Competitive Innovations in 10th: Double Trouble pt.1

Two Goonhammer Opens? Two? At this time of year? In two different latitudes? Incredible stuff. It also saw our terrain partner Bandua Wargames kits make it over to the US GHO for the first time, debuting some of their new sets designed to combine with their area mats for GW terrain layouts, which will be available for purchase soon (stay tuned for a review in the near future, and check out the link below for the area mats).

This is an affiliate link. Goonhammer will receive a proportion of sales made via it.

Also, plenty of other events, though mercifully not quite as many as last week. The metagame is very much still in flux too, with strong performances from quite a few factions but no definitive leader just yet.

Let’s see what’s going on, starting today with:

  • Goonhammer Open GT US
  • Goonhammer Open GT Canada
  • II GT Tormenta de Hostias
  • Geelong 40k Town Open
  • Geekfest – Summer Heat – Warhammer 40K GT

On Friday Lowest of Men will be in charge, looking at:

  • Dark Sphere July 40k GT
  • Central Island Open
  • Bembel Clash #10
  • Winchester 40K GT – July 2024

We’ll also have showdowns from both GHOs, plus one more voted for by our patrons, which is:

  • T’au Empire (Retaliation Cadre) vs Adepta Sororitas (Penitent Host) at the Winchester GT

2024 US Goonhammer Open GT

29-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Linthicum Heights, MD, United States on July 06 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

This game was streamed, you can watch it on our YouTube channel, starting at around 4:02.

The Showdown

Terraform – Swift Action – Sweeping Engagement

Joshua Campbell – Chaos Daemons (Daemonic Incursion)
Army List - Click to Expand

Six inches is perfectly average for deep strike (2000 points)

Chaos Daemons
Strike Force (2000 points)
Daemonic Incursion


Bloodmaster (65 points)
• 1x Blade of blood

Great Unclean One (260 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Bilesword
1x Plague flail
1x Putrid vomit
• Enhancement: The Endless Gift

Lord of Change (285 points)
• 1x Bolt of Change
1x Staff of Tzeentch
• Enhancement: The Everstave

Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Blade of blood

Shalaxi Helbane (450 points)
• 1x Lash of Slaanesh
1x Pavane of Slaanesh
1x Snapping claws
1x Soulpiercer

Skarbrand (305 points)
• 1x Bellow of endless fury
1x Slaughter and Carnage


Bloodletters (120 points)
• 1x Bloodreaper
• 1x Hellblade
• 9x Bloodletter
• 1x Daemonic Icon
9x Hellblade
1x Instrument of Chaos

Nurglings (40 points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Plaguebearers (110 points)
• 1x Plagueridden
• 1x Plaguesword
• 9x Plaguebearer
• 1x Daemonic Icon
1x Instrument of Chaos
9x Plaguesword


Flamers (75 points)
• 1x Pyrocaster
• 1x Flamer mouths
1x Flickering Flames
• 2x Flamer
• 2x Flamer mouths
2x Flickering Flames

Flesh Hounds (70 points)
• 1x Gore Hound
• 1x Burning roar
1x Collar of Khorne
1x Gore-drenched fangs
• 4x Flesh Hound
• 4x Collar of Khorne
4x Gore-drenched fangs

Flesh Hounds (70 points)
• 1x Gore Hound
• 1x Burning roar
1x Collar of Khorne
1x Gore-drenched fangs
• 4x Flesh Hound
• 4x Collar of Khorne
4x Gore-drenched fangs

Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (45), Data Version: v430


Tony Phillips – Adepta Sororitas (Bringers of Flame)
Army List - Click to Expand

Fast and Furious (2000 Points)

Adepta Sororitas
Bringers of Flame
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Canoness with Jump Pack (95 Points)
• 1x Ministorum hand flamer
1x Power weapon
• Enhancements: Fire and Fury

Dialogus (30 Points)
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Dialogus staff

Morvenn Vahl (160 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Fidelis
1x Lance of Illumination
1x Paragon missile launcher

Triumph of Saint Katherine (190 Points)
• 1x Bolt pistols
1x Relic weapons


Battle Sisters Squad (115 Points)
• 1x Sister Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Condemnor boltgun
1x Power weapon
• 9x Battle Sister
• 9x Bolt pistol
7x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
1x Meltagun
1x Multi-melta
1x Simulacrum Imperialis


