
No Joker Puns Here: Malifaux at Captaincon 2024 (Part II)

Last time, we experienced the thrills and chills of the third annual Malifaux Content Creators' Invitational. I achieved my lifelong dream of taking a game off of Landon in real life, scored another nifty MCCI glass, and made everyone...

The End and the Death (of End and the Death Reviews)

Togepi digs into The End and the Death Volume III with another review, talking about the good, the bad, and why it's worth reading.

I’m Going to Become the Joker: Malifaux at Captaincon 2024 (Part 1)

Hello, Mali-folks! It's been a minute since I did one of these, but I'm back!  Captaincon 2024 was my first big wargaming con since, well, Captaincon 2023, and tournament organizer Jesse Ellis didn't disappoint.  The Malifaux Content Creator's Invitational returned...

Malifaux Tournament Report: Is That a Soulstone in Your Stocking or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

  Hello, Mali-folks! It's been a minute since I last favored you with my wit and wisdom, but never fear; today, we will be taking a break from our regularly scheduled sharing of my objectively correct opinions to instead talk...

Malifaux: Big Hat Rework Review Part 2: Bigger(?) Hat

  Well, howdy, y'all!  Welcome back to our Big Hat hootenanny - the whole clan's come by to visit, sportin' some fresh new duds. Last time we covered big ol' Som'er Teeth Jones and his pals. Today we're going to...

Rise and Grind, Let’s Gain that Ground: Malifaux’s Gaining Grounds 4

It's that time again! No sooner had the meta settled from the recent round of nerfs than Wyrd decided to shake things up again, like a small child with a snowglobe, or maybe my son with literally anything that fits...

Malifaux: Get Yer Bro, It’s a Big Hat Rework!

Howdy, y'all!  Last week, Wyrd graced us with an unexpected surprise: a full rework of the Big Hat keyword!  Let's take a look at what's changed with the Bayou's biggest, orneriest, hootenanny-throwing-est family, the Joneses! Note: In the time since...

Warhammer Day Preview Hot Take: Stilt Man Good

The gauntlet has been thrown.  I am here to tell you that, in an alarming departure from established norms, beloved Poster and site icon Greg is wrong about something.  The Adeptus Mechanicus Stilt Man is Good, Actually, and I...

Ghoulfaux 2023: A Spooky Parade of Nightmare Crews

Hello, Mali-folks!  Welcome to Malifaux's first column of GHOULHAMMER 2023. As the rest of the site acquires a distinctly spooky air, and the aroma of pumpkin spice fills the air, I too have decided to take a walk on...

Ashes of Malifaux: Preview Season: NoVa Panel: Elite Strike Force: Justice Division

Hello Mali-folks!  Fresh off our recent look at two starter box henchmen and a robot, Wyrd opened its treasure chest to reveal a thick and enticing booty.  That's right... more spoilers! NoVa this year hosted the Malifaux Masters event as...

About Me

Sam "Togepi" Barrows has been playing Warhammer on and off since 2004 and Malifaux on and off since 2011. With the demise of Warmachine/Hordes, mayitrestinpeace, he spends most of his time flipping cards rather than rolling dice, especially because smaller crew sizes appeal to those who paint approximately one new model every season. His preferred faction is Bayou, and he takes great pride in slaying robot tanks and winged demons alike with his army of drunken gremlin luchadores.
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Century of the Vampire: Dracula (1931)

In this week's Century of the Vampire, Bernhardt watches Dracula (1931) to see if it has anything going on besides big Bela Lugosi himself.
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