
Kill Team Tactics: The Warpcoven Kill Team (Updated December 2022)

It has been over one year since White Dwarf 469 brought us the Warpcoven Kill Team, the first bespoke team for the Forces of Chaos. At the time, the release of updated rules for teams found in the Compendium...

The December 2022 Kill Team FAQ Update

As the holidays near and the year comes to a close Games Workshop has presented Kill Team players with a new round of FAQs, presumably in preparation for an upcoming Balance Dataslate. The first thing people will notice is that...

The Goonhammer Review – Kill Team: Critical Operations Cards

Following the wrap-up of the Kill Team Invitational and entering the holiday season Games Workshop has decided to drop a big change onto the competitive scene in the form of a new set of Critical Operations Cards. These new...

Kill Team Tactics: Ork Kommandos

Among the most kunning orks in the galaxy, Kommandos represent the most effective operatives the Orks can muster, teams of speshulist operatives who can make their way undetected through a battlefield and savage unsuspecting foes. Kommandos were, along with...

The GW Chicago Open Kill Team Tournament: A Report

The Chicago Open concluded two weeks ago and our coverage and recaps of the event are still going! Today TheArmorOfContempt is recapping his efforts to take home the gold in the Kill Team event with his Wyrmblade team. Greetings, fellow...

Kill Team ShadowVaults Review: Kasrkin Review

Games Workshop introduced us all to the Gallowdark with the release of Kill Team: Into the Dark last month and they've now continued their stretch of adventures in the depths of space hulks with Kill team: Shadowvaults, a new...

Kill Team Into The Dark Review: Imperial Navy Breachers

Kill Team Into the Dark gives us two new kill teams: The stalwart members of the Imperial Navy Breachers and the stealthy hunters of the Farstalker Kinband. In this article we're covering the rules for the Navy Breachers -...

Goonhammer Reviews: Kill Team Into the Dark and the 2022 Kill Team Annual

This weekend we get a massive dose of Kill Team goodness, as preorders go live for two major Kill Team releases: The 2022 Kill Team Annual, which has rules for all of the teams published in White Dwarf over the past...

Kill Team Competitive Innovations – GenCon Provides Answers To Kill Team’s Most Important Question… Are Gretchin Competitive?

Greetings, fellow Sam Fishers! As many of you probably know, Kill Team in the United States has been rather slow to catch on competitively in the year since its release. Only the largest events have held tournaments with many...

The August 2022 Kill Team FAQ Update

Just when we were talking about the meta, Games Workshop dropped a number of new FAQs, errata, and Designer's Commentary docs for Kill Team, giving us a new set of updates and clarifications to work with. As always, we've...

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