Immolator (115 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta

Immolator (115 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta

Immolator (115 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta


Castigator (150 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator battle cannon
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Castigator (150 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator autocannons
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Dominion Squad (115 Points)
• 1x Dominion Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Inferno pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Dominion
• 9x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
4x Meltagun
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Paragon Warsuits (210 Points)
• 1x Paragon Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Multi-melta
1x Paragon grenade launchers
1x Paragon war blade
• 2x Paragon
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Multi-melta
2x Paragon grenade launchers
1x Paragon war blade
1x Paragon war mace

Seraphim Squad (85 Points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 4x Seraphim
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Ministorum hand flamer

Seraphim Squad (170 Points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Seraphim
• 10x Bolt pistol
9x Close combat weapon
8x Ministorum hand flamer

Seraphim Squad (85 Points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 4x Seraphim
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Ministorum hand flamer

Sisters Novitiate Squad (100 Points)
• 1x Novitiate Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Sister Novitiate
• 9x Autopistol
4x Close combat weapon
2x Ministorum flamer
5x Novitiate melee weapons
1x Sacred Banner
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (40), Data Version: v430


Two recently empowered factions clash on the top tables here. On one side we have turbo-charged Daemons, with Skarbrand hurling Rendmaster-empowered Flesh Hounds at the foe and the Everstave Lord and Gift Unclean One able to do their thing with total impunity. The GuO creates a great anvil for the list to work around, while the rest of the tools create a nice mix of hammer and speed.

The Sisters, meanwhile, have brought fire. Lots of Immolators with various split squads provide a great mix of board control and firepower, Vahl’s unit is an absurdly nasty hammer, and we’ve also got the new tech of the full Seraphim flamer unit with a Fire and Fury. This setup lets you unleash 8d6+8 S5 flamer hits at the speed of an Advancing Seraphim unit, then slink away with impunity. Also, you can have Devastating Wounds if you want, which gives you a cool six Mortals on average (plus one if you throw a Miracle dice). Incredibly nasty into anything with toughness less than ten, great on Overwatch, and still dangerous into big targets thanks to access to the Stratagem.

How do we stack up here on Terraform? This is quickly emerging as both a final-round favourite and fairly skewing mission, and I think some of that is at play here – if you can terraform multiple objectives early you end up with a big advantage, so being able to either force that or stop the opponent is really good. Both armies here feel like they have a good line on Terraforming their near objective, but reaching out further and staying there will be tough for either, and I think this probably turns into a bloodbath battle over Primary. While Khorne obviously loves those, I think the Daemons do have a problem of being stretched on resources – they don’t have as many units as the Sisters, and the Sororitas force is very good at locking in a few kills at speed. With the mission wanting Actions, and the Sisters also having an easier time dodging some Secondaries (e.g. Assassinate), I think they can probably out-score the Daemons in the end, especially with the Immolators providing layered defences that the mostly melee build will struggle to crack. Skarbrand does have some shot of blowing that wide open if he can trap things in combat, and being very pushy with him seems like the best bet to try and flip the script, but it looks like the Sisters were able to hold on for the win.


Adepta Sororitas (Bringers of Flame) Victory – 66 – 43

Tony Phillips – Adepta Sororitas (Bringers of Flame) – 1st Place

Credit: Keewa

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Fast and Furious (2000 Points)

Adepta Sororitas
Bringers of Flame
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Canoness with Jump Pack (95 Points)
• 1x Ministorum hand flamer
1x Power weapon
• Enhancements: Fire and Fury

Dialogus (30 Points)
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Dialogus staff

Morvenn Vahl (160 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Fidelis
1x Lance of Illumination
1x Paragon missile launcher

Triumph of Saint Katherine (190 Points)
• 1x Bolt pistols
1x Relic weapons


Battle Sisters Squad (115 Points)
• 1x Sister Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Condemnor boltgun
1x Power weapon
• 9x Battle Sister
• 9x Bolt pistol
7x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
1x Meltagun
1x Multi-melta
1x Simulacrum Imperialis


Immolator (115 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta

Immolator (115 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta

Immolator (115 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta


Castigator (150 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator battle cannon
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Castigator (150 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator autocannons
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Dominion Squad (115 Points)
• 1x Dominion Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Inferno pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Dominion
• 9x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
4x Meltagun
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Paragon Warsuits (210 Points)
• 1x Paragon Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Multi-melta
1x Paragon grenade launchers
1x Paragon war blade
• 2x Paragon
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Multi-melta
2x Paragon grenade launchers
1x Paragon war blade
1x Paragon war mace

Seraphim Squad (85 Points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 4x Seraphim
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Ministorum hand flamer

Seraphim Squad (170 Points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Seraphim
• 10x Bolt pistol
9x Close combat weapon
8x Ministorum hand flamer

Seraphim Squad (85 Points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 4x Seraphim
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Ministorum hand flamer

Sisters Novitiate Squad (100 Points)
• 1x Novitiate Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Sister Novitiate
• 9x Autopistol
4x Close combat weapon
2x Ministorum flamer
5x Novitiate melee weapons
1x Sacred Banner
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

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Mechanised Flame Sisters


The title says it all – this build is brutally fast and extremely angry, and the big Seraphim squad with the Enhancement feels like a uniquely powerful tool across the entire game right now. Congratulations to Tony on joining the esteemed ranks of GHO winners!

