
Malifaux Faction Focus: the Ten Thunders

Welcome to the... jeez, it's the seventh Faction Focus!  Today, we'll be talking about the masters of deception, manipulation, and precisely metered violence: the crime syndicate known as the Ten Thunders. Remember that you can also check out the accompanying video...

Malifaux Faction Focus: the Bayou

Welcome to the sixth Malifaux Faction Focus article!  Today we'll be talking about the objectively best and coolest faction: the moonshine-sippin', boomstick-totin', pig-farmin' good ol' boys and gals of the Bayou! Remember that you can also check out the accompanying...

Malifaux Faction Focus: the Outcasts

Welcome to the fifth Malifaux Faction Focus article! Today, we'll be talking about bandits, mercenaries, madmen, and Tyrants. It's time to focus on the "none of the above" gang, the Outcasts. Remember that you can also check out the accompanying...

Three Days of Black Jokers: Malifaux at Captaincon 2022

There's something special about cons. You know it, I know it. Is it a smell? A pitch, just beyond the ken of the human ear, thrumming in the air like the heartbeat of a ghost?  Is it the ragged...

Malifaux Faction Focus: The Resurrectionists

It has come to my attention that, since the Neverborn article went up, people are asking about Collodi: where did Collodi go, what happened to Collodi, that sort of thing. Gentle reader, I am sorry to say I have...

Malifaux Faction Focus: The Neverborn

Welcome to the third Malifaux Faction Focus article! Today, we'll be talking about gribblies, horrors, and things that go "SKRRAWWWWWW!" in the night. That's right-- it's time to learn about the Neverborn. Remember that you can also check out the...

Malifaux Faction Focus: The Arcanists

Our biweekly coverage of Malifaux continues! In today's faction focus we're looking at the weird nad wonderful warriors of the Arcanists.  Remember that you can also check out the accompanying video on Danger Planet, the premier source for Malifaux...

Malifaux Faction Focus: The Guild

Welcome to the first in a series of Faction Focus articles! My goal with this series is to introduce new players to Malifaux’s eight factions. I plan to go over the lore, the aesthetic, and the playstyle. I'll discuss...

Malifaux: An Introduction

Gunslinging shades battle it out with stitched horrors amid ancient catacombs… Winged demons descend on a Union picket line, only to be repulsed by waves of ice magic Saffon-clad monks venture into the Bayou, only to stumble on a drunken Gremlin...

About Me

Sam "Togepi" Barrows has been playing Warhammer on and off since 2004 and Malifaux on and off since 2011. With the demise of Warmachine/Hordes, mayitrestinpeace, he spends most of his time flipping cards rather than rolling dice, especially because smaller crew sizes appeal to those who paint approximately one new model every season. His preferred faction is Bayou, and he takes great pride in slaying robot tanks and winged demons alike with his army of drunken gremlin luchadores.
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Century of the Vampire: Dracula (1931)

In this week's Century of the Vampire, Bernhardt watches Dracula (1931) to see if it has anything going on besides big Bela Lugosi himself.
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