at him in a duel, especially useful against enemies that get to attack first in a duel instead of making simultaneous strikes. That is a lot and you really pay for it at 190 points. You’ll want to attach this to a block of Huskarls until Blade Chosen or Steel Chosen exist.
The budget Konungyr, sort of. A weaker profile, and a Warband that you’re often not sprinting for over a Blooded or Konungyr, this guy starts out at only 95 points. You take him to gain access to Ugr (if you’re not fielding a Blooded), Ulfhendar and Bearsarks. Some wonderful glass cannon units that if you can place well can hit extremely hard. These units are going to be why you want to field a Jarl more than anything else. Getting Flank with the unit he joins is just icing on top.
His Supremacy Ability is an army-wide ability giving your units Opportunists (re-roll hits when attacking units in the side or rear) as well as +1A when attacking units in the side or rear. Nords are able to get on quick, but generally don’t have that much manoeuvrability where you’ll be making use of this all game long. The better half though allows any Light regiments with a Character stand attached to seize territory and score you points. The question you’ll need to ask yourself: would I rather score with Lights to just get Medium/Heavy units further up, quicker, with a Shaman?
Mainstay units:
- Huskarls
- Raiders
- Ugr
- Ulfhendar
Restricted units:
- Bearsarks
- Blade Chosen
- Mountain Jotnar
- Sea Jotnar
Sample loadout:
- Wolf Aspect
- Figurehead of the Naglfar
Keeping the Jarl nice and cheap here with a simple upgrade to force re-rolls to hit from shooting attacks, keeping your low Defence unit of Bearsarks he’s joining safer from ranged harm. Pairing with a unit of Bearsarks, with the Jarls’ supremacy active, gives you an incredible hammer that arrives precisely where and when you want it to charging from reserves.
A real melee-monster, with 6 attacks with baked-in Cleave 2 you can throw him at enemy units and expect a decent amount of damage output. This is also the widest selection of available units of any warbands with both human infantry, beast packs, and mountain jotnars. Blooded also come with Forward Force giving the unit he joins Flank guaranteeing the unit he joins to arrive as early as you need it.
His Supremacy ability is the first incredibly useful one listed here: in each turn when you choose for 1 unit to automatically arrive, instead you can choose 2. Getting your units on the board even quicker and being able to guarantee multiple Heavy units at turn 3 is massive. More units on the table means a better chance at scoring points, and that’s really how you win games!
Mainstay units:
- Stalkers
- Trolls
- Ugr
- White Waste Tribesmen
Restricted units:
- Bow Chosen
- Fenr Beastpack
- Mountain Jotnar
- Nefhur Beastpack
- Werewargs
Sample loadout:
- Rjóða, the Red Bringer
- Wealth of a Hundred Raids
- Wolf Aspect
A real beatstick of a character. Coming in at 9 attacks Cleave 2 and always counting as inspired you’ll be doing serious damage. Join to a unit of Trolls and charge from off-table into an unsuspecting target with a high volume of solid attacks. Coming in at 165 points you could easily leave off the Master to shave 30 points off if you need it; alternatively take Headhunter and be a terrifying duellist.
Easily the best Warlord you can have in a Nord army. This cheap little spellcaster has a very limiting Warband which makes him a bit of a tax to field but worth it for his supremacy ability. The spells he has access to are largely defensive, giving a friendly unit either re-rolls on Defence rolls against melee or shooting or +1 to evasion to a max of 2 against shooting only; both are only 8″ range so be careful with your placement. He does have one spell to debuff enemy units, with a 20″ range that makes them unable to target anything outside of 12″ for shooting or charges. The former is very situationally useful, most shooting in the game is 14-18″ range only to begin with, so isn’t a massive debuff and the latter is only useful against very fast moving enemies. Lastly the most recent patch gave the humble Shaman a damage-dealing spell: Hoarfrost. While being short ranged at 12″ but has a nice attunement of 3 without scaling and deals 2 hits per success with Armour Piercing (2) so those hits really stick.
