
Malifaux at Captaincon 2025: Being an Account of Jokers of All Shades

Togepi is back talking Malifaux; specifically he's recapping his time at CaptainCon 2025. First, the 3-rounder prelim!

Pass the ‘Shine – Malifaux’s Tri-Chi Keyword Rework

This week in Malifaux, Togepi looks at the Tri-Chi rework.

I’m Not the Oni One: Malifaux’s Asami Rework, Part II

Last time in Malifaux, we took a look at the rework of Asami Tanaka and the Oni keyword. There are a lot of cards to get through - let's take a look at the second half!

Oni Baloney: A Look at Malifaux’s Asami Rework

Recently... never you mind exactly how recently... Wyrd reworked Asami and the Oni keyword in Malifaux.  Let's dive in and see what's changed!

Drive Me Closer, I Want to Hit Them With My Phone: PvP in Warhammer 40k: Tacticus

Togepi's back, and he's still playing Warhammer 40k: Tacticus, which is still going strong in its third year. 

Take Me Down to Interceptor City – A Review of 2024’s Second-Most-Anticipated 40K Novel

Today we have Togepi reviewing the Dan Abnett Warhammer 40K novel, Interceptor City.

Malifaux September Erratastravaganza Part II: Lucky Lucius

Last time we covered the September 2024 errata... or half of it, anyways.  In addition to a swathe of general balance changes, this errata featured a surprise rework to one (well, two) of the game's most troubled Keywords: Elite/Mimic. This...

Malifaux September 2024 Erratastravaganza!

It's probably going to be October when this article goes up.  Sue me.  Whatever month it is, it's That Time Of Year Again!  Things have been pretty good in Malifaux since the last errata - Ashes landed with a splash,...

Where Baby Space Marines Come From: Getting New Characters in Warhammer 40K Tacticus

Well, when a mommy hero and a daddy hero love each other very much… Tacticus has a lot of heroes.  There are 16 factions with 79 heroes between them, counting Machines of War, and every month sees at least one...

Why Can’t I Hold All These Orbs: A Guide to Currency in Warhammer 40K Tacticus

The response to my last Warhammer Tacticus column was surprising and gratifying.  I figured I’d just share my thoughts about a mobile game that has made me smile over the last few months, but it turns out that there...

About Me

Sam "Togepi" Barrows has been playing Warhammer on and off since 2004 and Malifaux on and off since 2011. With the demise of Warmachine/Hordes, mayitrestinpeace, he spends most of his time flipping cards rather than rolling dice, especially because smaller crew sizes appeal to those who paint approximately one new model every season. His preferred faction is Bayou, and he takes great pride in slaying robot tanks and winged demons alike with his army of drunken gremlin luchadores.
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Magic the Gathering Commander Focus: Najeela, the Blade-Blossom

Today BPY looks at how Najeela, the Blade Blossom plays in Commander. Succinctly put: "This situation inherently threatening."
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