
Conquest First Blood Faction Focus: The Spires

This week Conquest faction focus is on the grotesque vat-clone space elves(...?) of the Spires.

Conquest First Blood Faction Focus: Yoroni

This week our Conquest First Blood faction focus is on the Yoroni, the Japanese folklore-inspired gym rat musclebros of the First Blood table.

Conquest First Blood Faction Focus: Old Dominion

Welcome back to my mini-series on the smaller skirmish form of Conquest: First Blood. Through this, I’m going over how the game plays and each faction that you can place on the table, their strengths and weaknesses, and how...

Conquest First Blood Faction Focus: Hundred Kingdoms

Welcome back to my mini-series on the smaller skirmish form of Conquest: First Blood. Through this I’m going over how the game plays and each faction that you can place on the table, their strengths, weaknesses, and how to field...

Faction Focus: W’adrhŭn in Conquest First Blood

Welcome back to my mini-series on the smaller skirmish form of Conquest: First Blood. Through this I'm going over how the game plays and each faction that you can place on the table, their strengths, weaknesses, and how to...

Conquest First Blood Faction Review: The City States

Today is the first in a series of articles taking a look at different factions from the skirmish version of Conquest: First Blood (FB). While some of the regiment's ability might be familiar to The Last Argument of Kings...

Introduction to Conquest First Blood

Skirmish games are a trend that will not die in the wargaming landscape. The promise of a lower model count, faster game and smaller table have attracted plenty of gamers to the skirmish game landscape. Conquest by Parabellum Games does...

Conquest First Blood Balance Update July 2024 Hot Take

First Blood (FB2) fans, our prayer has been answered by Parabellum! This update marks the first of many promises from the game developers, which means that the devs are actively working on this game and are paying close attention to...

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