Bushido Risen Sun: Getting Started with the Shiho Clan

This article has been written by a guest contributor, Dimitri / @Erzehog.

Welcome to the faction of the coolest straw hats and cloaks! If you like guerrilla style combat, wolves and enjoy the aesthetic of graphic novels like Lone Wolf and Cub, then you’re in the right place.


The Eagle clan of Shiho was the ruling clan of the Jwar islands until the big tsunami that ravaged the lands. When the Shiho clan failed to quickly react to the disaster, other clans smelled their weakness.  Through various intrigues, Clan Takashi got appointed as the new ruling clan by the Empire and when Shiho refused to step down, started a conflict that is known as the Dragon Wars. Supported by the Minimoto and Ito clans, the Takashi defeated the Shiho forces and eradicated almost all clan members, becoming the Prefecture of Ryu. The only ones to survive were the eldest members of the clan, who took the young Eagles and fled into the wilderness. This all happened while the heir to the Shiho, Hiroto, (also known as the Drunken Master) had his own adventures.

Years passed, until he learned about the atrocities visited on his family and decided to come back. Using help from hired mercenaries and a pirate queen, he sneaked onto the isles and gathered the remnants of his clan. Since they were always on the run and due to their age (either too old or too young) the remaining clan members wouldn’t stand a chance in a straight fight against the organized forces of the Takashi and their allies. Thus, Hiroto taught them all new tactics and strategies he learned through his adventures.  Now, the Shiho clan strike their foes from the shadows when they are least prepared. The ascended Hiroto, now known as the Black Eagle, plans to cripple the Takashi and take back his rightful place as ruler of the Jwar Isles – no matter the cost.

Play Style

The forces of clan Shiho can be separated into three categories: Loyal Shiho, Wolf clan of Tanaka, and mercenaries.

Loyal is a keyword that most members of the clan have (except for Hiroto himself, after all, he IS the Black Eagle). Almost all loyal samurai of the clan have access to the Flank special rule which means they can set up in reserve and arrive on the battlefield, starting from the second turn. While they don’t have profiles suited for a frontline fighting, they have a lot of tools to get out of combat or even prevent it happening. After all, why fight a disadvantageous fight when you can shoot people in the back? Not all Shiho are so tactical (ed. Do you mean cowardly!?) Hiroto himself has a terrifying profile, and Tanaka Kazuo may be the strongest samurai in the whole game – although both cost a lot compared to other models in the clan. 

Wolf clan Tanaka is a sub-faction of the Shiho clan. Lore wise, they are part of the vassal clan that refused to support new rulers and started an open rebellion. Their playstyle is akin to a pack of wolves – surround and exhaust a single prey and kill it as a group. A number of rules that support this playstyle, most notably the Pack keyword. They rely on supporting each other in combat, but they can also stand face to face with opponent much more successfully than their loyal Shiho mates. They don’t have a lot of models (at time of writing this they have 1 box with the band and 3 extra blisters).  This makes them an easy way to start collecting Shiho. (ed. They also look VERY cool).

Ronin models are quite popular among the Shiho clan. Reflecting the lore, and Hiroto’s own story, the faction has the widest range of Ronin models available to them of all factions in the game. While it may be not the first priority while collecting a faction, there are a lot of options in list building with Ronin models. 


  • Very mobile and unpredictable force that always gives your opponent a hard time with positioning
  • Strong mission play. The faction has instruments to win every scenario in the game
  • High model count. Aside from a couple expensive powerhouse models most of the profiles are very cheap, which allow you to field a significant amount of troops on the table
  • Many ranged options. Technically you can field a list with 8 bows in it
  • Cool hats! The best style on the Jwar Isles (ed. we’ll give you that.)