The Best of the Rest

There were 5 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Joshua Campbell – Chaos Daemons (Daemonic Incursion): See showdown
  • 3rd – Steven Fitch – Blood Angels (Sons of Sanguinius): Ultra-aggro Blood Angels with a bunch of jump Characters and some nasty footslogging killers (Bladeguard and a full Death Company unit) to boot.
  • 4th – Zach Point – Drukhari (Skysplinter Assault): Boat-heavy Skysplinter with three Raiders and three Ravagers.
  • 5th – Michael Roberts – Imperial Knights: Triple bigs with a shooty Crusader to go with Canis and a Lancer out front.
  • 6th – JC Watts – Salamanders (Gladius Task Force): Triple Land Raider (two Redeemers and a Crusader) with Bladeguard, Aggressors and Eradicators stashed inside for lethal pushes.

2024 Canada Goonhammer Open GT

All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Scorched Earth – Stalwarts – Search and Destroy

Justin Signer-Delorme – Death Guard

Army List - Click to Expand

DG Double Double (GHO) (2000 points)

Death Guard
Strike Force (2000 points)
Plague Company


Biologus Putrifier (60 points)
• 1x Hyper blight grenades
1x Injector pistol
1x Plague knives

Biologus Putrifier (60 points)
• 1x Hyper blight grenades
1x Injector pistol
1x Plague knives

Foul Blightspawn (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plague sprayer

Foul Blightspawn (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plague sprayer

Lord of Virulence (80 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Heavy plague fist
1x Twin plague spewer


Plague Marines (180 points)
• 1x Plague Champion
• 1x Heavy plague weapon
1x Plasma gun
• 9x Plague Marine
• 2x Bubotic weapons
3x Heavy plague weapon
2x Meltagun
9x Plague knives
2x Plague spewer

Plague Marines (180 points)
• 1x Plague Champion
• 1x Heavy plague weapon
1x Plasma gun
• 9x Plague Marine
• 2x Bubotic weapons
3x Heavy plague weapon
2x Meltagun
9x Plague knives
2x Plague spewer


Death Guard Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
1x Plague combi-bolter
1x Plague combi-bolter

Death Guard Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
1x Plague combi-bolter
1x Plague combi-bolter


Death Guard Cultists (50 points)
• 1x Death Guard Cultist Champion
• 1x Brutal assault weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Death Guard Cultist
• 9x Brutal assault weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Flamer
1x Grenade launcher
1x Heavy stubber

Death Guard Cultists (50 points)
• 1x Death Guard Cultist Champion
• 1x Brutal assault weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Death Guard Cultist
• 9x Brutal assault weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Flamer
1x Grenade launcher
1x Heavy stubber

Death Guard Predator Destructor (130 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
1x Plague combi-bolter
2x Plague heavy bolter
1x Predator autocannon

Deathshroud Terminators (240 points)
• 1x Deathshroud Champion
• 1x Manreaper
1x Plaguespurt gauntlet
1x Plaguespurt gauntlet
• 5x Deathshroud Terminator
• 5x Manreaper
5x Plaguespurt gauntlet


Plaguebearers (110 points)
• 1x Plagueridden
• 1x Plaguesword
• 9x Plaguebearer
• 1x Daemonic Icon
1x Instrument of Chaos
9x Plaguesword

Plaguebearers (110 points)
• 1x Plagueridden
• 1x Plaguesword
• 9x Plaguebearer
• 1x Daemonic Icon
1x Instrument of Chaos
9x Plaguesword

War Dog Brigand (170 points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Diabolus heavy stubber

War Dog Brigand (170 points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Diabolus heavy stubber

War Dog Karnivore (140 points)
• 1x Diabolus heavy stubber
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw


Logan Antonation – Space Wolves (Champions of Russ)

Army List - Click to Expand

the champs (2000 points)