His supremacy ability gives 2 units (not Monsters) per turn the Vanguard rule. I cannot overstate how powerful this is. The free extra moves gets your units onto objectives sooner, faster, and just generally where you need them to be. Especially good on units like Bearsarks who can charge the turn they arrive! This ability is in effect even if the Shaman is killed AND before he arrives! Easily the best Supremacy ability the Nords have access to.
Mainstay units:
- Raiders
- White Waste Tribesmen
Restricted units:
- Bearsarks
- Mountain Jotnar
- Sea Jotnar
- Ulfhendar
Another case of being much more useful once those Bearsarks and Ulfhendar are out!
Sample loadout Sacrificial Lamb:
- Coils of the Serpent
- Sacrificial Lamb
The idea here is that you don’t really care as much if your Shaman lives or dies. This comes out at 115 points but you can easily leave Coils of the Serpent at home if you’re trying to shave off points. Keep the warband cheap, since you’re really taking him for the Supremacy Ability more than anything else, or throw into a unit of Ulfhendar to boost their Evasion up to 2 and be a prime target that both needs to be dealt with while giving your army an incredible boost the turn he dies.
Sacrifical Lamb is here to give your opponent options. The turn that the Shaman dies (and he will, he’s your Warlord and is weak and goes with weak units) the rest of your army gains Blessed. So, does your opponent attack and kill the Shaman early giving you a whole turn of Blessed to make use of? Or do they re-consider their options and mess up their temp of cards to deny you the buff? Either way you come out a winner here gaining a tactical advantage.
Your other spellcaster, she has a much wider range of spells to make use of. Healing her own unit while giving re-rolls of 6 for morale, giving a friendly nearby unit Blessed, giving an enemy unit within 12″ Decay 3, adding +2 resolve to a nearby unit, or giving her own unit Terrifying 1 for the turn. All pretty useful spells, except for the last maybe where Decay will generally do more damage, it’s niche but it’s there when you need it. The game plan with a Volva is to throw into a large unit of Valkyries or Huskarls and keep healing them all game long to give you a solid anvil to score objectives with. Any of the other spells will be more situational to make use of since you can only cast one of her five spells each turn.
Her supremacy ability gives army-wide +1 Evasion, except for characters, to a max of 2. If you build your army around a lot of Evasion 1 units then this can be amusing as you watch your opponent’s face realise all the Cleave they brought is functionally useless now. The Blooded and Shaman supremacy abilities are still better.
Mainstay units:
- Valkyries
- Huskarls
- Raiders
Very, very, limited unit choices. But that’s fine, all you really want here is just a block of Valkyries or Huskarls acting as an anvil. Neither will kill much but they can hunker down on objectives, shrug off light-to-medium damage, and hold objective zones.
Sample loadout Healing Anvil:
- Runes of Fate
- Rune of Shielding
Coming in at 135 points she’s not the most expensive, but notably more than a Shaman. That Rune of Shielding and Runes of Fate are there to make your Valkyries even more of an Anvil with Bastion and ignoring the first failed save from each attack.
Vargyr Lord
Want to run loads of Werewargs and beastpacks with something a bit less human leading them? This is your character. With 7″ of movement he’ll even be able to keep pace with your fastest regiments and hits hard before adding any upgrades with Impact 4, 5 attacks, and Cleave 1. At 6 wounds and Regeneration 2 he can even go toe-to-toe with some tough Characters in duels and heal back up the next turn. He also ties for the most expensive character with the Konungyr.
The coolest part though is that all Werewarg and Fenr Beastpacks gain Flurry in in his Warband. You are strictly limited to 2 Fenr total here which is fine, you don’t really want more than that anyways.
Mainstay Units
- Werewargs
- Fenr Beastpack
- Ugr
Restricted Units
- Nefhur Beastpack
- Mountain Jotnar
Sample Loadout:
- Reyngeir, the God Spear
This idea is incredibly simple. Charge things and kill them. That charge? Impact 7 with Brutal Impact which, against many targets, can simply pick up an enemy stand before attacking. Join to a unit of Werewargs to come on turn 1 and start hitting enemy units early. Bloodlust at a lower Resolve can be a nuisance so get up the table quickly to make sure you’re just charging unit after unit until they’re dead by which time the rest of your army should have arrived.
