Reece W

The Old World: Kingdom of Bretonnia Faction Review

Why Play Bretonnians Do you love barreling down the battlefield on your majestic steed of renown and mowing down evil in the name of all that is good and righteous? Do you yearn to field an obnoxious amount of unwashed,...

Magic in The Old World: Forces of Fantasy

Today we start our three part mini-series on Magic in The Old World. Reece takes a look through the Forces of Fantasy armies, faction by faction, to break down which Lores they can take and how to make the...

Old World: Reserve Move and You

The Old World is a setting filled with flying monsters, barreling Cavalry, and in some cases locomotive engines. But, today, we'll be talking about one of the fastest and most utility filled rules in the book: Reserve Move.  Spread very...

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Conquest Tactics: City States Faction Focus

Today we look at the City States, one of the most narratively interesting and open factions in Conquest.
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