
Battletech: Infantry Overview

Last week we looked at running tanks in Battletech, and this week we're looking at their traditional partners - infantry.

Battletech: A Basic Guide to Tanks

We couldn't ignore Battletech during MECHAHAMMER week. Here's a guide to the basics of why you'd want to bring some tanks in your force

Battletech: A Guide to Common List Archetypes: Part 1

Battletech is a very, very wide game with a lot of possibilities and a ludicrously fragmented meta. I covered the basics of building a good lance/formation a while ago, but one thing not mentioned in that article was what...

Battletech: Mech Overview: Thunderbolt

Perigrin goes on a wild ride through 33 slightly different variants of a single mech, but does not mind due to a misplaced and misguded love of said mech.

Battletech: Mech Overview: Wraith

Battletech Mech Overviews return this week looking at the Wraith, which got a beautiful plastic model in the Alpha Strike box set.

Battletech: Mech Overview: Adder (Puma)

Perigrin is back again with a Battletech Mech Overview, examining the Puma this week.

Battletech: Faction Overview: Mercenaries

Mercenaries have been a huge part of Battletech since the very beginning. In addition to making your own units, there have been a few notable official ones, which Peri is taking a look at.

Battletech: First Solaris 7 Amateur Circuit Tournament Overview

Peri talks about the lessons he learned running his first Battletech tournament at his FLGS.

Battletech: Paint Starter Set Review

Catalyst Game Labs and Army Painter are releasing a paint starter set aimed specifically at battletech. They sent us a copy to review, and Perigrin has given them a go.

Battletech: Alpha Strike Special Pilot Abilities N-Z

Today in Battletech we're covering the second half of the Alpha Strike Special Pilot Abilities.

About Me

Peri is a grognard displaced in time, far too young for their titanic love of old ass game systems and violent defense of THAC0 as a concept. Peri is also the BNC-3Q's strongest soldier.
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Goonhammer Historicals: As Seen in Warhammer

Today in Historicals, we look at how to use non-GW sets based off actual real-world armies to spice up your GW kitbashing.
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