
Kill Team Chalnath Review: Novitate Sororitas Kill Teams

Kill Team Chalnath gives us two brand-new kill teams: Pathfinder Kill Teams, which consist of the older unit updated with a new upgrade sprue, and the all-new Novitate Sororitas Kill Team, featuring a unit of all new models. The...

Big Golden Heroes: Talons of the Emperor (Adeptus Custodes) Kill Team Tactics

Do you want like your warriors, big, elite, and decked out in golden armor from head to toe? Does the idea of running teams of more than four models bore you? Do you really wish your models could perform...

Brutal but Kunnin’: Ork Greenskins Kill Team Tactics

With the first anniversary of Kill Team 2.0 having passed we once again return to our journey through the Compendium Teams. Thanks to a good ruleset and being released in the first box set of the game, Ork Kommandos...

Starting Aeronautica Imperialis

Wave three of Aeronautica is hitting preorder, bringing Space Marines and Eldar to add to Orks, Imperial Navy, Imperial Guard and Tau. This brings the playable factions to 5 (with Guard being sort of 6) and injects two new...

White Dwarf 468: Hunter Clades – Admech get buff in Kill Team

Kill Team is back, baby! White Dwarf 468 has almost 50 pages of Kill Team content, including an 18-page starter set Krieg vs Orks battle report, 4 pages of designer's notes, ten pages of background on the Adeptus Mechanicus...

Where the Wildmen Are: Dunlendings in Middle Earth Strategy Battles Game

Do you generally just hate people who own horses? Are you angry at being forced to live in the mountains and eat nothing but potatoes? Do you generally think Saruman is a pretty swell guy with some great ideas...

There’s something in those Trees: Fangorn in Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Do you play Imperial Knights? Do you want your opponents to go ‘wow that’s characterful’ instead of rolling their eyes when you get your models out of the case? Do you want to make no changes to how you...

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Faction Guide: Dead of Dunharrow

The Dead of Dunharrow is a reasonably popular army in Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game for a few important reasons: Almost all the models for it are available in plastic (only Riders of the Dead and Warrior with Banner...

Getting Started: Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

This week we're kicking off some semi-regular coverage of Games Workshop's Middle Earth Strategy Battle game, starting this week with an article around how to get started with the game and continuing next week as we look at tactics...

Aeronautica Imperialis – It Lives!

So we’re back in the game. After 4 months of total radio silence on Aeronautica (very likely because disruption to the release schedule caused by lockdowns, Brexit, and factory issues meant that they ran out of Warhammer Community articles to...

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Danger Room Tactics: Marvel Crisis Protocol: The Blob & Pyro

How do the Blob and Pyro, two mutant foes of the X-Men, translate into Marvel Crisis Protocol?
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