
How to Paint Everything: Ultramarines Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here. In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint well, everything, with a look...

Competitive Innovations in Kill Team: Group Results of the 2023 WCW GT

The first ever World Championship of Warhammer has come and gone, giving us our first ever world Kill Team Champion. With it we also have a report that the Ork Kommando meta failed at the highest levels of play...

The August 2023 Kill Team Balance Dataslate

Games Workshop dropped its Q3 Balance Dataslate for Kill Team today, outlining a number of changes to the format. In this article we’ll look at what changed, what it means, and how these changes will affect the competitive meta...

The Q2 2023 Kill Team Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

The Second Quarter Balance Patch for 2023 has arrived, bringing with it a number of changes to Kill Team. And as with prior dataslates, Goonhammer is here to both summarize and provide context and takes. If you're interested in...

Chaos Space Marine Kill Team Tactics: The Legionaries Kill Team (Updated May 2023)

Hello there! Are you a traitor or heretic who hates the false emperor of mankind? Do you seethe with rage at the sight of newer, larger space marines? Do you like the flexibility of being able to run cynical...

Kill Team Tactics: Intercession Squad Kill Teams (Updated 4/20/2023)

Space Marine Intercession Teams arrived in August 2022, shortly before Into the Dark and the Annual threw another four teams into the mix along with a new mode of play. This was the biggest shake up the game had...

TheArmorOfContempt’s Road To Adepticon – To Come So Far…Only To Fail

Adepticon 2023 has drawn to a close and I had another fantastic weekend. Unlike previous Adepticons, I felt like I got the perfect amount of gaming in, leaving with a strong sense of accomplishment as opposed to a ravenous...

TheArmorOfContempt’s Road to Adepticon – The Final Countdown

Greetings readers, it has been over 3 months since I graced the website with an article related to my hobby goals, and last we saw I was coming in strong off the Grand Narrative setting my sites towards Adepticon....

Kill Team Tactics: The Novitiates Kill Team (Updated February 2023)

Do you dream of dousing your enemies in righteous flames? Are you a die-hard convert to the Emperor? Is your armor made of faith? Then the Novitiates Kill Team may be the choice for you. Novitiates were released alongside Pathfinders...

TheArmorOfContempt’s 2022 Year-in-Review and the Road to 2023 (and Beyond!)

Here we are at the end of 2022, and this year has really been the highlight year of nearly a decade in the hobby. In the last two years my involvement with the hobby has only deepened, with me...

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Zion’s Finest Episode 80 – Power Doesn’t Panic

In this episode, JK and Sam give a splash-ripple-thud analysis of the Cassian Andor box.
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