  • Aside from several profiles most of the models don’t like being in combat. While you have instruments to avoid it, a competent opponent will always try to strip them from you.
  • The only non Ronin model with Armor is Hiroto. You’ve a card that give one suit of armor to one of your models but that’s it. 
  • Almost zero resistance to opposed Ki (magic). Without some ronin specialists that can deal with magic tricks, your only hope is speed and numbers.
  • Fairly unforgiving. Unlike a faction like Minimoto or Ryu who typically have plenty of armour, ways of ignoring damage, gaining dice or additional activations, Most Shiho samurai have fewer melee dice than all other Samurai with only 2.

Top profiles

Among all the models in the faction there are several that either impact it the most and largely define the playstyle:

Shiho Keita. Credit: GCT Studios

Shiho Keita: This old samurai is a cornerstone of any loyal model list builds and an almost essential buffing character. He uses and provides Virtue benefits, allowing your models to avoid combat as much as possible while wasting your opponent’s activations. The key model of the faction and probably one of the most frequently played.

Tanaka Kazuo & Heir: Now this is a profile like no one else has! This Wolf samurai bodyguard is dedicated to protect the heir of the Tanaka clan, represented on the mini with a child standing behind him on his base. Kazuo is one of the best melee profiles in the game. He can singlehandedly hold the center of the board against almost any foe. He gets even better when outnumbered, gaining additional dice on top of his (already crazy) 5 dice in melee. His only weakness is magic, (ed. Known as Opposed Ki in bushido). This is one of the vulnerabilities common to the whole faction. He’s a bodyguard, so mostly limited to defensive play, but still deadly. A great profile that can both tank and kill enemy models, going toe to toe with the biggest melee threats out there.

Shiho Hiroto: The Daimyo of the clan is a fearsome and cunning warrior. Not only does he have the Flank and Booted traits that allow him to strike enemies from the back, he is also very hard to pin down. His unique special defense Eagle’s flight defense allows him to cover a lot of distance each time he successfully defends against his opponent. And if his profile was not enough he enhances your pool of available models with the friends that he made along his journeys across the Empire. Models from the Brotherhood box and an onisho – pacifist Eldest Brother can always be taken in any band that includes Hiroto. Some of them are niche models but Eldest Brother is a powerhouse on his own. Combined with Hiroto he also deploys from the side of the board threatening unprotected backs with his tetsubo. 

Example lists

Dmitry is right, these hats are great. Credit: GCT Studios

Here we’ll show you some lists that you can build in Shiho clan.

  1. Generic Loyal list with Kazuo:

Guerilla Warfare

Heimin [8]: Heimin A, Heimin B

Shiho Keita [15]: Paragon

Shiho Misaki [12]

Shiho Sayaka [10]

Shiho Wimpie [12]

Shiho Yusuke [11]

Tanaka Kazuo & Heir [30]: Distaff Wolf, Finesse, Teachings of Yasushi

Lay of the Land [1]

Rice Bale Barricades [1]

This list a good “anchor” Kazuo that can hold the center of the field himself while other models go into the flank behind the opponent’s back. Also, it has extremely useful and cheap Heimin models that can distract enemy models or even do scenario themselves if you have the Ki.

  1. Wolf clan

Open Rebellion

Tanaka Gorak [19]

Tanaka Kazuo & Heir [28]: Finesse, Minimoto Steel Blade

Tanaka Muna [16]: Waning Crescent Blade

Tanaka Tsuki [23]: Minimoto Steel Blade

Tsuki’s Pack [12]: Hawk, Kite

Okami no Mimi [1]

Okami no Mimi [1]

This list focuses on Tanaka clan and their pack mentality. Gorak, Tsuki and Kazuo are extremely dangerous models when they fight together and very few models can withstand their onslaught. The equipment helps dealing with the armored opponents so not even Bear samurai are safe from the Wolf Pack!


The Shiho clan can be a little difficult at the beginning but an extremely rewarding faction once you grasp its playstyle. If you want to play hit & run tactics, always harass your opponent and mess with their game plan, this is definitely a faction or you! So put on your straw hat and join the righteous, showing those Ryu elites what’s what!

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