
How to Paint Hive Fleet Kraken – PierreTheMime’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Tyranids. To return to that series, click here. When I first took up the hobby somewhere around 2004, one of the first things I did after identifying what...

How to Paint Everything: Tentacles

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different techniques, approaches, and color schemes to give you multiple ways to tackle your hobby challenges. In this article we're looking at how...

How to Paint Mortarion – TheChirurgeon’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Death Guard. To return to the parent article, click this link.  Motarion is one of the bigger and more complex/detailed kits that Games Workshop produces, so generally...

How to Paint Mortarion – PierreTheMime’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Death Guard. To return to the parent article, click this link.  Motarion is the largest and most complicated model in the Death Guard range, a daemon primarch...

Eldfall Chronicles Faction Focus: Helian League

This article is part of a sponsored series of articles exploring Freecompany’s Eldfall Chronicles tabletop miniatures game.  Behold the glorious southern realm of the Helian League, a collection of like-minded people intent on upholding justice and defending the people of...

Eldfall Chronicles Faction Focus: Empire of Soga

This article is part of a sponsored series of articles exploring Freecompany’s Eldfall Chronicles tabletop miniatures game.  Welcome, brave adventurer, to the Empire of Soga! A sprawling, wintry domain host to numerous feudal lords, the people of this faction are...

Eldfall Chronicles Faction Focus: Sand Kingdoms

The Sand Kingdoms is a relatively unique faction in Eldfall: every single model has access to some form of magic! What type of magic varies from model to model, but each has potent capabilities to offer up. In this...

Conflict in Calad: An Eldfall Chronicles core game review

There are a lot of tabletop miniature games out there. Be it historical, fantasy, science fiction, or a blend of two or more, there’s a lot to choose from and depending on your time and budget it can be...

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Rumil & Orophin Showcase

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing a preview of these models. As we discussed in the recent Middle Earth Preview Roundtable, there are a grip of Elves incoming! Michael has painted up Rumil & Orophin; brothers of Haldir,...

YOU DYED: A Dark Souls Miniatures Hobby Review

If you've played almost any amount of videogames in the past decade or so, you are no doubt familiar with "Souls" games, FromSoftware's hack-n-slash action RPG franchise that has spanned multiple titles and game systems. The franchise really started...

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