Space Marines
Space Wolves
Strike Force (2000 points)
Champions of Russ


Logan Grimnar on Stormrider (180 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Flurry of teeth and claws
1x Storm bolter
1x The Axe Morkai

Ragnar Blackmane (90 points)
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Frostfang

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (105 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Storm Shield
1x Thunder hammer
• Enhancement: Black Death

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (90 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Power fist
1x Storm Shield
• Enhancement: The Pelt of the Balewolf

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Power fist
1x Storm Shield

Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (115 points)
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Twin lightning claws
• Enhancement: Frost Weapon


Assault Intercessor Squad (75 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessor
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Heavy bolt pistol

Intercessor Squad (80 points)
• 1x Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Intercessor
• 1x Astartes grenade launcher
4x Bolt pistol
4x Bolt rifle
4x Close combat weapon


Impulsor (80 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
2x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Orbital comms array (Aura)


Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 4x Bolt pistol
2x Boltgun
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 4x Bolt pistol
2x Boltgun
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Thunderwolf Cavalry (200 points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Storm Shield
• 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 5x Crushing teeth and claws
5x Heirloom weapon
5x Storm Shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (200 points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Storm Shield
• 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 5x Crushing teeth and claws
5x Heirloom weapon
5x Storm Shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (200 points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Storm Shield
• 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 5x Crushing teeth and claws
5x Heirloom weapon
5x Storm Shield

Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (105 points)
• 1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Vanguard Veteran weapon
• 4x Vanguard Veteran with Jump Pack
• 4x Storm Shield
4x Vanguard Veteran weapon

Wulfen (180 points)
• 1x Wulfen Pack Leader
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Stormfrag auto-launcher
1x Wulfen hammer
• 9x Wulfen
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Stormfrag auto-launcher
9x Wulfen hammer

Wulfen (90 points)
• 1x Wulfen Pack Leader
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Stormfrag auto-launcher
1x Wulfen hammer
• 4x Wulfen
• 4x Storm Shield
4x Stormfrag auto-launcher
4x Wulfen hammer


Our second final pits the improved Champions of Russ against some defiant Death Guard, holding firm to the plan of stacking a couple of big Plague Marine units in Rhinos. That is, to be fair, pretty great in this matchup, as the Fights First Plague Marines are a somewhat daunting threat for the Wolves to get their teeth into, though plausibly not scary enough to fully disuade one of the bigger units having a go, especially if they’ve started with Saga of the Bear up (which they almost certainly do here). In addition to that, there’s not really anything else here that one of the big ThunderCav units doesn’t maul brutally, and the fact that Logan’s namesake is in charge reduces the impact of one of Death Guard’s answers to that, as a turn of hit re-rolls is going to mitigate the impact of -1WS.

Once that’s factored in, I think the big issue is that the Death Guard don’t really have enough shooting to try and flip to a backup plan – there’s enough investment in the melee core that an army being able to trump it is probably terminal. Were I on the Death Guard side, I think I’d be hoping to go first, then get the Plague Marines out of the Rhino and send those off to move block, trying to buy enough time to soften some of the Thunderwolf bricks enough that they can’t confidently push into the Plague Marines. I think that’s far easier said than done though, and there’s the extra challenge here that the Wolves have far better troubleshooters for going out and preventing a Scorch. All things considered, this is going to be tough for the Death Guard, and in the event they weren’t able to match the fury of Russ.


Space Wolves Victory – 80-57

Logan Antonation – Space Wolves (Champions of Russ) – 1st Place

Logan Grimnar Santa Mode
Logan Grimnar as Santa Claus. Credit: Kevin Stillman

The List

See Showdown


Champion ThunderCav


The Champions upgrade is legit, I repeat, the Champions upgrade is legit. Now that you can either add an army-wide Feel No Pain or keep access to Advance/Charge from the get-go, Champions is a legit competitor to Stormlance, particularly because it spices up the ThunderCav units with powerful upgrades, and has incidental access to an ultra-powerful counter into Thousand Sons via the Runic Wards stratagem. Great to see the Index finally getting airtime, and well done to Logan on the win!

The Best of the Rest

There were 4 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Justin Signer-Delorme – Death Guard: See showdown.
  • 3rd – Ryan Block – Salamanders (Firestorm Assault Force): A shooting pressure build, using Vindicators alongside Firestorm favourites to blast straight through the enemy.
  • 4th – Corey Trumbley – Adepta Sororitas (Bringers of Flame): Shooty Sisters with a unit of Paragons and some Retributors, including Aestred for Devastating Wounds in one unit. Also packs a surprisingly heavy Infiltration team in the form of a Rogue Trade Entourage and some Voidsmen.
  • 5th – Jason Wells – Astra Militarum: Loads of Scions in Tauroxes, some Russes and a Bullgryn brick, with Armiger Warglaives adding extra pressure.

