
Bring It Down – Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz for Warcry

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with an early copy for review. Kruleboyz come to Warcry with the Monsta-Killaz, a unit that plays into their fluff about capturing and training monsters of various kinds. Kruleboyz are new...

Mmmm Hungwy – The Gorger Mawpack in Warcry

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an advanced copy of Hunter & Hunted for us to review. While Ogres have been well served with Underworlds warbands, they've been lacking in Warcry (not that the Underworlds bands aren't great...

Can I pet them? – Wildercorps Hunters in Warcry

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us an advanced copy of Warcry: Hunter & Hunter for review. Cities of Sigmar returned to AoS with a new range created for AoS, rather than repurposed Warhammer Fantasy figures, and part...

Into the Crypt of Blood – New Warcry Starter Box Review

Crypt of Blood is the new Warcry starter set, and is firmly targeted at introducing new players to the game. The box contains everything you need to start playing! The Set In terms of product design this is an interesting set....

End of the Edition Painting Challenge – The Results are In

Here we are, clutching a shiny new edition starter box for us to fail to paint before 11th Edition comes out in 2026. Let's look at what people got done in the last burst before 10th Edition hit. Everyone who...

End of the Edition Painting Challenge – the Deadline Looms

The End of the Edition Painting Challenge has been running for a month, and the deadline is 30 June. We're almost there, so it's time to frantically finish painting what we promised we'd get done, and start taking and...

Shatterpoint – Building and Painting Twice the Pride

I was lucky enough to be able to pick up the Shatterpoint Hello There and Twice the Pride expansion packs at the UK Games Expo. Twice the Pride is in the first wave of expansions for Shatterpoint, and consists of...

Warhammer 40,000: End of the Edition Painting Challenge

With Warhammer 40k's 10th edition fast approaching it's time to start saying goodbye to 9th edition and start thinking about how we're going to paint those new Terminators and Tyranids we've seen in the Leviathan box. But what's that creeping...

On the Hunt – Royal Beastflayers Warcry Warband Review

We are dipping back into Grand Alliance Death. This crew represents the background for Flesheater courts as oppose to re-using the Warhammer Fantasy models. This means that we see a variety of ghouls that match the background fluff around...

Clash For Gold – Questor Soulsworn Warcry Warband Review

Stormcast Eternals have been the poster children of Age of Sigmar. Somehow, they have not previously had a dedicated Warcry warband. You've been able to take various chambers and underworld warbands as Bladeborn, but it's good to get a...

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[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Holding Space (Marines) pt.1

The Las Vegas Open ends with a Space Marine showdown in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.
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