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Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: SuperNOVA

It’s finally here; one of the largest events of the year. The Nova Open is the largest East Coast event in the US and shares a spot on the pantheon of Wargaming conventions with LVO and Adepticon as the most intense competition around.

In addition we also get two more events, one in British Columbia and one all the way in Spain!

Nova Open 2024 Age of Sigmar GT

166-player, 8-round Supermajor in Washington, DC, United States on August 30 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Mission – Border War

Kaleb Walters – Disciples of Tzeentch
Army List - Click to Expand


Michael Rausch – Ossiarch Bonereapers
Army List - Click to Expand


Although Tzeentch has had a rough go of things, this list answers a lot of the weakness of OBR, most having to do with ranged attacks. OBR have to footslog it, and so they often find themselves caught out in the middle of an empty field being shot at. They’re pretty resilient, so it’s manageable but when the ranged army can huck tons of mortals at you, it becomes a different story.

The Archai function as a pretty good answer, with their 3+ ward against spells, but that’s just one unit and they can’t be everywhere. If Tzeentch can keep them bogged down they won’t be able to get to where they really need to go. Tzeentch managed to win with Kaleb becoming the champion of Nova.


Disciples of Tzeentch Victory – 41 – 35

Kaleb Walters – Disciples of Tzeentch – 1st Place

The List

See Showdown


Twin Lords of Change


Well this is very new. Two lords of change, no listed spell lore. While possibly a mistake, we can just assume it’s the conjurations we’re after. With the Purple Sun, the Skyfires become quite deadly, able to hit with Rend -2 shots. The Nine-Eyed Tome is one of the few ways to improve Banishment rolls so in addition to summoning endless spells it also focuses on getting rid of the opponent’s. With the Horrors in place and the -1 to wound from Wyrdflame and the -1 to hit from Lord of Change they’re a lot harder to cleave through than you would think.

Thomas Guan – Lumineth Realm-Lords – 2nd Place

The List

Army List - Click to Expand"


Hurakan Windchargers


One of the best go to lists right now, piloted by one of the best US players. Sevireth and the two Spirits of the Wind can run (along with their Windchargers Retinue), shoot and then fall back more or less untouched. Since the Windchargers also skip Wards it also nicely works into the current Nighthaunt Meta (and several other things).

No real surprises here, just a real solid list that can still put up a fight in melee if it has to.

The Best of the Rest

There were 6 more in the top 8:

  • 3rd – Gavin Grigar – Gloomspite Gitz: Troggs.
  • 4th – Michael Rausch – Ossiarch Bonereapers: See Showdown.
  • 5th – Mike McAbee – Nighthaunt: Nighthaunt Good Stuff
  • 6th – Madigan Mason – Nighthaunt: More Nighthaunt Good Stuff.
  • 7th – Mathew Davies – Lumineth Realm-Lords: Hurakan Skew.
  • 8th – Stian Engebretsen – Slaves to Darkness: Be’lakor with cavalry.

The Northern Wastes GT

43-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Prince George, British Columbia, CA on August 31 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Matthias Krushel – Daughters of Khaine
Army List - Click to Expand


Jesse Day – Nighthaunt
Army List - Click to Expand


Two armies who need to get that early charge in and…one is Nighthaunt. Which means Nighthaunt have the real advantage here. It’s most likely going to come down to proper charges. The Morathi list does have some answers, where Morathi can tank the massive damage that they put out and the Stalkers can weaken them from a distance before the charge. This however doesn’t totally answer the superior movement ability the Nighthaunt have access to and the Nighthaunt put out a crushing victory.


Nighthaunt Victory – 48 – 16

Jesse Day – Nighthaunt – 1st Place

Credit: PierreTheMime

The List

See Showdown


Nighthaunt Herohammer


While this does still have a lot of the “Nighthaunt Good Stuff” there’s a few interesting quirks here. Naturally the focal point is still Olynder, Awlrach. Reikenor, Bladegheists and Dreadblade Harrows but let’s look at what the other stuff brings to the table.