II GT Tormenta de Hostias

62-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Lliçà d’Amunt, CT, España on July 06 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Garsa Garseta – Drukhari (Skysplinter Assault) – 1st Place

Drukhari Raider. Credit: Corrode

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

pariah tech (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Skysplinter Assault


Archon (95 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Huskblade
• Enhancement: Nightmare Shroud

Archon (75 points)
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Huskblade

Archon (75 points)
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Huskblade

Beastmaster (105 points)
• 1x Beastmaster
• 1x Agoniser
1x Splinter pods
• 1x Clawed Fiend
• 1x Clawed Fiend fists
• 2x Khymerae
• 2x Khymerae talons
• 3x Razorwing Flock
• 3x Razorwing feathers

Drazhar (75 points)
• 1x The Executioner’s demiklaives

Lelith Hesperax (85 points)
• 1x Lelith’s blades


Kabalite Warriors (110 points)
• 1x Sybarite
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Phantasm grenade launcher
1x Sybarite weapon
• 9x Kabalite Warrior
• 1x Blaster
9x Close combat weapon
1x Dark lance
1x Shredder
1x Splinter cannon
5x Splinter rifle

Wyches (90 points)
• 1x Hekatrix
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Hekatarii blade
1x Phantasm grenade launcher
• 9x Wych
• 9x Hekatarii blade
9x Splinter pistol


Raider (80 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Dark lance

Raider (80 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Dark lance

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Splinter cannon
1x Splinter cannon

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Splinter cannon
1x Splinter cannon

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Splinter cannon
1x Splinter cannon

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Splinter cannon
1x Splinter cannon


Court of the Archon (85 points)
• 1x Lhamaean
• 1x Shaimeshi blade
• 1x Medusae
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Eyeburst
• 1x Sslyth
• 1x Shardcarbine
1x Splinter pistol
1x Sslyth battle-blade
• 1x Ur-ghul
• 1x Ur-ghul talons

Cronos (50 points)
• 1x Spirit syphon
1x Spirit vortex
1x Spirit-leech tentacles

Incubi (150 points)
• 9x Incubi
• 9x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
• 1x Demiklaives

Incubi (75 points)
• 4x Incubi
• 4x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
• 1x Demiklaives

Mandrakes (65 points)
• 1x Nightfiend
• 1x Baleblast
1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
• 4x Baleblast
4x Glimmersteel blade

Mandrakes (65 points)
• 1x Nightfiend
• 1x Baleblast
1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
• 4x Baleblast
4x Glimmersteel blade

Scourges (120 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Shardcarbine
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Dark lance

Scourges (120 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Shardcarbine
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Drukhari haywire blaster

Scourges (120 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Shardcarbine
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Dark lance




The classic 2/4 Raider/Venom Skysplinter takes the trophy at our biggest major of the week, making great use of the mobility and relatively flexible damage dealers of the Drukhari to take down all comers. Of note in this particular build is the Court of the Archon – anything that lets you build an unusually impressive Battleline unit gets considerably better in Pariah, particularly in lists fast enough to potentially take advantage of the War of Attrition Secret Mission. In fact, if you put a non-Warlord Archon with the Court, this build is unusually good at keeping the opponent guessing as to which mission you’re going for, as Command Insertion is also very plausible. It’s a neat extra angle, and particularly good for Drukhari as it lets them sacrifice early primary to focus on clean trades if they need to. Congratulations to Garsa for soaring to the top!

Usukane RR – World Eaters (Berzerker Warband) – 2nd Place (Undefeated)

Credit: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

zerkers (2000 points)

World Eaters
Strike Force (2000 points)
Berzerker Warband


Angron (415 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Samni’arius and Spinegrinder

Lord Invocatus (140 points)
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Coward’s Bane
1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn

World Eaters Lord on Juggernaut (125 points)
• 1x Exalted chainblade
1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn
1x Plasma pistol
• Enhancement: Helm of Brazen Ire


Jakhals (65 points)
• 1x Jakhal Pack Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Jakhal chainblades
• 1x Dishonoured
• 1x Skullsmasher
• 8x Jakhal
• 8x Autopistol
1x Icon of Khorne
7x Jakhal chainblades
1x Mauler chainblade


