Thanqol Decadion

A Song of Ice and Fire: Listbuilding 101

Listbuilding in Song presents some interesting challenges and pressures that might not be obvious at first. While there’s not the same need to list tailor to a specific scenario as there is in games like Infinity, alternating activations create...

King Arthur: Knight’s Tale Review

The short version of the review is: It’s good. It’s medieval XCOM that doesn’t fuck it up. For a lot of you, that’ll be all the recommendation you need. What I’m interested in discussing here is ambition. In 2009, Hungarian studio...

Series review: Sharpe

This week's guest article is written by Count Numbers! About two weeks ago I stopped being able to sleep. I could fall asleep fine, but I’d wake up every ninety minutes. Essentially I’ve just come out of about twelve days...

A Song of Ice and Fire: How To Handle Invincibility

SOIAF is a really good game. There’s enough happening on the tactical layer with cards, NCUs, and various tricks that it makes a game about putting rectangles into different rectangles incredibly spicy. Every so often I hit some incredible...

Goonhammer Reviews: Warcraft III

Welcome back to GOONHAMMER '02, where we look back at the games and media that we loved 20 years ago. Today Thanqol is talking about Warcraft III, which released in 2002 and would go on to change the face...

Goonhammer Infinity – Adepticon 22: New Fireteam Rules & Profiles Reactions

On 24th of March 2022, Corvus Belli have released an update to the rules for composing Fireteams of Infinity models, giving us new Fireteam rules and profiles. In this article our Goonhammer Infinity authors are running through the changes...

A Song Of Ice And Fire 2022 Balance Update

Coming in hot on Monday morning (only a weekend late from the expected Friday 11th Feb landing time), the ASOIAF Miniatures game v2021 SO-1 has landed with a round of buffs, nerfs, small but relevant core rules changes and...

Catching Snowflakes: Spiral Corps 

Welcome back to Catching Snowflakes, our series of tactics articles covering the less popular or prolific factions of Infinity. In this week’s article we’re talking about Spiral Corps. Wait, where is Musterkrux? Hello Goonhammer! I’m Micro, and I’m the resident long time...

Infinity Tactics: Camouflage

If you mostly play against normal armies going up against a force heavy on the camouflage can be a bizarre nightmare where nothing makes sense and you get hit with missiles out of nowhere every time you try to...

A Look Back at the Battlestar Galactica Board Game – Turn Order

Battlestar Galactica was two and a half seasons of excellent television. Why do I have to keep introducing shows this way? Well, on an intellectual level I know why. There's a writing technique called Discovery Writing where the author is...

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Conquest Tactics: City States Faction Focus

Today we look at the City States, one of the most narratively interesting and open factions in Conquest.
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