
Goonhammer Historicals: Timeless Terrain – Finding Generic Terrain Pieces

Our Historicals writers get together to discuss where they find their generic terrain pieces for their tables.

Bushido Risen Sun: Getting Started with the Shiho Clan

Welcome to Shiho Clan, the Bushido faction with the coolest straw hats and cloaks! If you like guerrilla style combat, wolves and enjoy the aesthetic of graphic novels like Lone Wolf and Cub, then you’re in the right place.

The Silver Bayonet: Scenarios – The Beast of Gevaudan 

As part of our ongoing series on The Silver Bayonet, we’ve decided to merge our passion for historical oddities, artefacts and wargaming and write some scenarios based on historical ‘fact,’ using the brilliant rules and world of that game...

Bushido Risen Sun: Competitive Play – Views from the Top

Hello and welcome to another article about Bushido Risen sun by GCT studios. So far we’ve focused on some of the factions that make up the world of the Isles of Jwar. This article is a little different. If you...

Bushido Risen Sun: Gen Con Release Preview – The Awoken

Welcome to the latest in our series of articles about Bushido Risen Sun. We’ve been lucky enough to get a preview of the rules and minis for a new faction - the Awoken, due to be released by GCT...

Bushido Risen Sun: Getting Started with the Minimoto Clan

Welcome to the next in our series exploring Bushido Risen Sun. These "Getting Started" articles are meant to help new and (maybe) more experienced players by bringing together an assessment of some of the different profiles, examples of paint...

Goonhammer Historicals: What is Bushido Risen Sun?

This is an intro to Bushido Risen Sun, the best miniatures skirmish game you’ve not yet played. If you’re looking for a balanced, impartial review, it will swiftly become clear this is not it. If you want a balanced...

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Century of the Vampire: Dracula (1931)

In this week's Century of the Vampire, Bernhardt watches Dracula (1931) to see if it has anything going on besides big Bela Lugosi himself.
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