
Bogies Incoming! Aeronautica Imperialis Wave Two

GW released wave one of Aeronautica in the autumn of 2019, approximately 25 years ago the way it seems things are going. This release was the Rynn's World campaign and comprised the Ork Air Waagh and the Imperial Navy. There...

Tactica: Aeronautica Imperialis

Aeronautica Imperialis has been out for some time now, and hopefully you've had a chance to dig into it and get some games under your belt. Maybe you've already started painting or carving little notches into the sides of...

Adeptus Titanicus – State of the Game

Adeptus Titanicus launched in August 2018 and reintroduced epic scale titan combat set in the Horus Heresy. In this article I’m going to look at some of the background to the launch, what’s happened since, what is coming in...

Playing with the Big Boys – Primaris Kill Teams

I imagine I am not alone in liking the look of the Primaris models. These marines, far closer to true scale than previous iterations of marines, are larger, easier to paint, and hark back to the clean lines of...

Kill Team Commanders – A Hit and a Miss

So I’ve now read Kill Team Commanders cover to cover and had a good look at the scenarios. Commanders adds 41 more units to Kill Team for new commanders format games. There are 15 scenarios (3 open play, 6 campaign...

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Danger Room Tactics: Marvel Crisis Protocol: The Blob & Pyro

How do the Blob and Pyro, two mutant foes of the X-Men, translate into Marvel Crisis Protocol?
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