Now that we know which characters we’re using to gain access to each unit, let’s look at what these unit’s can accomplish on their own.
Light Regiments
You’re likely taking at least one unit as “tax” for the Shaman you want but between impact hits, flurry, and other upgrades they can actually put out a decent number of attacks. Take a Captain to become a Medium unit for scoring when you need to, and a Shield Biter for extra 2″ on charges. On more than one occasion I’ve seen people underestimate a unit of Raiders but when thrown into the right targets (not high defence units) they can turn out a solid chunk of damage for their low cost. For 120 points with a minimum size and Captain they can hold objectives just fine, not a terrible choice.
The first of two shooting units for the army, Stalkers are relatively cheap, with built in Flank and Vanguard and 6″ move they can get into range early and give you a solid Reinforcement line from the get go. With only Barrage 3 however you’re not going to expect a lot of damage from these guys but with Evade 2 they can happily plink away at objectives and be annoying to remove. Coming in at 160 points (because the banner is hardly worth it on these) they’re a cheap mobile ranged option to slot in.
The other shooting unit and easily the better one. You’d be hard pressed to see a Nord army without at least one unit of Bow Chosen showing up. With Precision Shots to render Defence useless and 5 shots per stand, even with a short range of 14″ they’ll put on the hurt. Consider running a character with The Hunt’s Instincts with them to get the most out of shooting while keeping them mobile. At 210 points though for a minimum unit you definitely feel that cost over the Stalkers, but on the table you’ll see why they cost that much if you get them into a good position.
One of the newest Nord units to come out. Werewargs have an interesting place on the table with a lower cost of 160 points, fast movement of 7″ and a bucket of attacks. To get the most out of them you’re only going to take them with a Vargyr Lord to gain Flurry and make sure those attacks land. Regeneration 3 is nice to have but with only 4 wounds per stand and very low defensive stats they’ll likely not be around long to make use of it; don’t rely on it, just enjoy it if you get the chance to heal up.
The only “downside” to the unit will be Bloodlust on a Resolve 3 unit. Thankfully since they’re Light they’re not hanging around on objective zones often to begin with, so charging off of them isn’t your worry. Being caught out of position and forced to make a long-bomb charge by a canny opponent will definitely hurt.
With a Shaman Warlord these guys are coming on 21″ turn one giving you an incredibly forward reinforcement line turn 2 to start coming on from. Use it.
White Waste Tribesmen
Another as-yet unreleased unit, and even cheaper than Raiders if you can believe it! Only 90 points for a unit these guys only have Defence 1 with no evade so can’t take a punch. The only reason you’d consider these guys is for the White Waste Shaman upgrade, a command model that’s Priest (5) and has Enrage and Dominate spells. The former gives a friendly Monster +6 attacks which would be insane on any of your Jotnars and the latter reduces an enemy Monster to only one action that turn. Dominate has a short 8″ range and a low attunement of 2 making it difficult to cast, but in the right situation that’s very strong. The plus side is that this is a free additional action to cast, so you can move twice and cast the spell, making those ranges a bit easier to deal with.
Medium Regiments
A very straightforward unit of semi-elite warriors. They have an OK statline but lack any Cleave on their attacks making them better suited to hunker down on an objective or go after weaker enemies instead of trying to punch up. At 150 points before upgrades they look cheaper than they end up being. You’re going to want to splash out on a Skjald and Thegn, upgrades that give the unit Braver, +1 Resolve, Bastion, and attached characters +1D in duels that make this unit much tougher but also starts to get expensive to field. With all of that you’re looking at 295 points for 5 stands plus the cost of the character joining them.
You’re really taking these to run with a Jarl or Konungyr with Raven Messengers as above and a unit of 5 stands of them (to be 6 with the character attached then). Having Impact 2 per stand does make them better suited to attacking objectives, likely taking a wound off from the impact and then also getting to attack after (so long as they have the action available) to take off 2 wounds in one turn, opening up the option for it to be shot at by your Bow Chosen, or just easier to remove next turn!