Eightbound (140 points)
• 1x Eightbound Champion
• 1x Lacerators
• 2x Eightbound
• 2x Eightbound eviscerators

Eightbound (140 points)
• 1x Eightbound Champion
• 1x Lacerators
• 2x Eightbound
• 2x Eightbound eviscerators

Exalted Eightbound (310 points)
• 1x Exalted Eightbound Champion
• 1x Paired Eightbound chainfists
• 5x Exalted Eightbound
• 5x Eightbound chainfist
5x Eightbound eviscerator

Exalted Eightbound (310 points)
• 1x Exalted Eightbound Champion
• 1x Paired Eightbound chainfists
• 5x Exalted Eightbound
• 5x Eightbound chainfist
5x Eightbound eviscerator

World Eaters Chaos Spawn (65 points)
• 2x Chaos Spawn
• 2x Hideous mutations

World Eaters Forgefiend (145 points)
• 2x Ectoplasma cannon
1x Ectoplasma cannon
1x Forgefiend claws

World Eaters Forgefiend (145 points)
• 2x Ectoplasma cannon
1x Ectoplasma cannon
1x Forgefiend claws

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v434


Heavy World Eaters


Pariah looks to have had a surprisingly big impact on World Eaters, despite their small roster, as this is a second top finish for a build that leans much more towards the heavy hitters than the classic mix. Cheaper Eightbound let you throw big hammer blows, while Forgefiends give you an out against enemy heavy infantry that can potentially trump them. The popularity of Blood Angels and Thousand Sons means that people will be teching pretty hard for killing 2W Marines, so avoiding Berzerkers can plausibly negate the opponents tricks some of the time, and it’s cool to see some novelty in a faction that was pretty “solved” at one point. Great stuff from Usukane, tsking undefeated second!

David Necron Anducas – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion) – 3rd Place

Monolith with Death Rays. Credit: Rockfish
Monolith with Death Rays. Credit: Rockfish

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

TdH (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Hypercrypt Legion


C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer (295 points)
• 1x Gaze of death
1x Scythe of the Nightbringer

Imotekh the Stormlord (100 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Gauntlet of Fire
1x Staff of the Destroyer

Lokhust Lord (100 points)
• 1x Lord’s blade
1x Resurrection Orb
• Enhancement: Osteoclave Fulcrum

Overlord with Translocation Shroud (85 points)
• 1x Overlord’s blade
1x Resurrection Orb

Plasmancer (90 points)
• 1x Plasmic lance
• Enhancement: Arisen Tyrant

Technomancer (85 points)
• 1x Staff of light


Immortals (150 points)
• 10x Immortal
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Tesla carbine


Canoptek Wraiths (250 points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Deathmarks (60 points)
• 5x Deathmark
• 5x Close combat weapon
5x Synaptic disintegrator

Deathmarks (60 points)
• 5x Deathmark
• 5x Close combat weapon
5x Synaptic disintegrator

Lokhust Destroyers (180 points)
• 6x Lokhust Destroyer
• 6x Close combat weapon
6x Gauss cannon

Lychguard (170 points)
• 10x Lychguard
• 10x Dispersion Shield
10x Hyperphase sword

Monolith (375 points)
• 4x Death ray
1x Particle whip
1x Portal of exile

Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (45), Data Version: v430


All-rounder Hypercrypt


Hats off to David in third – rather than fleeing to haymaker shooting builds he’s put together a relatively “normal” looking all-rounder Hypercrypt army and performed excellently with it. You’ve got Destroyers and Immortals for various shooty targets, and Lychguard to do a precision push at a key moment, creating an enjoyably flexible build overall. It’s another one with great flexibility at scoring Secret Missions as well, so if it needs to it can prioritise Secondaries early on. Great work David!

Manel Tulla – Blood Angels (Sons of Sanguinius) – 4th Place

Sanguinary Priest with jump pack. Credit: Corrode

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

platoon (2000 points)

Space Marines
Blood Angels
Strike Force (2000 points)
Sons of Sanguinius


Lemartes (120 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x The Blood Crozius

Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack (100 points)
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt Pistol

Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack (100 points)
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt Pistol


Intercessor Squad (80 points)
• 1x Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Intercessor
• 1x Astartes grenade launcher
4x Bolt pistol
4x Bolt rifle
4x Close combat weapon


Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Baal Predator (125 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Baal flamestorm cannon
2x Heavy flamer
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Baal Predator (125 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Baal flamestorm cannon
2x Heavy flamer
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs (280 points)
• 10x Death Company Marine with Jump Pack
• 10x Inferno pistol
10x Power fist