Myrmourn Banshees still remain a solid anti-spell presence. While it doesn’t get to wait until an unbind fails anymore, it does damage to a Wizard when it successfully unbinds, which might give them pause for smaller wizards. There’s a lot of named heroes in this list which mean the artefact and trait need to go somewhere and instead of the usual Executioner he went for the Krulghast. Previously a 3rd ed staple, the ignore first point of damage isn’t quite as good as a blanket -1 to wound but it does something. The damage is comparable to an executioner, but has a shooting attack that can warm up before charging in.

Carson Whitlock – Ogor Mawtribes – 2nd Place (Undefeated)

photo credit: keewa

The List

Army List - Click to Expand


Foot Ogors with Frostlord Support


This list hits a nice all-rounded feel. The Foot Ogors are pulling a lot of weight right now, arguably undercosted for their wound count and can put out solid damage and Ironguts are even better. Gorgers can scrap pretty good and can deep strike in, a valuable trick in a slow footslogging list.

The Frostlord helps support by skipping wards on high value targets once per game with their artefact and can support themselves with Keening Gale. The Gnoblars and Frost Sabres make excellent screens and fodder for battle tactics like take the flanks or Seize the Centre.

The Best of the Rest

There were 4 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 3rd – Matthias Krushel – Daughters of Khaine: See Showdown.
  • 4th – Baudouin Callebaut – Ogor Mawtribes: Ogor Midrange.
  • 5th – Dale Johnson – Gloomspite Gitz: Troggs and Gitz
  • 6th – David BlanchardWright – Ossiarch Bonereapers: Kavalos and Archai with Soulblight Regiment of Renown for chaff.

La Voz de Sigmar Open

42-player, 6-round Grand Tournament in Lugo, España on August 31 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Fran Marcos – Nighthaunt
Army List - Click to Expand


Emilio Martin Lindberg – Nighthaunt
Army List - Click to Expand


Trust me I checked these lists at least 3 times to see if there was any difference. There is not. Whether this is some gag or well timed coincidence here we are, the apotheosis of the Nighthaunt meta.

The lack of Dreadblade Harrows is a bit surprising but otherwise these are just regular nighthaunt lists, skewed toward Hexwraiths and Bladegheist Revenants. It really is just going to come down to whoever gets the better charge first, Hexwraiths work great if they can hit the Bladegheist first to charge and power through, while the Bladegheist want to hit the Hexwraiths first to blunt the charge. Olynder supports the units around her and can bring back dead models while Awlrach helps teleport and reposition the rest of the army.

Emilio is the one who clutches it with a very solid lead.


Nighthaunt Victory – 42 – 26

Emilio Martin Lindberg – Nighthaunt – 1st Place

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief. Credit: Rich Nutter

The List

See Showdown


Nighthaunt Good Stuff


As I said above, the lack of Dreadblade Harrows is surprising but otherwise this is just Nighthaunt good stuff. It tries to charge early and put the enemy down, if it doesn’t, it has ways to charge out later or fall back and charge.

The Best of the Rest

The showdown tiebreaker was the only Round 6 match. There were 7 more players on at least 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Fran Marcos – Nighthaunt: See showdown
  • 3rd – Jota Dj – Nighthaunt: Bladegheist Revenant spam. Yes, more than the showdown ones.
  • 4th – Martín Rodríguez Quintela – Soulblight Gravelords: Mannfred with Black Knights and Grave Guard.
  • 5th – miguel dusold – Slaves to Darkness: Be’lakor with cavalry.
  • 6th – Iker Rubio – Lumineth Realm-lords: Teclis and Severith with Windchargers.
  • 7th – Alejandro Cobo – Nighthaunt: Nighthaunt good stuff.
  • 8th – Bruno Puente – Gloomspite Gitz: Troggs.

Wrap Up

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