Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: It’s Ogor Time!

The Dojo Open GT

34-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Greenville, SC, United States on August 03 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Mission – Focal Points

Mike Rhodes – Blades of Khorne:
Army List - Click to Expand

Demons (1990 points)


Grand Alliance Chaos
Blades of Khorne
Murder Host
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 4

Prayer Lore – Blood Blesssings of Khorne
Manifestation Lore – Judgements of Khorne

General’s Regiment
Skarbrand (510)
• General
Bloodletters (400)
• Reinforced
Regiment 1
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (150)
Regiment 2
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (440)
• Relentless Hunger
• Halo of Blood
Flesh Hounds (110)
Flesh Hounds (110)
Flesh Hounds (110)
Regiment 3
Slaughterpriest (160)

Faction Terrain
Skull Altar

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Tommy Miklos – Ogor Mawtribes:
Army List - Click to Expand

Mixed List (2000 Points)


Ogor Mawtribes
Heralds of the Everwinter
2000 Points
Drops: 3

Spell Lore – Lore of Maw-magic
Prayer Lore – Everwinter Prayers
Manifestation Lore – Morbid Conjuration


General’s Regiment

Butcher (140 Points)
• General

Ogor Gluttons (440 Points)
• Reinforced

Regiment 1

Huskard on Stonehorn (300 Points)
• 1 Chaintrap
• The Fang of Ghur
• Great Gutlord

Frost Sabres (70 Points)

Thundertusk Beastriders (240 Points)
• 1 Chaintrap

Thundertusk Beastriders (240 Points)
• 1 Chaintrap

Regiment 2

Slaughtermaster (130 Points)

Ogor Gluttons (440 Points)
• Reinforced

Faction Terrain


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This is a difficult one to call, as both armies have a lot of strengths here. The Khorne list is very mobile and capable of shelling out a lot of damage, and the ability to disrupt the Ogors (honestly excellent) spell lore and Morbid Conjurations is not without merit.

That said, the Ogor list while less mobile isn’t completely inert, and is capable of taking a good punch on the Jaw from Khorne while also hitting back. The mix of reinforced gluttons units with Beastclaw mounts gives a solid mix of units to stand on objectives and to charge forward and do some damage.

The mission is pretty good for both but ends up with a dominating lead for the Ogors player – a perfect score!


Ogor Mawtribes Victory – 50 – 37

Tommy Miklos – Ogor Mawtribes – 1st Place

Frostlord on Stonehorn from Games Workshop. An ogre riding atop a mighty moss green, ivory horned beast.

The List

See Showdown


Mixed Ogors


We’ve seen a lot of Foot ogors in the first few events of 4th ed but not really any mounted units. Beastclaw took a real hit while the foot ogors are undercosted for how much damage they can put out (and take!).

This creates a real solid mix of units able to handle a variety of threats. The two reinforced glutton units are the heavy lifters, their attack profile is deceptively strong, especially when buffed by Blood Feast for +1 to attack. They also are very hard to put down, being a solid 48 wounds and can be -1 to hit if the enemy unit is hit with Greasy Deluge.

The General Huskard on Thundertusk is no slouch either. With the Keening Gale prayer they can rocket across the field and their warlord trait gets to ignore all negative modifiers to hit and save, while the artefact lets them ignore wards once per game. An excellent choice for anything that would have anti-Infantry against the ogors.

The Best of the Rest

There were 5 more players on X-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Walter Brock – Ossiarch Bonereapers: Dual mortarchs and Horses.
  • 3rd – McKenzie Ewing – Lumineth Realm-lords: Triple Foxes and Vanari retinue.
  • 4th – Frederick Schmidt – Kruleboyz: Monsta Killaz and Boltboyz
  • 5th – Mike Rhodes – Blades of Khorne: See Showdown.
  • 6th – Sung Kang – Gloomspite Gitz: Troggs.

Salt Lake Open 2024 – Age of Sigmar Championships

30-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Salt Lake City, UT, United States on August 03 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Mission – Close to the Chest

Ian McAleese – Ogor Mawtribes:
Army List - Click to Expand

Om gorgers (1930 points)


Ogor Mawtribes
The Roving Maw
No Battle Formation
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 2

Spell Lore – The Roving Maw Spell Lore
Manifestation Lore – Morbid Conjuration

General’s Regiment
Slaughtermaster (130)
• General
• Prime Gutserver
• Flasks of Congealed Maw-juices
Ogor Gluttons (440)
• Reinforced
Ogor Gluttons (440)
• Reinforced
Regiment 1
Butcher (140)
Gorger Mawpack (260)
Gorger Mawpack (260)
Gorger Mawpack (260)

Faction Terrain

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Dustin Chesmer – Daughters of Khaine:
Army List - Click to Expand

Boise DoK (2000 points)


Grand Alliance Order
Daughters of Khaine
Cauldron Guard
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 4

Spell Lore – Lore of Shadows
Prayer Lore – Prayers of the Khainite Cult
Manifestation Lore – Manifestations of Khaine

General’s Regiment
Hag Queen (140)
• General
• Khainite Pendant
Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (220)
• Reinforced
Regiment 1
Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (350)
• Bathed in Blood
Sisters of Slaughter with Bladed Bucklers (110)
Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (110)
Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (110)
Regiment 2
Bloodwrack Medusa (180)
Khinerai Heartrenders (110)
Khinerai Heartrenders (110)
Regiment 3
Krethusa the Croneseer (190)
Doomfire Warlocks (150)
Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (220)
• Reinforced

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Data Version: v128


This is an interesting mission for both of these armies, since both generally want to try and run and charge up the field as fast as possible since all the objectives are deep in someone’s territory. The Foot Ogors aren’t known for their speed – but Gorgers can be quite fast in this subfaction.

It’s largely going to come down to who can get their charges in first. The Daughters of Khaine, if properly buffed, can put out an obscene number of attacks that do some solid damage between Mindrazor for +1 to rend and Damage, and the Slaughter Queen’s Orgy of Slaughter for +1 to attacks. But if they get charged first…they won’t last long.

Meanwhile the Ogors while wanting to charge in general are quite resilient. It’s unlikely they’d survive a strong Daughters of Khaine charge phase but they definitely would handle it better than the reverse. It ultimately comes down to a very close game, off by only 2 points.


Ogor Mawtribes Victory – 30 – 28

Ian McAleese – Ogor Mawtribes – 1st Place

photo credit: keewa

The List

See Showdown


Foot Ogors


A Gorger heavy list is a fascinating choice, but they’re a bit of an underrated unit. A bit expensive at 260 for 5, but their ability to deep strike in later allows them to capture backfield objectives far easier than a solely Gluttons list could do. Their ability to run and charge also means virtually nowhere is safe from them, they make excellent support as the hammer to the Glutton’s anvil.

The two requisite 2 reinforced units of Gluttons are here of course and same as the list in our first matchup are a terrifying force if hit with Blood Feast for +1 to attacks. Overall, just a very solid list that hits the fundamentals of foot ogor gameplay without too much fuss or muss.

The Best of the Rest

There were 5 more players on X-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Maldad Puto – Fyreslayers: Midrange Fyreslayers.
  • 3rd – Zac Boyd – Nighthaunt: Nighthaunt good stuff.
  • 4th – Dustin Chesmer – Daughters of Khaine: See Showdown.
  • 5th – Matt Nguyen – Beasts of Chaos: Bestigors and Bullgors
  • 6th – Connor Davidson – Daughters of Khaine: Morathi and Hag Queen with Aelf foot troops

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