Daniel "Skails" Rodenberg

Necromunday Gang Showcase: Skails’ Blanchitsu Helot Cult

What up, Scummers. While we wait for the House of Secrets book to drop so we can review it and while we work on the House of Faith/Cawdor tactics article, we thought we'd stop in and look at Skails'...

Hobby Heresy: Mordheim Vampire

In this week's Hobby Heresy, Skails is talking about his latest project building a Soulblight Gravelord. For this entry I am building a Soulbight Gravelord, or as I like to call them - Vampire. The base model for this build is Pious...

Hobby Heresy: Ordo Xenos Henchman

The idea for this kitbash came from some joking around about what project I should start on next. An experimental cyber-skull to Necron Warrior interface as an Adeptus Mechanicus project sort of took on a life of it's own....

Skails’ 2020 Hobby Year in Review

2020 is down the tubes, and here is a look back at what I've painted. This year I've come to the conclusion that gaming isn't a realistic part of my life at this time, so I've spent more effort...

How to Paint Everything: Skeletons (and Bone)

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. With Halloween fast approaching, we're looking at how to...

Hobby Heresy: Helot Cult Demagogue

In this article I'm going to run through the building of the Cult Demagogue for my Blanchitsu warband. The initial idea for this character came out of a project that was to make a Blanchitsu style warband using just...

The Road to Adepticon: Tilting at Demons part 4

Welcome back! If you haven’t checked them out yet, don’t miss part 1 , part 2 and part 3 Three weeks down and almost three to go before Adepticon. I'm still anxious about hitting this deadline despite making good progress. Over...

Road to Adepticon: Tilting at Demons part 3

Welcome back! If you haven't checked them out yet, don't miss part 1 and part 2 This update marks two solid weeks of painting. Since the last update leather, gold bits, and the head received a lot of attention, in...

Road to Adepticon: Tilting at Demons part 2

Welcome back! In case you missed part 1 of Skails' journey, you can find it here. I am one week in on painting now, somewhere close to the 10-12 hour mark. The main focus so far has been getting the...

Road to Adepticon: Tilting at Demons

The Golden Demon painting competition is coming to Adepticon this year. It looks like I have a good chance of being able to make it, so I've started on a project. Less than two months away and it already...

About Me

He/Him Skails is a hobby enthusiast with a focus on painting and converting miniatures. He started with Warhammer Fantasy Battles in the late 90’s with Undead and Vampire Counts, then Necrons and Imperial Guard for 40k. In 2017 he ended a more than 10 year hobby hiatus. Currently he is building a Soulblight Gravelords army and revisiting the undead models that drew him in initially.
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Skaventide by Gary Kloster – The Goonhammer Review

The novel Skaventide by Gary Kloster launches the line into 4th edition, accompanying the likewise-named starter box; Saelfe reviews it for us today.
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