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs (140 points)
• 5x Death Company Marine with Jump Pack
• 5x Inferno pistol
5x Power fist

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs (140 points)
• 5x Death Company Marine with Jump Pack
• 5x Inferno pistol
5x Power fist

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
2x Combat knife
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
2x Combat knife
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (210 points)
• 1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Vanguard Veteran weapon
• 9x Vanguard Veteran with Jump Pack
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Vanguard Veteran weapon

Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (210 points)
• 1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Vanguard Veteran weapon
• 9x Vanguard Veteran with Jump Pack
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Vanguard Veteran weapon


Jump Pack Spam


Sons of Sanguinius round out the top four here, sporting a build that really doubles down on the overwhelmingness of the list. Full units with Sanguinary Priests are a nightmare to clear, and going for Vanguard Veterans with shields minimises the list of threats that clear them efficiently, while also taking top-tier advantage of the AP boost. Elsewhere, the list packs in unit after unit instead of investing in Characters, ensuring there’s always more stuff for another push. Congratulations to Manel!

The Best of the Rest

There were 8 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 5th – Tkila Grey – Grey Knights: Quad Dreadknight and a big unit of Paladins.
  • 6th – Aarron Wilson – Adeptus Custodes (Shield Host): Go-wide Infantry with lots of small Allarus and Venatari units, plus some Caladius tanks.
  • 7th – Dekkers – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): Shooty Szarekh Hypercrypt that adds a big unit of Warriors to zap around.
  • 8th – Xavo Melenero L’Escamarlà – Tyranids (Synaptic Nexus): Monster mash, taking advantage of the improvement to Hive Tyrants’ interaction with most Stratagems.
  • 9th – Ferran Bayerri – Black Templars (Gladius Task Force): Mechanised melee Templars, using lots of Sword Brethren and Assault Intercessors in Transports.
  • 10th – Curro La Orden – Aeldari: The Rhana Dandra special, packing all six Phoenix Lords and an Avatar, with Wave Serpents to finish off the setup.
  • 11th – hector sola arroyo – Death Guard: Melee crunch, going for Mortarion, Rhino Plague Marines, a big unit of Deathshroud and three Karnivores.
  • 12th – Luis González Hernández – Grey Knights: Five Dreadknights and Crowe’s Purifiers.

Geelong 40k Town Open

52-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in North Shore, VIC, Australia on July 05 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Jerome El’Dussey – Adepta Sororitas (Bringers of Flame) – 1st Place

Credit: Evan “Felime” Siefring

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

jez4dussy (1985 points)

Adepta Sororitas
Strike Force (2000 points)
Bringers of Flame


Canoness with Jump Pack (95 points)
• 1x Ministorum hand flamer
1x Power weapon
• Enhancement: Fire and Fury

Morvenn Vahl (160 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Fidelis
1x Lance of Illumination
1x Paragon missile launcher

Triumph of Saint Katherine (190 points)
• 1x Bolt pistols
1x Relic weapons


Immolator (115 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Immolation flamers

Immolator (115 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta

Immolator (115 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta


Castigator (150 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator battle cannon
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Castigator (150 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator battle cannon
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Dominion Squad (115 points)
• 1x Dominion Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Chainsword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Ministorum hand flamer
• 9x Dominion
• 9x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
4x Ministorum flamer
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Dominion Squad (115 points)
• 1x Dominion Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Chainsword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Ministorum hand flamer
• 9x Dominion
• 9x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
4x Ministorum flamer
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Dominion Squad (115 points)
• 1x Dominion Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Chainsword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Inferno pistol
• 9x Dominion
• 9x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
4x Meltagun
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Paragon Warsuits (210 points)
• 1x Paragon Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Multi-melta
1x Paragon grenade launchers
1x Paragon war mace
• 2x Paragon
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Multi-melta
2x Paragon grenade launchers
2x Paragon war blade

Seraphim Squad (170 points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 2x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 9x Seraphim
• 10x Bolt pistol
9x Close combat weapon
8x Ministorum hand flamer

Seraphim Squad (170 points)
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 2x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 9x Seraphim
• 10x Bolt pistol
9x Close combat weapon
8x Ministorum hand flamer

Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (45), Data Version: v430


Mechanised Flame Sisters


Sisters take their second trophy of the week here via another Bringers of Flame build. This version goes hard on the value of Dominions in Immolators, and also sports two big units of Seraphim. A mix of boosted melta and flamers, all operating at extreme speeds, ensures that no one is safe from the Emperor’s toasty wrath, and Jerome’s win here helps cement flame Sisters as a list to beat.

