May "Rockfish" Herrington

Warcry – How to Paint Everything: Hunters of Huanchi Chameleon Skinks

Chameleon Skinks are back, baby! The new Warcry: Sundered Fate box brings us the Hunters of Huanchi - which is both a new skirmish specialist kit and a sneaky update to a box very much in need of a...

Warhammer 40k Model Review: Leagues of Votann

As always a big shout-out to Games Workshop for providing early preview copies of the Leagues of Votann kits.  You already knew what everything here does by this point, and may have even played with proxies, but now it's time...

Warhammer Underworlds Model Review: The Sons of Velmorn

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing early preview copies of the Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood box. While reviews of the game and warbands are incoming later, we really wanted to paint these skeletons up ASAP. Rockfish: Ok, so I am not...

Model Review: Dark Commune & Chaos Cultists

Some of the new Chaos Space Marines range goes up for pre-order today, and it's an exciting time for anyone who's interested in Chaos Weirdos. A few of us here at Goonhammer were given the opportunity to get paint...

Model Review Round Table: MKVI ‘Corvus’ Marines

Welcome back to Goonhammer’s series for aspiring Praetors. We know that the Horus Heresy system can seem intimidating to players unfamiliar with its particular quirks, but this series aims to equip you with everything you’ll need to play out...

How To Paint Everything: Both Flavors of Knights Updated!

Hey there! To accompany the recent release of the Imperial and Chaos knights books Jack and I have both painted up some knights of our preferred alignments. To help those of you who are interested in replicating them, we...

Chaos Knights Army Set Model Review

In similar fashion to some recent army releases - most notably Orks and the Sisters of Battle - Games Workshop are releasing Chaos Knights first as a boxed set, containing both the Codex and the new models from the...

How to Paint Everything: Dropfleet Scourge

Welcome back to our ongoing Dropfleet Commander coverage. This week, we're here to talk about how to paint the fleets of the villains of the setting: the alien Scourge. Their sweeping curves and odd shapes really help drive home...

Model Review: Avatar of Khaine

Here at Goonhammer, we were lucky enough to receive the new Avatar of Khaine for review, including having two of them featured on Warhammer Community from our own Jack Hunter and Matthew Herrington. It only seemed right for us...

How to Paint Everything: Dropfleet UCM

In this week's Dropfleet coverage, we're here to look at how to paint the ships that form the spearhead of the Reconquest: the UCM fleet. Rockfish's Homeworld Inspired UCM A while ago when a bunch of us were discussing various ideas...

About Me

Painting ADHD personified, makes up for it by painting really fast.
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Games Industry News Roundup- March 11th, 2025

The news from the week that was is here, and there's a lot more Jeff Jarrett in it than there usually is.
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