
Don’t Hug the Trees – The Twistweald in Warcry

The Sylvaneth did pretty well in Age of Sigmar, with the addition of a number of new kits, as well as two Underworlds warbands that got Warcry rules. They've seen competitive success, often with warbands built around the very...

Release the Skele-Dogs – Teratic Cohort in Warcry

With Briar and Bone we see another Death warband introduced, this time for Ossiarch Bonereapers (having had them for Nighthaunt, Soulblight and Flesh Eater Courts in previous releases during second edition, two in the first year and two in...

The Flowers of Chivalry – Knights in Legions Imperialis

Knights are one of the choices available to spend your Strategic Asset points on, and while I’d much rather they were available as standard units just like they were in first and second edition epic, they are competing with...

Bad Cops – The Order of Azyr Come to Warcry

The Order of Azyr combines two releases, Hexbane’s Hunters from Warhammer Underworlds (previously available only as a Bladeborn warband in Warcry) and Saviours of Cinderfall, a miniatures box that ties into the Hammer and Bolter episode Undercity (as well...

Legiones Astartes Support – Kit Review

I bought two the Legiones Astartes Support boxes, as it allows you to have single loadout detachments of dreadnoughts and Rapiers (mixed Tarantula detachments are completely fine because of their rules). This means I had a tidy pile of...

Getting Started with Legions Imperialis – Solar Auxilia Tactics

We dive into the basics of the Solar Auxilia - what makes them work and what you need to know about playing them.

An Epic Tale – The History of Small Scale Wargaming in the Grim Darkness

We take a look at the history of Epic and how Games Workshop got from a standalone game to sell marines on both sides to the modern release of Legions Imperialis.

Legions Imperialis: The Great Slaughter – The Goonhammer Review: Solar Auxilia

The Solar Auxilia get three new Formations and seven new Detachments in this supplement, and the formations range from decent to incredibly good and the detachments cover the full spread from terrible to "Achilles Leaves His Tent." So let's...

The First Legions Imperialis FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

An FAQ has hit unexpectedly early for Legions Imperialis (though a lot of what's here is intended to cover misprints in the cards that are not in the rulebook), and we're here to lovingly shovel discourse into your mouth...

Burn Baby Burn – Vulkyn Flameseekers in Warcry

Fyreslayers come to Warcry with the Vulkyn Flameseekers, which also added a 4th unit to the army in AoS (though that has not gone down well given their abilities and points cost). In this article we're looking at the...

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[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Holding Space (Marines) pt.1

The Las Vegas Open ends with a Space Marine showdown in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.
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