Identical to Huskarls for their stats and cost but gain Blessed, Devout, and Support 2. With no officer model options they can’t gain Bravery or a baked-in +1 Resolve, but with a Volva for Bastion and run in a large block to make use of both healing magic and Support 2 they act as a very solid anvil for you to move onto an objective zone and very happily just stay there for the rest of the game. Just like the Huskarls too they’re 150 points base realistically they’ll cost you 255 to field for a block of 5, plus the cost of the Volva to be truly useful coming closer to 430 points. Not cheap.
The “basic” infantry option for the Blooded, sort of. Easily the best Infantry option this army has available to it at the moment with 5 Attacks, Cleave 1, and 6 wounds per stand with Regeneration 6 to bring back a stand per turn, basically. Oblivious helps them take even less damage from resolve as well, making them equal parts tough and killy. You can happily run these in a minimum sized unit to cause issues on their own or take larger units for higher resolve to be even more resilient, and even more annoying for your enemy. At 185 points for 3 stands with a banner these aren’t even that expensive for what they bring to the table.
The first truly “elite” unit we’re listing here, with a combination of 8 attacks and Lethal Demise they can sprint into combat with a move and charge if they need to, and be fine to be hit back dealing damage as they go down. With Bloodlust they can charge the turn they arrive to the game and with a forward reinforcement line from other units could cause some havoc early. The unit can take a Savage and there’s really no reason not to. For 20 extra points you get Double Time but the real reason you’re taking is for more Flank! Build an army right and you could have an entire army of Nords with Flank to guarantee they’re all on the table in turn 3 to overwhelm your opponent.
Like many Nord units the Blade Chosen eschew armour and protection for damage output instead and these hit hard. Best to pit against enemies with low defence due to lack of Cleave 6 attacks with Flurry and Clash 3 will chew through lesser protected enemies with relative ease. Add in a Shield Biter for +2″ charges and they’re getting into the targets they want to hit that much easier. Once they’re out, best suited for a Duelling Konungyr to help get him to where he wants to be with an additional attack thanks to the Officer.
Fenr Beastpack
Another cavalry unit, but slightly more expensive at 130 points and more of a skirmisher unit than a blunt hammer. They’re Oppurtunists with Fluid and Loose Formation making them incredibly flexible to manoeuvre, can get to the flank charge they want with relative ease, and Flank onto the table to come in early to line it up. Their main downside is being Irregular so that fast 7″ move can’t help with your reinforcement line or push back the enemy’s either. As well as the normal Nord issue of just being pretty squishy when hit back.
Easily one of my favourite units in the army list, these are kinda like big Brute trolls, just without the healing but that hit even harder. You can take a Blooded with the right Mastery to join them to just steamroll across nearly any enemy unit they run into. Being Fearless with Oblivious helps them take damage but ignore most wounds from Resolve rolls. At only 150 points for 3 and 55 per stand after you want to take a bigger block of 5 or 6 to really make use of Oblivious but units of 3 running around causing issues isn’t bad by any means! Clash 3 with 4 attacks and Cleave 2 makes sure that attacks hit and stick.
Heavy Regiments

So far the only released Heavy regiments are the various kinds of Jotnar, but let’s save those for last.
Our first Infantry Heavy regiment come in at 190 points for 3 stands, but realistically are costing you 205 because there’s no way you’re leaving the banner at home. With Defence 3 and Resolve 5 they don’t even have a bad defensive statline, either, able to take a punch and keep going; hitting with 5 attacks of Cleave 2 with Linebreaker, rendering shields and Bastion useless to really strike through enemy defences with ease. This unit should be in just about every Nord list. Bloodlust is hardly a downside with native R5 and allows them to charge from off-table.
Maybe the toughest infantry unit in the army with 7 Wounds, Defence 3, Resolve 4, AND Oblivious the only thing that Trolls have over these is their Regeneration and slightly faster move. At 200 points base you’re always taking a Skjald to gain Bravery and go up to Resolve 5 and after you take a banner they’re 235 for a minimum sized unit. Adding more gets expensive quick though and not generally recommended unless you’re using these as a duelling-Konungyr delivery system in which case you have a very scary block of warriors trotting down the table. Once these guys are out expect to see them in every single Nords list, they are very solid.
