Sam Isaacson (not Josh)

Conquest Lore Explainer: The W’adrhŭn of Eä

It's Conquest Tuesday, and this week we're looking at the war of the dinosaur-riding W'adrhŭn.

Conquest Lore Explainer: The Dweghom of Eä

In my first encounters with Conquest, the Spires of Eä were presented to me as elves by another name, which would be considered mis-selling by any regulator. Elves are gracious and fight with bows, while the Spires are disgusting...

Conquest Lore Explainer: The Nords of Eä

I entered the world of Conquest too soon. Not long after I’d started investing in my army, the Nords faction was released and I was immediately jealous of those who were arriving at games with a boxful of Vikings....

Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack! A Family & Budget Friendly Introduction to 40K

I'm a fan of Warhammer 40,000. I have children. I have friends who like board games but  don't find wargaming attractive. Maybe I just stumbled across the gateway I've been looking for. Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack! is a cooperative board...

Conquest Lore: The Spires of Eä

The Conquest army I play more than any other is the Spires. Is it because it came in the original starter set and I ended up with four of them? Perhaps. Is it because once you’ve painted 100 force-grown...

Lore Explainer: Eä, The World of Conquest

In Lore Explainer, we take a deep look at the lore behind our favorite games, movies, and books, and talk about the story behind them and sum up what you need to know and how you can find out...

Conquest: Why I Love the Hundred Kingdoms

My first foray into Conquest came about because of the Hundred Kingdoms. A starter set with eight horses in it? Yes please. But the 100K, like everything else on Eä, is more than the collection of miniatures. It’s an...

Reflections From a Conquest: First Blood Tourist

One of the big selling points for Conquest is that it’s two games for the price of one, using the same minis to play both The Last Argument of Kings (TLAOK) and First Blood (FB). But I’ve been playing...

Why I Love the World of Conquest

I’ve read a lot of fantasy books and watched my fair share of fantasy settings on-screen, but few have captured my attention in quite the way the world of Conquest has. The lore of Eä is a complex, interwoven...

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