The Best of the Rest

There were 8 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Dylan Cowan – Blood Angels (Sons of Sanguinius): Lots of Death Company of both flavours, plus some shooting from Baal Predators.
  • 3rd – Michael Hamilton – Blood Angels (Sons of Sanguinius): Big blocks of Death Company and a Vanguard Veteran unit.
  • 4th – Jason Horne – Necrons (Canoptek Court): Triple Wraiths, double Doomstalker, double C’tan. Somehow. Still.
  • 5th – Terence Drew – Space Wolves (Stormlance Task Force): Max ThunderCav, some Jump Intercessors and the unusual choice of Heavy Intercessors, perhaps to take advantage of Battleline rules.
  • 6th – Patrick Burns – World Eaters: Eightbound galore with a couple of Forgefiends.
  • 7th – Liam Stephens – World Eaters: A more standard World Eaters mix with a bit of everything.
  • 8th – Anthony Marshall – Ultramarines (Gladius Task Force): Bobby G strides back onto the battlefield, adding heft and free Stratagems to a bunch of Marine favourites.
  • 9th – Samuel Collins – Necrons (Awakened Dynasty): Destroyer-heavy Awakened with a lot of Lokhusts.

Geekfest – Summer Heat – Warhammer 40K GT

32-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Shearwater, NS, CA on July 06 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Blair Macdonald – Chaos Daemons (Daemonic Incursion) – 1st Place

Credit: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

This is a list. There is no joke. I couldnt think of one that wasn’t khorney (2000 points)

Chaos Daemons
Strike Force (2000 points)
Daemonic Incursion


Bloodthirster (325 points)
• 1x Great axe of Khorne
1x Hellfire breath
• Enhancement: A’rgath, The King of Blades

Great Unclean One (260 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Doomsday bell
1x Plague flail
1x Putrid vomit
• Enhancement: The Endless Gift

Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Blade of blood

Skulltaker (85 points)
• 1x The Slayer Sword


Bloodletters (120 points)
• 1x Bloodreaper
• 1x Hellblade
• 9x Bloodletter
• 1x Daemonic Icon
9x Hellblade
1x Instrument of Chaos

Nurglings (40 points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Plaguebearers (110 points)
• 1x Plagueridden
• 1x Plaguesword
• 9x Plaguebearer
• 1x Daemonic Icon
1x Instrument of Chaos
9x Plaguesword


Beasts of Nurgle (70 points)
• 1x Putrid appendages

Beasts of Nurgle (70 points)
• 1x Putrid appendages

Bloodcrushers (220 points)
• 1x Bloodhunter
• 1x Hellblade
1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn
• 5x Bloodcrusher
• 1x Daemonic Icon
5x Hellblade
1x Instrument of Chaos
5x Juggernaut’s bladed horn

Bloodcrushers (220 points)
• 1x Bloodhunter
• 1x Hellblade
1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn
• 5x Bloodcrusher
• 1x Daemonic Icon
5x Hellblade
1x Instrument of Chaos
5x Juggernaut’s bladed horn

Skull Cannon (95 points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Biting maw
1x Skull cannon

Skull Cannon (95 points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Biting maw
1x Skull cannon


War Dog Karnivore (140 points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw

Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (45), Data Version: v430


Aggro Daemons


It’s not all going the Imperium’s way of course, and the newly empowered Daemons are also flexing their muscles. This build uses the extreme power of the new Shadow auras on Greater Daemons to create pressure and flexibility, able to surgically unleash a Bloodcrusher stampede, Plaguebearers for scoring or Skulltaker to ruin the day of a troublesome Character. The end product will really keep a foe guessing, and looks like a tonne of fun to boot – well done Blair!

The Best of the Rest

There were 5 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Darren Thomas – Thousand Sons (Cult of Magic): Triple Mutalith Tsons.
  • 3rd – Keenan Elliot – Adeptus Custodes (Shield Host): Various Infantry blocks, a couple of Venatari units and a solo Bike Captain.
  • 4th – Jonathon Betteridge – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): Infantry blocks and double Monolith.
  • 5th – Stefan Samson – World Eaters: Angron-free World Eaters with a bunch of Eightbound instead.
  • 6th – Adrian Collings – Blood Angels (Sons of Sanguinius): Terrifyingly over the top Sons with 30 Jump Death Company and a full VanVet unit.

Wrap Up

That’s it for part one, check back in on Friday for more exciting clashes from across the 40k world!