This series explores the world of Eä created by Para Bellum. Conquest has two distinct games: The Last Argument of Kings, a rank and flank massed infantry game and First Blood which is a skirmish game. Conquest scratches all the right itches of a rank and flank strategy while not taking forever to play!

Special thanks to Para Bellum for providing a significant amount of review material. In addition, if you want to get 10% off and support Goonhammer, make your Conquest purchase by clicking here for US/Canada or here for EU/rest of world. You’ll also need to enter code “goonhammer” at checkout. Look, we don’t make the rules, that’s just how it works!

Getting Started

The Last Argument of Kings Game Mechanics

The Last Argument of Kings Faction Focus

The Last Argument of Kings Tactics

First Blood





All Posts

Conquest Lore Explainer: The Dweghom of Eä

In my first encounters with Conquest, the Spires of Eä were presented to me as elves by another name, which would be considered mis-selling...

Conquest First Blood Faction Focus: Old Dominion

Welcome back to my mini-series on the smaller skirmish form of Conquest: First Blood. Through this, I’m going over how the game plays and...

Conquest Fabricator General: Battlefields of Eä

Special thanks to Para Bellum for providing a significant amount of review material. In addition, if you want to get 10% off and support...

Conquest Lore Explainer: The Nords of Eä

I entered the world of Conquest too soon. Not long after I’d started investing in my army, the Nords faction was released and I...

How To Paint Everything: Conquest – Sorcerer Kings Mahut

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different techniques and approaches. This week Rich is...