May "Rockfish" Herrington

January 2025 Aeldari Model Kits – The Goonhammer Review

Along with the new Aeldari Codex come a bunch of new plastic models, and our team is here to show them off!

Rockfish’s 2024 Year in Review

Painter extraordinaire Rockfish looks back at their 2024 year in review.

How to Paint Everything: Rockfish’s Green Guard

Hey there! If you've got the knowledge of the ancients and also peeped a few recent Hobby Round-ups you'll know that I've done two schemes for guard, one is my older totally loyal regiment and the other is my...

Dropfleet Commander 2.0 – First Impressions

While it may not be the most popular game on the market, Dropfleet Commander is not just a solid naval game with some great models, but also a favorite of several of us here at Goonhammer. It keeps the...

How To Paint Everything: The Leagues of Votann

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. In this article we’re looking at the Leagues...

HTPE: Rockfish’s Iron Warriors

The horrors and life in general have been easing up a bit, and there's nowhere better to start writing again than to talk about yet another new army I've started. In this case, Iron Warriors! I've managed to avoid...

Goonhammer Model Review: Kroot Hound and Lonespear

The second wave of new Kroot releases is going up for preorder today, and Rockfish has been grinding away on a few of the new ones. As always, we'd like to thank Games Workshop for sending us free preview...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Puma Review

If you’ve seen any of our content about Victrix stuff then I expect that most of what I am going to say of this kit isn’t new but it’s always worth repeating, as it's just that good. I genuinely...

How to Paint The Void Dragon: Rockfish’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Necrons. To return to that series, click here. The Void Dragon had long been hinted at in the Necron lore but it wasn't until the launch of 9th...

How to Paint Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise

Games Workshop has a pretty wide range of model material complexity, at one end you can do necron warriors with maybe three at the bare minimum, and at the other you have their mini-dioramas which can include an uncountable...

About Me

Painting ADHD personified, makes up for it by painting really fast.
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