Nefhur Beastpack
The heavy cavalry unit you were waiting for (and still are, for the models) and easily the best of the beastpack options. With Shock, Impact 3, Brutal Impact 2, and Cleave 1 they’ll smash into something and clear it out. Especially since they have an 8″ move to get them where they want to be! With the Shaman’s Vanguard that’s a 24″ move onto the board to line up a charge for the next turn. They can even take a hit with 5 wounds a piece and Defence 4, shrugging off light attacks with relative ease. All of that and you’re only paying 165 for 3 stands! These are going to be common in most Nord armies, being one of the toughest and the fastest unit in the army list packing a hell of a punch. Take a unit of 4 so that you can lose 2 and make effective use of the army’s ability to gain extra attacks and Flurry on those hits.
Mountain Jotnar
The first and most basic of the Jotnar options, at an easy 170 points this guy does exactly what you expect. This is the only Monster in the army that gets to make use of Blood of the Einherjar ability, and with 12 attacks base and 16 wounds it’s nice to get a 13th attack with Flurry after losing 7 wounds; those attacks are at Cleave 2 so can go into most units with effect. You generally won’t be mad about taking one of these in an army, a Monster base takes up less space than 3 stands wide does so is a bit more manoeuvrable, and between Impact hits and attacks can one-shot objectives in a turn, same as the other two but at a lower cost. These come in the two player starter set and are just inherently cool so are pretty common to see in Nord armies.
Sea Jotnar
A hefty price increase from the Mountain version at 230 points is he worth the extra 60 points? Yes. The same Defence and Resolve but with Evade 2 means he can go into the more elite enemy units and shrug off some big cleave attacks. To make up for the lack of the army ability, he just starts at 13 attacks instead which is just better since you don’t need to be wounded first, but no chance at gaining Flurry before going down. However, he does have Fiend Hunter so as long as you’re attacking the a Brute or Monster unit you get the same effect, before needing to be damaged.
What really sticks out however is his ranged attack. That’s right, a Jotnar with shooting! It’s only an 8″ range but is 6 shots with armour piercing and thanks to his size means he can sit back behind a friendly regiment in combat and hurl his shots over them. He also gets to make a free volley action in addition to its normal 2 actions, just can’t volley twice, and can shoot at the unit he’s engaged into combat with too giving a much higher damage potential. Also means that he can move, aim, and shoot, or move twice and then shoot, etc etc the options are vast for this guy.
Ice Jotnar
Easily the coolest of the Jotnar options, and the most expensive, this guy is an ice wizard (level 5). Coming in at a hefty 250 points and only being available to a Konungyr’s warband makes him a little harder to field than the other too, but worth it every time. He hits even harder than the other two with 14 attacks standard, Cleave 3, and Unstoppable to help make sure he makes it into combat.
Much like the Sea Jotnar, he gets to make a free additional spellcasting action in his activation, giving incredible flexibility in how you manoeuvre and attack with him. The three spells he has access to can give himself +1D for the turn, slow down nearby enemy units, or just cause outright damage. Rime Storm is by far the one you’ll be using the most, with attunement 3 and causing 2 hits to the enemy per success you can reliably get 6 or 8 hits per turn with that, and unlike the Sea Jotnar’s shooting will cause Resolve tests after wounds suffered. I’ve never been disappointed in my Ice Jotnar and there’s a very good reason this is a staple unit for most Nord players: it’s very good.
Off to Raid We Go!
Overall the Nords strike fast, hard, and don’t stick around long at all. They have some of the widest choices aesthetically for models and a vast army list that lets you play a few different ways. If you want to go with multiple Blooded warbands full of a menagerie of monsters, brutes, and cavalry you absolutely can. For the more human-only way of playing we’ll be waiting a little bit for units like Bearsarks and Steel-Chosen to come out as models but once they do it will give the army a slew of new army list options.
If you like glass cannons, monsters, and beasts of all sorts then come and join the raiding party, you won’t be disappointed!
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